phrasal T-W Flashcards
100 meanings
try a clothe
to try on
to test or use something experimentally, something new
Try out
scientists are ………a new drug in the fight against the disease (essayer )
Trying out
Try out
Try out
a tryout (try-out)
tester, essayer
passer une audition ,
une épreuve de sélection
to change something unsuccessful into something successful
Turn around
When the puppy was adopted , his life …….
Turned around
Turn around
se retourner (move to face away) tourner , pivoter (spin , rotate) faire demi tour tourner autour se transformer, (transform) reprendre sa vie en main (change for the better) changer d'avis ( change one's mind)
my sister has …… her life…..
Turned her life around
to reject or refuse, (more avoid)
Turn away
she…….. every opportunity to learn English ( refuse)
Turned away
to refuse to let someone come into a place
Turn away
he …. me …… art the entrance because I didn’t have an invitation
Turned me away
Turn away
Turn away from
Turn away
se retourner , tourner le dos (face opposite way) quitter (move further from) refouler l'accès deny entry) détourner le regard (avert your gaze) éviter de faire (refuse , reject)
Jane …………..from Peter after she told him to go to hell. ( face the opposite way)
turned away
I ………….. from the town and set my eyes on new horizons.
(move further from)
Turned away
to stop your journey and return
Turn back
bad weather forced him to ……. ( return)
Turn back
to force someone or something to stop and go back
Turn back
refugees who reach the border may be……….. (go back)
Turned Back
to not accept an offer or request ( to decline, refuse)
Turn down
she……… his proposal (reject)
Turned down
to diminish the speed , volume or intensity
Turn down
he even didn’t …… the speed (reduce)
Turn down
Turn down
Turn down the sheets
rejeter , refuser (decline, reject)
diminuer le volume (reduce the volume, the speed)
ouvrir le lit
to report or take someone to the police
Turn in
somebody …….in the local police (take sb to the police)
turned him in
to go to bed
Turn in
I usually …….. at about midnight (go to bed)
Turn in
Turn in
dénoncer à la police ( inform on to the police)
se pieuter (go to bed)
remettre , soumettre (un test) submit
to change into someone or something
Turn into
the freezing temperatures had …..the water in the lake ……ice (
Turned the water in the lake into ice
Turn into
se transformer en (to become) tourner dans (enter by turning 90 degrees)
to stop the operation or activity
Turn off
I fell asleep and forgot to………..the tv
I fell asleep and forgot to turn off the Tv
to make someone feel bored or no longer interested in something
Turn off a Turnoff (noun)
this job …. me ….
This job turns me off
Turn off
éteindre (switch off) quitter sortir (exit a road) dégouter , (disgust, cause to dislike)
to make something start working
Turn on
It Was getting dark, so I …… the lights
Turned on the lights
to use a quality you have
Turn on
He’s have to ……….all his charm to persuade her
Turn on
to suddenly attack someone violently
Turn on
the neighbor’s dog ………me when I tried to stoke it
Turn on
to make someone sexually attracted or to be excited by something
Turn on
His new secretary really ……him…..
turns him on
Turn on
allumer (switch on the light)
attaquer (become hostile)
exciter (excite sexually)
to make light stop shining
Turn out
don’t forget to … the lights before you leave the office (switch off)
Turn out
to end up , result
Turn out
Our cake ………. beautifully (conclude well , badly)
Turned out
I invited many people to my parti and the………… was great.
I invited many people to my parti and the turnout was great.
to produce something especially in large numbers
Turn out
The company ……… 1200000 car a year (produce)
The company turns out 1200000 car a year
Turn out
a turnout
éteindre (switch off) produire , (produce), se révéler (conclude well or badly) expulser (expel) vider (type out contents off) présence ( attendance)
to rotate , flip over
Turn over
she ………….. to get some sun on her back (flip over)
she turned over to get some sun on her back
to think about something carefully
Turn over
He began to……… the scheme……….his mind
He began to turn the scheme over his mind
turn over
rotation , faire tourner ( rotate) se retourner (flip over) ruminer , ressasser , (ponder) remettre (for exemple give the money) générer de l'argent, (earn money)
approach people, family , friends , when you’re having a hard time
turn to somebody
to increase volume , heat , power , etc…
Turn up
It’s my favorite part of the movie , I’ll…. the volume……. a bit
It’s my favorite part of the movie , I’ll turn the volume up a bit
to come somewhere , especially unexpectedly, to appear
Turn up
to discover
Turn up
I made a research , and an interesting piece of information……., something I wasn’t expecting (be found)
I made a research , and an interesting piece of information turned up, something I wasn’t expecting
turn up
augmenter le volume (increase volume )
venir , se pointer (to come )
réapparaître , refaire surface (be found)
I was surprised when my friends………… to celebrate my birthday at my home
I was surprised when my friends turned up to celebrate my birthday at my home
Turn Back
to be turned back
turn back the clock
revenir en arrière, revenir sur ses pas (revert)
forcer qq à repartir (force someone to go back)
remonter le temps
to encourage
Urge on
My trainer always…….. on to work harder on a treadmill
My trainer always urges me on to work harder on a treadmill (Tapis de course)
to use all of a supply of something
Use up
Making soup is a good way of ………..leftover vegetable ( to use everything)
Making soup is a good way of using up leftover (le restant, les restes) vegetable
Urge on
encourager ( encourage)
Use up
tout utiliser , avoir épuisé les reserves ( consume completely )
to signal the beginning of something
Usher in
We will…………the new year with champagne and dancing (signal , herald)
We will usher in the new year with champagne and dancing
Usher in
mener , faire entrer , conduire à ( escort inside)
inaugurer , annoncer (signal , herald)
Brian’s daughter preceded him as he……….. in for her wedding (escort inside)
Brian’s daughter preceded him as he ushered her in for her wedding.
to be very close to an extreme state or condition
Verge on
What a gem ! I’d say it’s…………. unique
What a gem ! I’d say it’s verging on unique
Verge on
on the verge of something
on the verge of doing something
frôler (be almost equal)
au bord de (about to)
sur le point de faire (about to do)
to compete for something
Vie for
they haven’t been friends ever since they…….. jérôme ( to compete)
they haven’t been friends ever since they vied for Jérome
Vie for
Vie with
concourir pour obtenir (compete)
rivaliser pour obtenir
entrer en concurrence (compete with)
States …………. each other to attract various industries. (compete)
States vie with each other to attract various industries.
to choose sb for a position by voting
Vote in
Vote in
Elire (elect to power)
In a democracy, you can………….. whoever you like (elect)
In a democracy, you can vote in whoever you like
to remove someone from a position by voting
Vote off
the company shareholders …………the board of directors ( remove by vote)
the company shareholders voted him off the board of directors
Vote Off
éliminer, faire sortir (remove from office by vote )
to support the truth
Vouch for
Our accountant will………the accuracy of the financial report (support the truth)
Our accountant will vouch for the accuracy of the financial report
to give personal assurances of someone
Vouch for
I’ve known him for years and can …………his honesty
I’ve known him for years and can vouch for his honesty
Vouch for
se porter garant (give support)
attester de , garantir (defend , corroborate)
to wait somewhere doing nothing
Wait around
I ………… speak to the doctor (wait for Sb)
I waited around to speak to the doctor
to serve people in a restaurant
Wait on
He……………….customers all day at the café (to serve people)
He waited on customers all day at the café
to wait for a particular thing to happen
Wait on
we are ………… our boss’s decision
we are waiting on our boss’s decision
to not go to sleep until someone comes home
Wait up
Don’t……………for me , I ‘ll be late tonight ( to not go sleeping)
Don’t wait up for me , I ‘ll be late tonight
Wait up
rester réveillé à attendre (stay awake until sb arrives home)
Wait on
servir (restaurant) (to serve)
attendre une chose particulière (await), same as wait for
to leave a relationship suddenly
Walk out
Her father ………..when she was ten years old (stop a relationship)
Her father walked out when she was ten years old
to stop working as a way of protesting
Walk out
Many workers ………. on Monday
Many workers walked out on Monday
Walk out
partir (abandon)
protester (protesting)
to prevent
Ward off
many people believe that vitamin C can……..the common cold (prevent)
many people believe that vitamin C can ward off the common cold
to make something warmer
Warm up
She………… the soup in the microwave (make warmer)
She warmed up the soup in the microwave
to do exercises before a sport
Warm up
the team ………. half an hour before the football match
the team warmed up half an hour before the football match
to become warm
Warm up
drink this and you’ll soon………….
drink this and you’ll soon warm up
to get rid of something abstract
Wash away
I tried to……………….my sins through prayers of repentance
I tried to wash away my sins through prayers of repentance
When water or rain removes a structure
Wash away
Heavy rains have………………..his house
Heavy rains have washed away his house
to drink something after putting food or medicine in your mouth
Wash down
I need a glass of water to………. this pill (to swallow )
I need a glass of water to wash down this pill
Warm up
s’échauffer (sport) ( to do exercise before a sport)
se réchauffer (become warmer)
faire réchauffer qqchose ( to make something warmer)
remove by cleaning with water
Wash away
Saliva helps …. bacteria ……….from the teeth.
Saliva helps wash bacteria away from the teeth.
Wash away
laver quelque chose ( remove by cleaning)
se débarasser de qq chose ( to get rid of something abstract)
détruire, ( when water remove a structure)
to clean thoroughly (exhaustively) , wash the whole surface of something
Wash Down
……..the cutting board with hot water and plenty of soap (to clean )
Wash down the cutting board with hot water and plenty of soap
to drink something after putting food or medicine in your mouth
Wash Down
I need a glass of water to…………….this pill (swallow)
I need a glass of water to wash down this pill
Combine the cleaner with water in a bucket, and use a mop to……….. the floor ( to clean )
Combine the cleaner with water in a bucket, and use a mop to wash down the floor
Wash Down
Avaler un medicament (swallow a pill)
laver soigneusement to clean thoroughly (exhaustively)
to prevent or interrupt due to rain
Wash out
The rain…………..our football match ( to interrupt)
The rain washed out our football match
to wash the inside of something
Wash out
the pot was dirty , so she…… it ………..
the pot was dirty , so she washed it out
Wash out
laver l’intérieur de qq chose (clean inside)
nettoyer , enlever ( to remove from, (stain))
délaver (make faded)
rincer au point d’interrompre ( to prevent or interrupt )
to wash dishes after meal
Wash up
My wife made dinner and now I’m washing up
My wife made dinner and now I’m washing up
The driftwood was ………on the beach. (be brought by the tide)
The driftwood was washed up on the beach.
Go and……….. for dinner. (wash hands )
Go and wash up for dinner.
Wash up
faire la vaisselle , (clean dishes)
se débarbouiller (wash face and hands)
rejeté , s’échouer (be brought to shore by the tide)