What is the function of the penis?
Excrete urine and introduce semen into the vagina
What is a slit-like opening about 2mm ventral to the tip of the glans?
Urethral orifice
Spermatogenesis requires temps lower than what?
37 degrees celsius
What do the testicles produce ?
- Spermatozoa
2. Testosterone
What provides for the storage, maturation, and transmission of the sperm?
The prostate produces the major volume of ejaculatory fluid, containing what that liquefies coagulated semen?
Fibrinolysin enzyme
What extends from the prostate to the posterior surface of the bladder?
Seminal vesicles
How much blood fills the corpora cavernosa during an erection?
20-50mL of blood
External genitalia are the same for males and females at 8 weeks of gestation but differentiation occurs by what week?
12th week of gestation
Separation of the prepuce from the glans is usually incomplete at birth and may remain so until what age in uncircumcised males?
3-4 y/o
What is phimosis ?
the foreskin is tight and cant be retracted
Scrotal lumps may be caused by what?
sebaceous cysts
Uncircumcised males may have what as a result of nonretractable foreskin?
A pin point urethral opening suggest what?
meatal stenosis
A beaded or lumpy vas deferens suggests what?
- Diabetes
- Tuberculosis
- Inflammatory changes
What is the diameter of the testicle of a newborn?
Newborn scrotum without rugae and testes suggests what?
preterm birth
A hard, enlarged painless testicle may indicate what?
Femoral hernia occur at the ____, where the femoral artery exits the abdomen and are more common in females than males
fossa ovalis
What is the inability to replace the foreskin to its usual position after it has been retracted behind the glans ?
What is a congenital defect in which the urethral meatus is located on the ventral surface of the glans, penile shaft, or perineal area?
Most commonly located on the glans, syphilitic chancre lesion of primary syphilis generally occur how long after exposure?
2 weeks
What is a soft, reddish lesion that arises because of an infection with a papovirus?
May undergo malignant degeneration to squamous cell carcinoma
Condyloma acuminatum
What is an STI caused by a chlamydial organism, with the initial lesion being a painless erosion at or near the coronal sulcus?
Lymphogranuloma venereum
What STI is caused by a poxvirus and presents with pearly gray lesions that are often umbilicated, smooth, dome shaped, with discrete margins?
Molluscum contagiosum
What disease is characterized by a fibrous band in the corpus cavernosum that results in deviation of the penis during erection?
Peyronie disease
What is a nontender, smooth, firm mass that results from fluid accumulation in the tunica vaginalis and will transilluminate?
What is a cystic swelling that occurs on the epididymis?
What is known as an abnormal tortuosity and dilation of the pampiniform plexus within the spermatic cord; most common on the left side and is painful; occurs in boys and young men and associated with decreased fertility?
Is testicular torsion a medical emergency?