Physical Diagnosis 2 Flashcards
Tracheal deviation causes
- large pleural effusion,
- large PTX
- Mass
Cheyne Stokes Breathing
- Gradualing increasing and decreasing resps w/ periods of apnea
- HF, uremia, drugs, brain damage
- can be normal in sleeping children/elderly
Kussmaul Breathing
Metabolic acidosis
Biots breathing
irregular, unpredictable, intermittent apnea
Respiratory depression, brain damage
Causes of limited chest excursion
- pleural fibrosis
- pleural effusion
- lobar pneumonia
- pain/splinting
What increases tactile fremitus?
Everything else decreases
Hyper resonance
Very loud, low pitch, long duration.
loud, low pitch, long duration
Chronic bronchitis
Loud, high pitch, moderate duration.
Large PTX
medium, moderate pitch, moderate duration.
Pneumonia, pleural effusion
soft, high pitch, short duration
pleural effusion
Tracheal breath sounds
Insp = Exp, loud, high pitch
Bronchial breath sounds
insp < exp, loud, high pitch
Bronchovesicular breath sounds
insp = exp, moderately loud, moderate pitch
vesicular breath soulnds
insp > exp, soft, low pitch
Positive egophony or bronchophony indicates…
lung consolidation or collapse, pneumonia, atelectasis, tumors
Crackles indicate…
bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis, CHF
rhonchi indicates…
secretions in large airways… chronic bronchitis
wheeze indicates
airflow through narrow bronchi… asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis, bronchus obstruction
Pleural friction rub indicates…
recent URI, pneumonia
Mediastical crunch
Hamman’s sign. Crackles in sync w/ heartbeat seen w/ mediastinal emphysema
Percussion: dull
Breath Sounds: bronchial, crackles
+ bronchophony, egophony, whispered pectoriloquy
increased tactile fremitus
Percussion: dull to flat
Breath sounds: decreased or absent
Decreased voice sounds
Decreased tactile fremitus
Pleural effusion
Percussion: hyperresonant or tympanic
Breath sounds: decreased, possible pleural rub
Voice sounds: decreased
Fremitus: decreased
percussion: diffusely hyperresonant
breath sounds: decreased
voice sounds: decreased
fremitus: decreased
increased AP diameter
percussion: resonant, diffusely hyperresonant
breath sounds: wheeze, crackles
voice sounds: decreased
fremitus: decreased
accessory muscle use:
percussion: resonant
breath sounds: vesicular, crackles, wheezes, rhonchi
voice sounds: normal
fremitus: normal
chronic bronchitis
Ejection click:
valve disease, dilated aorta/pulm a.