Physical Health - Medical IELTS Flashcards
A written order for a medication or treatment provided by a healthcare professional.
Example sentence: The doctor issued a prescription for antibiotics to treat the infection.
A physical or mental feature indicating a medical condition.
Example sentence: Fever is a common symptom of various illnesses, including the flu.
Continuing or recurring over an extended period.
Example sentence: Persistent coughing may be a sign of an underlying respiratory issue.
Regular or habitual, often used to describe medical check-ups.
Example sentence: Routine screenings are essential for detecting health issues early.
To identify a medical condition through examination and analysis of symptoms.
Example sentence: It took the doctor several tests to diagnose the cause of the patient’s fatigue.
To provide medical care or therapy to alleviate symptoms or cure an illness.
Example sentence: Antibiotics are commonly used to treat bacterial infections.
To eliminate or exclude a possibility or diagnosis
Rule out
Example sentence: The doctor ordered additional tests to rule out any serious medical conditions.
To monitor or check on the progress of a patient after initial treatment.
Follow up:
Example sentence: The physician recommended a follow-up appointment to assess the effectiveness of the medication.
Take a pill or medication, often used informally.
Pop a pill:
- Example sentence: If you have a headache, you can pop a pain reliever to ease the discomfort.
Feeling slightly ill or not in good health.
Under the weather:
Example sentence: I’m a bit under the weather today, so I’ll be taking it easy.
To assess one’s current state or condition.
Take one’s temperature:
Example sentence: The doctor decided to take the patient’s temperature by conducting additional tests.
A record of a person’s health, illnesses, and treatments.
Medical history:
- Example sentence: Providing a detailed medical history is important for accurate diagnosis.
Unintended reactions or consequences of a medication or treatment.
Side effects:
Example sentence: Before starting a new medication, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects.
A research study involving human participants to test the safety and efficacy of medical interventions.w
Clinical trial:
Example sentence: The new drug is currently in the clinical trial phase to assess its effectiveness.
The provision of medical treatment and support to individuals seeking healthcare services.
Patient care:
Example sentence: The hospital is committed to delivering high-quality patient care through specialized services.
Following the recommendations or instructions provided by a doctor.
Doc’s orders
- Example sentence: I need to rest this weekend; it’s doc’s orders after the surgery.
Informal Language:
Feeling unwell or experiencing discomfort.
Feel lousy:
Example sentence: I’ve been feeling lousy since yesterday; I think I caught a cold.
A sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
- Example sentence: Chronic stress can contribute to insomnia, affecting both mental and physical health.
A substance that causes an allergic reaction in the body.
Example sentence: Identifying common allergens is crucial for individuals with allergies to manage their health.
Having the ability to withstand the effects of a particular treatment or condition.
Example sentence: Some bacteria become resistant to antibiotics over time, posing a challenge for medical treatment.
To make a medical condition or symptom more severe.
- Example sentence: Smoking can exacerbate respiratory problems and worsen lung health.
To observe or track the progress of a medical condition over time.
Example sentence: Doctors often monitor blood pressure regularly to assess cardiovascular health.
In a methodical and organized manner.
Example sentence: Doctors systematically review patient records to identify patterns and trends.
To gradually reduce dependence on a medication or substance.
Wean off:
- Example sentence: The doctor recommended a plan to wean the patient off the pain medication.
To supplement or add to something, often used with medications or treatments.
Top up:
Example sentence: Patients may need to top up their medication if symptoms persist.
Recovered from a serious illness or no longer in a critical condition.
Out of the woods:
- Example sentence: Thanks to effective treatment, the patient is now out of the woods and on the path to recovery.
Facing a similar challenge or situation.
In the same boat:
Example sentence: Many individuals with chronic conditions are in the same boat and share experiences in support groups.
A thorough assessment of a person’s physical condition by a healthcare professional.
Medical examination
- Example sentence: An annual medical examination is recommended for early detection of potential health issues.
The extent of financial protection provided by an insurance policy for medical expenses.
Health insurance coverage:
Example sentence: Having comprehensive health insurance coverage is crucial for managing healthcare costs.
Procedures or actions taken by healthcare professionals to treat or manage a medical condition.
Medical intervention:
Example sentence: Medical intervention may be necessary to address severe cases of chronic diseases.
Treatment intended to relieve or heal a medical condition, often involving counseling or rehabilitation.
- Example sentence: Cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective in managing mental health conditions.
A product taken to enhance the diet, often providing essential vitamins or minerals.
Dietary supplement:
Example sentence: Some individuals take dietary supplements to ensure they meet their nutritional needs.
Not involving surgery or other procedures that penetrate the body.
. Non-invasive
- Example sentence: Ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic tool commonly used in prenatal care.
Capable of spreading diseases or infections.
Example sentence: Vaccination is crucial for preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
To recommend and authorize the use of a medication or treatment.
- Example sentence: The doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection.
To restore someone to health or normal life through therapeutic measures.
Example sentence: Physical therapy is essential to rehabilitate patients recovering from injuries.
Taking initiative or preventative action to maintain good health.
- Example sentence: Proactively managing stress can prevent various health issues.
To review or refresh one’s knowledge or skills.
Brush up on
- Example sentence: Before the exam, it’s a good idea to brush up on the key concepts.
To gradually reduce the dosage or frequency of a medication.
Taper off:
Example sentence: It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional when tapering off certain medications.
A saying emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle for overall well-being.
Example sentence: Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so prioritize your nutrition.
To become infected with a virus or bacteria.
Catch a bug
Example sentence: Wash your hands regularly to reduce the risk of catching a bug during flu season.
A significant discovery or development in medical science.
Medical breakthrough
- Example sentence: The new treatment represents a medical breakthrough in the fight against certain diseases.
Strategies and interventions to alleviate or control physical discomfort.
Pain management:
Example sentence: Effective pain management is essential for patients recovering from surgery.
The increased likelihood of developing a certain condition based on genetic factors.
Genetic predisposition:
- Example sentence: Understanding one’s genetic predisposition can help in proactive health management.
A healthcare approach informed by scientific research and empirical evidence.
Evidence-based practice:
Example sentence: Evidence-based practice ensures that medical interventions are supported by reliable data.
Informal expression for a common illness or infection circulating in a community.
Bug going around
- Example sentence: Be cautious; there’s a stomach bug going around the office.
Informal expression for experiencing mild sadness or low mood.
Feeling the blues:
Example sentence: I’ve been feeling the blues lately, so I’m trying to focus on self-care.
A comprehensive strategy that considers all aspects of a person’s well-being, including physical, mental, and social factors.
Holistic approach
- Example sentence: Integrating a holistic approach to healthcare addresses the patient’s overall health and lifestyle.
Analyzing an individual’s DNA to identify genetic variations or predispositions.
Genetic testing
Example sentence: Genetic testing can provide valuable information about a person’s risk for certain hereditary conditions.
Capable of being maintained over the long term without causing harm to the environment or health.
- Example sentence: Choosing sustainable and organic foods contributes to both personal and environmental well-being.
Involving medical procedures that penetrate the body, often used in the context of surgeries.
Example sentence: Invasive procedures carry certain risks and may require careful consideration before being recommended.
To adjust or modify in response to changing circumstances.
- Example sentence: It’s important to adapt your exercise routine as your fitness levels improve.
To inquire about someone’s well-being or monitor their progress.
Check in on:
- Example sentence: Friends and family often check in on individuals recovering from surgery to offer support.
Recovered and moving around after an illness or injury.
Up and about:
- Example sentence: After a few days of rest, he’s up and about, resuming his daily activities.
A brief and intense learning experience or introduction to a subject
Crash course: .
Example sentence: Before starting a new fitness routine, consider taking a crash course in basic exercise principles.
A long-term medical condition that requires ongoing management.
Chronic condition:
- Example sentence: Living with a chronic condition necessitates regular medical check-ups and lifestyle adjustments.
Variables that increase the likelihood of developing health issues.
Health risk factors:
Example sentence: Identifying and addressing health risk factors is crucial for preventive healthcare.
Informal expression for calming down or relaxing.
Take a chill pill:
- Example sentence: When stressed, it’s essential to take a chill pill and find a moment of peace.
Informal expression for an instinctive or intuitive sense about a situation.
Gut feeling:
Example sentence: Trust your gut feeling when making decisions about your health.
Recovered from an illness or setback and able to resume normal activities.
Back on one’s feet:
Example sentence: After a week of rest, she’s back on her feet and ready to return to work.
Able to adjust or respond to changing circumstances, often used in the context of the immune system.
- Example sentence: An adaptive immune system helps the body defend against various pathogens.
Over a period of time, slowly.
Example sentence: With proper medication, the patient’s condition improved gradually.