Idioms Flashcards
To be on a role
To be successful every time you do something
To be on cloud nine
To be very happy
To be on edge
To be nervous
To be on pins and needles
To be very nervous
To be on your way
To be in the process to going somewhere
On the way home
Or in the way
To be on the go
To be very busy with to many tasks
To be on the right track
To do something that will result in success
To be on the wrong track
To do something that will result in failure
To be on the wagon
To stop drinking alcohol
someone who has a problem with alcohol
To bring someone up to speed
When you miss something , you have to be informed about what happened
To shoot the breeze
When you have a light, casual conversation with somebody
You’re …….. about the circus
I was …… with my sister
To make a big deal
To make something more significant or important than it really is
To blab
To talk too much about nothing important.
To gossip
My coloc …… more than he works sometimes
To bite your tong
When you want to say something but you know you should be silent at that moment
Talk up a storm
To talk loudly , to talk a lot
the best of both worlds
you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time
by working part-time and looking after her kids two days a week, she managed to get the …………
speak of the devil
this means that the person you’re just talking about turns up at that moment
see eye to eye
this means agreeing with someone
once in a blue moon
an event that happens infrequently
when pigs fly
something that will never happen
when pigs fly , she’ll tidy up her room
sign off
approve or acknowledge something by or as if by a signature
Prospective employees at Immanuel are required to ……on a series of values, including those that denounce homosexual and affirm traditional marriage.
plead guilty to
state that one is guilty of a crime before a court of law
He………………misdemeanor trespassing charges and was ordered to be released from Kent County Correctional Facility.
shed light on
help to explain something
Were these rear yards once connected as a thoroughfare? Alas, old maps of Bushwick don’t shed any light on the situation.
take a drag
inhale smoke from something, especially a cigarette
The 6-second clip shows a young woman answering a question from someone off-camera after ………. off what appears to be a cigarette.
not being filmed or televised
The 6-second clip shows a young woman answering a question from someone ……….after taking a drag off what appears to be a cigarette.
rule out
exclude; prevent, make impossible
She wouldn’t ………. President Trump being indicted while in office, adding that it’s an open discussion in terms of the law.
not limited in any way, fully developed
For a Vogue cover girl, this pricey ensemble is pretty much par for the course; most people, however, wouldn’t choose to go sledding in …………evening wear.
ever closer
closer than it has been before
As we creep ……… Dec. 25, people are hoping there is at least a light dusting of snow on the ground for the biggest gift-giving holiday of the year.
grow accustomed to
grow used to, adjust to a different situation or condition
Millions of users of Amazon’s Echo speakers have ………. to the soothing strains of Alexa, the human-sounding virtual assistant.
set out
display or exhibit
Thursday’s federal indictment of two hackers damningly ………..he real trade problem, because are part of the government-run hacking group.
hedge fund
a limited partnership of investors that uses high risk methods
The stars of the biggest …………are losing their shirts as analysts fear a major financial wipeout is imminent.
lose shirt
lose a lot of money, lose all of one’s assets
The stars of the biggest hedge funds are …………as analysts fear a major financial wipeout is imminent.
woman about town
a socially active, sophisticated woman who frequents fashionable nightclubs, theaters, or restaurants
British-born media maven and ………… Tina Brown, 64, moved to New York in the early 1980s to helm Vanity Fair.
pop up
appear suddenly, in a short time
They’re ………… all over town, from the super-pricey hotel lounge to barbecue joint, bars are getting into a white truffle-infused act.
mischievous boy, naughty boy
Grabbing my heart, this script is profound to tell a ……….who says earthy things.
thoroughly or skilfully pressed
At movie events, stars often show in jeans and tees, but they both attended this screening promptly wearing.proper……………. clothes.
poster child
typical or good example of something
Central Florida has become the ………….. for this issue, courtesy of the 23-game winning streak that has shone a light on the inequality in the sport.
courtesy of
given or allowed by, as a result of
Central Florida has become the poster child for this issue, ………. the 23-game winning streak that has shone a light on the inequality in the sport.
winning streak
a consecutive sequence of won games or competitions
Central Florida has become the poster child for this issue, courtesy of the 23-game ………….. that has shone a light on the inequality in the sport.
shine a light
metaphorically put the spotlight on an issue or subject so that others will notice it
Central Florida has become the poster child for this issue, courtesy of the 23-game winning streak that has ……….on the inequality in the sport.
story line
plot of a novel, play, movie, or other narrative form
………….are never lacking in the annual Ohio-Michigan rivalry, the latter is looking to snap a six-game losing streak, and then knocks off Northwestern in the title game.
knock off
stop doing something, kill
Story lines are never lacking in the annual Ohio-Michigan rivalry, the latter is looking to snap a six-game losing streak, and then …….. Northwestern in the title game.