idioms Flashcards
to be on time
to be behind time
to be late
take once time
not to hurry
to do something at the last minute
do something at the latest possible time
do something on the spur of the moment
to do something spontaneously without hesitation (sur un coup de tête)
to be uptodate
to include all the latest informations
to be out of date
to be to old , not recent
it’s hightime
something must be done without delay
to have a minute
to be available to do something
at any minute
very soon
every now and then
occasionally , not very often
once in a blue moon
very seldom
once in a while
sometimes (close to every now and then)
a night bird
a person who likes to stay up at night
a early bird
a person who gets up very early in the morning
to kill time
to do something to make time to pass quickly
la circulation était tellement importante que je ne pouvais pas être à l’heure
the traffic was so heavy that I couldn’t be on time
le train est parti avec 20 minutes de retard
the train left twenty minutes behind time
prends ton temps et détend toi avant la journée
take your time and relax before the journey
Ils ont annulé le voyage en Egypte à la dernière minute
they canceled the trip to Egypt at the last minute
Ils se sont marrié à Las Vegas sur un coup de tête
they got married in Las Vegas on the spur of the moment
Je voulais être à la page avec les nouvelles technologies
I wanted to be uptodate with the latest technologie
Ce guide touristique n’est pas à jour , donc on ne peut pas l’utiliser
This tourist guide is out of date, so we can’t use it
Il est grand temps que Tom s’en aille et construise sa propre famille.
It’s hightime Tom moves out and start is own family
Auras-tu une minute pour parler avec moi après le déjeuner ?
Will you have a minute to talk to me after lunch ?
a business run at a profit or at a loss
A business makes money or lose money
Finances are in god shape or bad shape
to have a lot of money or to have not enough money
A falling market
A market who is moving on a downward direction
To put money into business
to invest in a business
To close a deal, to close a bargain
To complete a deal successfully
shop practise
behavior which is dishonest but not illegal
a sleeping partner
someone who invest his money in a business but doesn’t help to manage it
a take over
the change of owner’s ship at the control of the company
to go bankrupt, to be bankrupt
to admit that you have no money and cannot pay our debt
to make money
to earn money
to be in the money
suddenly have a lot of money
to be a wage earner , to be a salary earner
to have a job and be payed monthly or weekly
to make a leaving
to earn money
to be well off
to be rich
to tighten one’s belt
to spend less money in the time of financial difficultie
Our shop run at a loss at first, but now it run at a profit
notre magasin a commencé par perdre de l’argent , mais maintenant il fait du profit
Our finances are in a very bad shape
nos finances sont dans une mauvaise passe
I wouldn’t invest in a falling market
Je n’investirais pas dans un marché en baisse
I am going to put some money into this business
Je vais investir de l’argent dans cette affaire
After long negociation , we closed the deal
après une longue négociation , nous avons fait affaire
Our manager is known for is shop practices
notre manager est connu pour pratiques commerciales
Jack is just a sleeping partner
Jack est simplement un investisseur dormant
we couldn’t avoid a take over by a bigger company
nous ne pouvions pas éviter un rachat par une plus grosse compagnie
to talk at cross purposes
to talk without understand each other
to get hold of the wrong end of the stick
to misunderstand the meaning or intention totally
to get a word in edgeways
to be able to say something althought the other person talks all the time
to talk behin somebody back
to talk about somebody secretivly
to give somebody a talking to
to talk to somebody angrily
to put it in a nutshell
to state the maint fact in a clear short way
to be long winded
to talk too long in a way that is too boring
to speak one’s mind
to be honest to people about your opinion
to talk rubish
to say sely things
to take the hint
to understund what is meant without being set directly
to take something into account
to consider something where you’re making
The headmaster speech was boring and too long
The headmaster speech was Long winded
The students knew he wouldn’t talk reasonably
The students knew he wouldn’t talk sense
He often says silly things
he often talks rubish
the headmaster didn’t consider the students needs
the headmaster didn’t take the students needs into account