Pediatrics Exam 2 Flashcards
Congenital Melanocytic Nevi
proliferation of benign melanocytes
Congenital Melanocytic Nevi
- Macules, papules, plaques present at birth
- +/- hair
- may change w/ time
- grow in proportion to size
Congenital Melanocytic Nevi
Malignancy risk
- Small/medium CMN have < 1% risk of malignancy
- Large/Giant lesions 0-7.6% risk. Avg. is 2%
Mongolian Spot
Congenital Dermal Melanocytosis
Mongolian Spot
- Most common pigmented lesion in infants. fade by 2 y/o, disappear by 10
- bluish-grey patch
- irregular border and normal texture
- buttocks, low back
- Asian, black, hispanic
- Present at birth, evident in 1st weeks
Nevus Sebaceous
- hyperplasia of epidermis, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, apocrine glands
Nevus Sebaceous
- scalp/face
- waxy, solitary, smooth, yellow-orange, hairless
- oval/linear
- more pronounced in adolescence
Nevus Sebaceous
- atypical = histological eval
2. BCC or other malignancy may arise from lesion
Nevus Sebaceous
- only if concerning changes observed
Aplasia Cutis Congenita
- absence of skin present at birth
2. localized or widespread
Aplasia Cutis Congenita
- midline, posterior scalp
- +/- bulla
- +/- other dev abnormalities
- well demarcated
Aplasia Cutis Congenita
- size, depth, location dependant
- gentle cleansing, ointment
- hypertrophic scarring
- neurosug referr for large/multiple defects
Cafe-Au-Lait Macules
- Discrete, uniformly pigmented macules/patches
- M/c in AA, hisp, asian, white
- present at birth, early childhood
- associated w/ macune-albright or NF1
- cafe-au-lait macules
- axillary/inguinal freckling
- neurofibromas
- lisch nodules
- optic gliomas
Port-Wine Stain
- cutaneous capillary malformation
Port-Wine Stain
- present at birth, no regression
- pink, dark red patches that may get darker
- associated c soft tissue, bony overgrowth. sturge weber syndrome, congenital glaucoma
Port-Wine Stain
- depends on size, location, cosmetic impact
- pulse dye laser: intravascular coagulation
- Vascular specialist if widespread
Infantile Hemangioma
- common benign vascular tumor
2. Risk factors: low birth weight, female, twins, fair skin
Infantile Hemangioma
- appears shortly after birth
- superficial, deep or mixed: superficial = bright read, deep = bluish border
- Ulceration common complication
Infantile Hemangioma
- proliferative phase: Early
- rapid growth during 1st 3 months - Proliferative phase: late
- less rapid, still ongoing
- completed typically by 9 mo - Involution Phase: color darkens, tumor softens.
Nevus Simplex
- faint, transient
- flat, pink/red patch
- midline forehead, scalp, upper eyelids, posterior neck and back
- “stork bite” or “angel kiss”
- most common pediatric vascular lesion
- fade w/in 1-2 years
Pyogenic Granuloma
- acquired lobular vascular tumor
- hands, fingers, face, mucous membranes
- develop rapidly
- extremely friable
- recur despite tx
Pyogenic Granuloma
- biopsy to confirm dx
- surgical excision w/ primary closure - high risk of recurrence, tx is traumatic
Diaper Dermatitis
- irritant/contact dermatitis
2. may be caused by seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis
Diaper Dermatitis
- excessive moisture, friction, increased pH
2. macerated skin, infx from urine/feces
Diaper dermatitis
- Episodic, varying severity
- candidal superinfection: beefy red plaques in intertriginous regions
- Impetigo: s. aureus/pyogenes. fragile honey crusted pustules/erosions
Diaper Dermatitis
- frequent diaper changes
- air exposure
- gentle cleansing
- fragrance free baby wipes
Diaper Dermatitis
- OTC pasts, ointments
- low-potency topical CS
- breast milk
- antifungals
- topical/systemic abx
Neonatal Cephalic Pustulosis
- Not true acne - malassezia colonization
- self-limited
- present first 2-3 weeks, resolves by 6-12 months
Neonatal acne
Presentation & Tx
- no comedones
- Presents w/ papules pustules on forehead, nose cheeks
Tx: mild cleansing w/ soap and water.
Ketoconazole, hydrocortisone
Resolves by 4 mo
Infantile Acne
Presents at 3-4 mo, resolves by 2-3 y/o
hyperplasia of sebaceous glands
papules, pustules, comedones
Infantile Acne
benzoyl peroxide, topical abx, topical retinoids
oral tx in severe cases
What differentiates periosteum in pediatric pts?
More metabolically active
thicker and more durable