Childhood IELTS Flashcards
The period of time when a person is a child.
Example: “He had a happy childhood full of adventures.”
An outdoor area where children can play.
Example: “The children spent hours on the playground.”
The ability to form ideas or images in your mind.
Example: “Children have vivid imaginations.”
Objects for children to play with.
Example: “Her favorite toys were dolls and building blocks.”
Recollections of past events.
Example: “My childhood memories are filled with family holidays.”
Full of fun and high spirits.
Example: “The playful kitten entertained the children.”
Free from moral wrong; not corrupted
Example: “Her innocent smile reminded me of my childhood.”
Eager to know or learn something.
Example: “Children are naturally curious about the world.”
Willing to take risks or try out new methods.
Example: “He had an adventurous spirit even as a child.”
Free from worries or responsibilities.
Example: “Summer vacations were carefree and fun.”
To increase in size, age, or maturity.
Example: “Children grow so quickly.”
Engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation.
Example: “The kids love to play outside.”
Travel through an area to learn about it.
Example: “They used to explore the woods near their house.”
Gain or acquire knowledge or skill.
Example: “Children learn new things every day.”
Form a mental image or concept.
Example: “She liked to imagine she was a princess.”
In a way that shows eagerness to know or learn.
Example: “He looked at the new toy curiously.”
Without care or concern.
Example: “He threw his toys around carelessly.”
In a way that is willing to take risks.
Example: “They adventurously climbed the trees.”
: In a way that shows a lack of guilt or corruption.
Example: “She innocently asked if the tooth fairy was real.”
To mature or become an adult.
Grow up
Example: “He grew up in a small town.”
To take care of someone.
Look after:
Example: “She had to look after her younger brother.”
To raise a child.
Bring up
Example: “They brought up their children in a loving home.”
To play actively.
Run around
Example: “The kids were running around the yard.”
To have a friendly relationship.
Get along:
Example: “The siblings always got along well.”
Activities or things suitable for children.
Kid stuff:
Example: “I used to love kid stuff like cartoons.”
To engage in playful or aimless activity.
Mess around:
Example: “They were just messing around in the backyard.”
Example: “They spent the afternoon in make-believe worlds.”
Imaginary play.
To spend time relaxing.
Hang out:
Example: “They loved to hang out at the local park.”
To relax.
Chill out:
Example: “After school, they would chill out with some snacks.”
Extremely happy and excited.
Like a kid in a candy store:
Example: “He was like a kid in a candy store when he saw the toy section.”
Something very easy to do.
Child’s play
Example: “Fixing this toy is child’s play for him.”
To have an outburst of childish anger.
Throw a tantrum
Example: “She threw a tantrum when she couldn’t get her way.”
Very quickly.
In the blink of an eye
Example: “Childhood seems to pass in the blink of an eye.”
Children often speak wisely or truthfully.
Out of the mouths of babes:
Example: “Out of the mouths of babes came a surprisingly insightful comment.”
A joyful and pleasant period of being a child.
Happy childhood
Example: “She often reminisces about her happy childhood.”
Recollections from early in life.
Early memories
Example: “His early memories are filled with family outings.”
Friends from one’s childhood.
Childhood friends:
Example: “She still keeps in touch with her childhood friends.”
Activities children do for fun.
Playtime activities:
Example: “Reading was one of her favorite playtime activities.”
Supervision by parents
Parental guidance:
Example: “Some movies require parental guidance.”
The different phases of growth in a child.
Developmental stages:
Example: “Understanding the developmental stages is crucial for educators.”
Relating to young people.
Example: “The juvenile period is marked by significant growth and learning.”
The method and practice of teaching.
Example: “Effective pedagogy is essential for early childhood education.”
The construction of thought processes.
Cognitive development:
Example: “Toys that promote cognitive development are beneficial for young children.”
To care for and encourage the growth of.
Example: “Parents and teachers both play roles in nurturing a child’s talents.”
A badly behaved child. (Informal)
Example: “That kid is acting like such a brat today.”
A young child (often used affectionately).(Informal)
Example: “I spent the day with my little rugrat.”
A small child. (Informal)
Example: “The park is full of kiddies playing.”
A room or place set apart for young children.
Example: “The nursery was filled with colorful toys.”
A box filled with sand for children to play in.
Example: “They built sandcastles in the sandbox.”
A children’s story about magical and imaginary beings and lands.
Fairy tale:
Example: “She loved listening to fairy tales before bed.”
A stick of colored wax used for drawing
Example: “He drew a picture with his crayons.”
An arranged time for children to play together.
Example: “They had a playdate every Friday.”
Showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.
Example: “The mischievous child hid his sister’s toy.”
Prone to giggling
Example: “The giggly children found everything funny.”
Prone to giggling.
Example: “The giggly children found everything funny.”
Full of life and energy.
Example: “The lively classroom was buzzing with excitement.”
To act as if something is true when it is not.
Example: “They pretended to be superheroes.”
To remember something.
Example: “She could recollect many fond memories from her childhood.”
To form a close relationship.
Example: “The siblings bonded over their love of games.”
With affection or liking.
Example: “She fondly remembered her childhood summers.”
To become too mature for something.
Grow out of:
Example: “He grew out of his toys and started reading books.”
To behave badly.
Act up:
Example: “The kids acted up during the long car ride.”
To become calm or quiet
Settle down:
Example: “The children finally settled down for their nap.”
To leave quickly, often to play.
Run off:
Example: “As soon as school ended, they ran off to play.”
To tolerate or endure something.
Put up with:
Example: “Parents often put up with their children’s antics.”
An older child or someone acting like an older child.
Big kid:
Example: “He still acts like a big kid at heart.”
To behave in an uncontrolled way.
Run wild:
Example: “The kids were allowed to run wild at the party.”
Very lively and energetic.
Full of beans:
Example: “The children were full of beans after their snack.”
To have a great time.
Have a blast:
Example: “They had a blast at the amusement park.”
A sentimental journey to the past.
Nostalgia trip
Example: “Looking through old photos was a nostalgia trip.”
To have a youthful spirit
Be a child at heart:
Example: “Even as an adult, he is a child at heart.”
Having a youthful outlook.
Young at heart:
Example: “She may be old in years, but she is young at heart.”
Something very easy to do.
Child’s play:
Example: “Solving that puzzle was child’s play for her.”
To think fondly of the past.
Remember the good old days:
Example: “They often reminisce and remember the good old days.”
The process of growing and maturing during childhood
Childhood development:
Example: “Childhood development is influenced by many factors.”
The participation of parents in their child’s life.
Parental involvement:
Example: “Parental involvement is crucial for a child’s success.”
Activities or rituals passed down through generations.
Family tradition:
Example: “One family tradition is to go camping every summer.”
A party or event to celebrate someone’s birthday.
Birthday celebration
Example: “Her 10th birthday celebration was memorable.”
The abilities to interact effectively with others.
Social skills:
Example: “Playtime helps children develop their social skills.”
Participation in illegal behavior by minors.
Juvenile delinquency:
Example: “Programs to prevent juvenile delinquency are important.”
Example: “Early childhood education boosts cognitive abilities.”
Cognitive abilities:
Significant points of progress in a child’s development.
Developmental milestones:
Example: “Walking and talking are key developmental milestones.”
The development of social and emotional skills.
Socioemotional growth:
Example: “Socioemotional growth is critical during early childhood.”
A child who often causes trouble. (Informal)
Example: “He’s a bit of a troublemaker in class.”
A very young child. (Informal)
Example: “The tots were playing in the sandbox.”
A bratty or disrespectful child. (Informal)
Example: “He was acting like a snot-nosed kid.”
To behave uncontrollably. (Informal)
Run amok:
Example: “The kids ran amok at the birthday party.”
A story read or told to a child at bedtime.
Bedtime story:
Example: “She loved hearing a bedtime story every night.”
A place where young children are cared for during the day.
Example: “She works at a daycare and loves caring for the kids.”
A rubber or plastic nipple given to an infant to suck upon.
Example: “The baby wouldn’t sleep without his pacifier.”
A book containing stories for children.
Example: “She read a storybook to the class.”
A traditional poem or song for children.
Nursery rhyme:
Example: “He enjoyed singing nursery rhymes.”
A television show or short film made using animation.
Example: “Saturday mornings were for watching cartoons.”
Showing a lack of courage or confidence.
Example: “The timid child hid behind his mother.”
Eager to know or learn something
Example: “Children are naturally curious about everything.”
Full of fun and high spirits.
Example: “The frolicsome kids played in the park.”
Noisy, energetic, and cheerful.
Example: “The boisterous group of children ran around the playground.”
Showing gentleness and concern or sympathy.
Example: “The mother gave her child a tender hug.”
To hold something dear.
Example: “She cherishes the time spent with her children.”
To entertain or occupy in a light, playful manner.
Example: “He amuses the kids with his funny stories.”
To hold close in one’s arms.
Example: “The child cuddled with his teddy bear.”
To remember something.
Example: “He could recollect every detail of his childhood home.”
To invent a story or game
Make up:
Example: “The children loved to make up their own adventures.”
To develop into a particular type of person or thing.
Grow into
Example: “He grew into a responsible adult.”
To leave unexpectedly or secretly.
Run away:
Example: “The toddler tried to run away in the park.”
To visit someone’s house.
Come over:
Example: “His friends often come over to play.”
To do something, often something mischievous.
Get up to:
Example: “What did you get up to as a kid?”
Very lively and energetic.
Full of beans:
Example: “The children were full of beans after their snack.”
To have a great time.
Have a blast:
Example: “They had a blast at the amusement park.”
A game where one person hides and others seek
Hide and Seek:
Example: “Playing hide and seek was our favorite pastime.”
A game where one person chases others and tries to tag them.
Example: “We spent hours playing tag in the yard.”
Games played on a board, often with pieces and dice.
Board Games:
Example: “Family nights were filled with board games like Monopoly.”
Animated television shows.
Example: “Saturday mornings were reserved for watching cartoons.”
A structure built in the branches of a tree.
Example: “Our treehouse was the perfect hideout for adventures.”
Full of joy.
Example: “Our playtimes were always joyful.”
Full of fun.
Example: “Every day after school was fun-filled.”
Bring something into existence.
Example: “Creating art projects kept us busy for hours.”
Find something unexpectedly.
Example: “Discovering new places in the neighborhood was thrilling.”
Participate in.
Take part in:
Example: “I loved to take part in school plays.”
Participate in an activity.
Join in:
Example: “We often joined in the street hockey games.”
Spend time doing various things that are not important.
Mess around:
Example: “We loved to mess around with arts and crafts.”
A game where a can is kicked as part of the play.
Kick the can
Example: “Kick the can was a staple of our summer evenings.”
Construct small structures to play in.
Build forts:
Example: “Building forts out of blankets was so much fun.”
A game involving jumping over a rope swung under the feet.
Jump rope:
Example: “We spent hours jump roping in the driveway.”
To think back on past enjoyable times.
Relive the good old days:
Example: “We often relive the good old days of playing in the yard.”
To have a great time.
Have a whale of a time:
Example: “We had a whale of a time at the amusement park.”
To have unrealistic or overly idealistic ideas.
Live in a dream world:
Example: “Playing house made us feel like we were living in a dream world.”
Use time doing something enjoyable.
Spend time:
Example: “We loved to spend time at the playground.”
Enjoy oneself.
Have fun:
Example: “We always had fun riding our bikes.”
Create memorable experiences.
Make memories:
Example: “Camping trips were a way to make memories.”
Experience exciting events together.
Share adventures:
Example: “We often shared adventures during our summer vacations.”
Someone who takes care of another person, especially a child or dependent.
Example: “She’s not just their mother; she’s their primary caregiver.”
Someone who shields or defends others from harm.
Example: “As a father, his role was always that of a protector.”
Someone who serves as an example, especially for their children.
Role Model:
Example: “Parents are often the first and most influential role models for their kids.”
Someone who provides encouragement and assistance.
Example: “Her parents have always been her biggest supporters in pursuing her dreams.”
Someone who supplies necessities or financial support.
Example: “As the family’s main provider, he worked tirelessly to ensure their needs were met.”
Committed and devoted to their role as parents.
Example: “They are dedicated parents who prioritize their children’s well-being.”
Showing deep affection and care.
Example: “Their loving relationship is evident in how they raise their children.”
Able to tolerate delays or difficulties calmly.
Example: “His patient demeanor helps him handle their children’s tantrums.”
Providing encouragement and assistance.
Example: “They are always supportive of their children’s aspirations.”
To lead or direct someone.
Example: “They strive to guide their children towards making good decisions.”
To impart knowledge or skills to someone.
Example: “Parents teach their children valuable life lessons.”
To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.
Example: “They encourage their children to pursue their passions.”
In a reliable manner, consistently.
Example: “He reliably picks up his kids from school every day.”
In a diligent manner, with careful and persistent effort.
Example: “She diligently prepares nutritious meals for her family.”
To raise and care for children.
Bring up:
Example: “They bring up their children with strong values.”
To take care of someone.
Look after:
Example: “She looks after her children while juggling a full-time job.”
To encourage someone to show their best qualities.
Bring out:
Example: “Her parents always bring out the best in her.”
To establish a stable life, often with a family.
Settle down
Example: “They settled down in a quiet neighborhood to raise their children.”
To make sure someone is okay or needs help.
Check in on:
Example: “They always check in on their kids before bedtime.”
Family relationships are stronger than other relationships.
Blood is thicker than water
Example: “They stood by each other’s side, knowing that blood is thicker than water.”
Someone who resembles their parents in character or behavior.
A chip off the old block:
Example: “Their son is a chip off the old block; he’s just as ambitious as his father.”
A son who is similar to his father in character or behavior.
Like father, like son:
Example: “He’s a lawyer, and his son is studying law too—like father, like son.”
Family is the most important thing.
Family comes first:
Example: “They believe in putting family first in all decisions.”
To care for and educate children.
Raise children
Example: “They work hard to raise their children to be responsible adults.”
A particular way of raising children.
Parenting style
Example: “Their strict parenting style helps maintain discipline.”
Someone who raises a child alone, without a partner.
Single parent:
Example: “Being a single parent comes with its own set of challenges.”