physchology 14.9.22 Flashcards
What is psychology and behaviour?
Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour.
Behaviour is every measurable internal and external activity a living thing does.
What major areas do psychologists work in?
-The laboratory and natural settings.
-Mental facilities and community centers.
-Schools and learning centers.
-The workforce and companies.
Who are the key figures of psychology and what did they offer?
-William James: wanted to understand the differences between individuals
-Wilhem Wundt: studied the conscious mind and used a method introspection: looking inside oneself and describing what’s going on.
-John B. Watson: believed behaviour is the main subject not the mind. He came up with the behaviourism theory.
-Sigmund Frued: focused on how the unconscious mind affects the development of someones personally. He was founder of psychologists.
What are the 7 approaches?
behavioural,cognitive, psychodynamic, evolutionary, biological, humanistic, sociocultural
What do psychologists determine to be the most accurate view or definition of the mind?
The mind is what the brain does.