Physical Training (PAPER 1) Flashcards
what is the deffinition of fitness?
The ability to meet the demands of the environment.
what is the deffinition of health?
A state of complete emotional, physical and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.
what is the deffinition of exercise?
A form of physical activity done to maintain or improve health and/or fitness. It is not competitive sport.
what is the deffinition of performance?
How well a task is completed.
what is the deffinition of cardiovascular fitness?
The ability to exercise the body for long periods of time without tiring
in what sports do you need cardiovascular fitness?
rowing, marathon runnning and long distance swimming
what is the link between health, exercise, fitness and performance?
You can improve your health by taking part in exercise, as it builds up fittness levels, which in turn enables you to perform better.
Regular exercise helps keep you healthy by preventing illness.
Health problems caused by a lack of exercise and a sedentory lifestyle have increased.
Such conditions are called hypokinetic diseases, which include heart disease, high blood pressure and back pain.
Hypokinetic diseases can be relieved by taking exercise.
what is the deffinition of muscular strength?
The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance
in what sports do you need muscular strength?
weight lifing, rock climbing, rugby
what is the deffinition of muscular endurance?
the ability to use voluntary muscles many times without getting tired
in what sports do you need muscular endurance?
netball, swimming, cycling
what is the deffinition of body composition?
the percentage of body weight that is fat, muscle and bone
what is the deffinition of flexibility?
the range of movement around a joint
in what sports do you need flexibility?
dance, gymnastics, trampolining
what is the deffinition of agility?
the ability to control the movement of the whole body and change postion quickly
in what sports do you need agility?
boxing, fencing, football
what is the deffinition of balance?
being able to keep the body stable, while at rest or on motion
in what sports do you need balance?
yoga, gymnastics, dance
what are the two types of balance?
static - keeping the body stable whilst stationary
dynamic - keeping the body stable whilst moving
what is the deffinition of coordination?
the ability to use two or more body parts together
in what sports do you need coordination?
football (foot-eye), tennis (hand-eye), basketball (hand-eye)
what are the different types of coordination?
foot-eye, hand-eye, head-eye
what is the deffinition of power?
the ability to do strength preformances quickly, speed x strength
in what sports do you need power?
sprinting, hammer thrower, dance
what is the deffinition of speed?
the rate at which an individual can preform a movement or cover a distance
in what sports do you need speed?
sprinting, cycling, hurdles
what is the deffinition of reaction time?
the time between the presentation of a stimulus an the onset of movement
in what sports do you need reaction time?
running (start gun), swimming, netball
what are SMART targets?
S - specific
M - measurable
A - achievable
R - realistic
T - time based
what is a training threshold?
a safe and effective level to train at
what is the Aerobic Training Zone?
60%-80% of your MHR (Maximum heart rate), with oxygen
what is the Anaerobic Training Zone?
80%-90% of your MHR (Maximum heart rate), without oxygen
how do you use the Karvonen Formula to find out an individual’s optimum heart rate using your resting heart rate value?
Step 1: 220 - age (=MHR)
Step 2: MHR - RHR (= HRR)
Step 3: (HRR x training%) + RHR = target heart rate
what are the diffrent types of methods of training?
circuit training
continous training
fartlek training
interval training
plyometric training
weight training
what are the advantages and disadvantages of circit training?
Exercises can be matched to specfic needs
It can combine different components of fitness or you can focus on specific components of fitness - person specific
Therefore its suitable for a range of different athletes
Large groups can train at the same time - even if different fitness levels
Reduces Tedium
Can be done indoors or outdoors
The circuit needs to be well planned to avoid repetition of muscle groups
can require a large space
can take a long time to set up
Other methods of training might be more suitable for training some components of fitness e.g Fartlek for cardiovascular, or weight training for strength
what are the advantages and disadvantages of continous training?
Improves aerobic fitness
Can be done individually or in a group
Can be done in a variety of places and times
Can be adapted to individual needs
A wide range of activities can be used, including running, swimming, cycling, as well as exercise machines such as rowing machines
Can be adapted to use the FITT principle
Does not improve anaerobic fitness so games players would need other training as well
Some people find it boring
Outdoor training can be dependent on the weather
what components of fitness does circit training improve?
Circuit training can improve all components of fitness,
depending on the exercises included and how it is organised
what components of fitness does continous training improve?
cardiovascular fitness