Physical Diagnosis 1 Flashcards
Winged Scapula
paralysis of serratus anterior via long thoracic n.
ROM Shoulder Testing
Active and Passive
- Forward Flexion/Extension
- Abduction/Adduction
- Internal/external rotation
rotator cuff function
Abduction: supraspinatus
External rotation: 20% teres minor, 80% infraspinatus
Internal rotation: subscapularis
Painful Arc Test
- Tests for: Shoulder Impingement
- Positive: pain between 60 and 120 degrees
- DDx: subacromial impingement, rotator cuff tendonitis
- Tests for: Shoulder Impingement
- Positive: pain w/ internal rotation. (90: mild, 60-70: moderate, 45: severe)
- DDx: supraspinatous impingement, rotator cuff tendonitis
- Tests for: Shoulder impingement
- Positive: pain
- DDx: supraspinatus impingement, rotator cuff tendonitis
External lag
- Tests for: rotator cuff tear
- Positive: inability to maintain external rotation
- DDx: supraspinatus pathology
external rotation resistance
- Tests for: rotator cuff tear
- Positive: pain or weakness
- DDx: infraspinatus pathology
Gerber Lift Off
- Tests for: Subscapularis tear
- Positive: inability to resist
- DDx: subscapularis pathology
Empty Can (Jobe’s Test)
- Tests for: supraspinatus tear
- Positive: weakness or pain
- DDx: rotator cuff tear, tendinopathy
Drop Arm Test
- Tests for: rotator cuff tear
- Positive: weakness, difficulty with smooth ROM
- DDx: rotator cuff tear, tendinopathy
Apley Scratch Test
- Tests for: rotator cuff tear, adhesive capsulitis
- Positive: asymmetry in comparing ROM
- DDx: Rotator cuff pathology, labral pathology, arthritis, adhesive capsulitis
Apprehension, relocation and release
- Tests for: Shoulder instability
- Positive: pain/apprehension relieved by relocation
- DDx: shoulder laxity, instability
Sulcus sign
- Tests for: shoulder instability
- Positive: 2cm or more depression of humeral head
- DDx: inferior shoulder instability, subluxation
- Tests for: biceps tendon injury
- Positive: pain, popping, clicking
- DDx: biceps tendonitis, biceps subluxation
- Tests for: biceps tendon injury
- Positive: pain
- DDx: biceps tendonitis
Cross-body adduction
- Tests for:
- Positive:
- DDx: AC pathology
O’Brien’s Test
- Tests for: Labral, AC, biceps injury depending on location
- Positive: pain
Elbow ROM and Strength testing
Passive and active:
- Flexion/Extension
- Supination/pronation
- Radial/Ulnar deviation
- golfer’s elbow: medial epicondyle with flexion
2. tennis elbow: lateral epicondyle with extension
Olecranon bursitis
- Inflammation of bursa w/ fluid accumulation
2. pain suggests trauma or infection
Tinel’s sign at elbow:
- Cubital Tunnel Syndrome (percuss ulnar nerve)
2. Positive: shooting electric sensation or paresthesia over ulnar n. distro
Subcutaneous Nodules (forearm)
- suggests gouty tophi, rheumatoid arthritis
Colles’ Fracture
- Distal radius fracture
2. Dinner fork deformity
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- median n. compression
2. results in neuropathy, paresthesias, thenar atrophy
Tinel’s sign at wrist
- Tests for carpal tunnel syndrome, palpation of median nerve with extended wrist
- Positive: shooting electric sensation, paresthesia in median n. distro
Phalen’s Test
- Carpal tunnel Syndrome
2. Positive: paresthesia in the distro of median n.
de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
- inflammation of 1st dorsal compartment involving abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis
- Caused by overuse, gripping
Finkelstein Test
- test for de Quervain’s
2. positive: pain along 1st dorsal compartment
Ganglion cysts
- dorsal radial and volar aspects of wrist
- palpate for soft mobile mass
- may restrict motion or become painful
anatomic snuffbox palpation
- test for scaphoid fracture
Radial deviation of hand
- test for osteoarthritis
ulnar deviation of hand
- test for rheumatoid arthritis
Swan Neck
- hyperextension of PIP joints with fixed flexion of DIPs
- Flexion of PIP joint w/ hyperextension of DIP
Heberden’s nodes
- Degenerative osteoarthritis
2. on DIPs
Bouchard’s nodes
- swelling of PIP, RA
Neuro check of hands
- brachial pulse
- radial pulse
- sensory over radial n. (over post. thumb)
- sensory over median n. (distal ant. digit 2)
- sensory over ulnar n. (distal ant. digit 5)
- Motor of median: “ok” sign, opposition
- motor of ulnar: extend digits, cross digit 2 over digit 1
- motor of radial n.: flex fingers w/ thumb abducted.
CN V tests
- Sensory: light touch over ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular nn.
- Motor: palpate masseter
CN VII tests
- facial symmetry w/ eyebrows raised, eyes squeezed shut, puff out cheeks, smile
Temporal a. auscultation
- bruits indicates giant cell (temporal) arteritis
- adults over 50
- jaw claudication
- elevated ESR
- polymyalgia rheumatica
Rosenbaum pocket chart
- screens for presbyopia (impaired near vision)
2. bedside screen @ 14 in.