The main structural material of bone.
Calcium phosphate.
What is calcium phosphate?
An insoluble rigid inorganic compound.
Primary protein in connective tissue?
Collagen comprises what percentage of bone?
Why are veal bones commonly used in stocks?
They have a lot of connective tissue.
Why is bone a poor conductor of heat? Does calcium phosphate contribute?
Although CP is a good heat-conducting substance alone, bone is very porous and thus relatively poor conductor of heat.
Why does the poor heat conducting qualities of bone yield a juicier piece of beef?
The meat closest to the bone doesn’t cook quickly–a phenomenon that helps prevent overcooking and moisture loss.
Why is the rarest part of cooked meat next to the bone?
Meat closest to the bone cooks more slowly.
What crucial source of flavor are bones lined with?
Why does fat absorb so much smokey flavor?
A good number of flavor compounds found in smoke vapor are fat-soluble; bone in meat is more likely to absorb flavor from smoke.
Does fat from bones baste meat while it cooks?
What entity in bones adds flavor directly to meat?
Marrow, where blood cells are made, which is rich in fat and other flavor substances.
How does marrow transfer to the meat?
While the bone-in cuts cook, the marrow’s flavor compounds slowly migrate through the porous bone into surrounding meat.
Scraped t-bone placed inside a bed of mashed potatoes and roasted for 1 1/2 hours. Potatoes with bone=in were noticeably meatier. Results: marrow travel from bone to meat.
Center Rib Roast is the pork equivalent of what?
Prime rib or rack of lamb.
What two steaks are a t-bone and/or porterhouse made of?
Strip steak and a filet.
When cooking a t-bone, why would you put the filet portion toward a cooler side of the grill?
Filet side will cook faster than the New York.
What has more beefy flavor, strip steak or filet?
Strip steak
Difference between porterhouse and t-bone?
Porterhouse is just a huge t-bone steak cut further back in the animal. This is why it yield a larger filet.
Normal thickness for t-bone.
1/2 inch
Normal thickness for porterhouse.
1 1/4 inches
What t-bone dish is Florence known for?
Bistecca alla fiorentina - huge t-bone grilled over an oak fire. Steak is seasoned after cooking.
Why pat meat with paper towels before cooking?
Reduces moisture so meat doesn’t steam.
Describe the rib roast, first cut.
Consists of ribs 9 through 12, toward the back of the rib section, closer to the loin and contains the large ribeye muscle. Extremely tender and flavorful. Best when roasted or grill-roasted.
Describe a T-bone steak.
T-shaped bone, which comes from the short loin, separates the long, narrow strip of top loin and a small piece of tenderloin. Since it contains two steaks in one, you receive different textures and flavors.
“Best” way to cook a Porterhouse steak.
Like the T-bone, the porterhouse has well balanced flavor and texture; is also best when grilled.