English idioms exercise 1.1 Flashcards
find the right idiom
john was the only one who brought the money at the end of the week
John was the only wage earner
they thought about how to earn money
they thought about how to make their living
they wanted someone to invest in the business
They wanted someone to put money in the business
they decided to spend less money
they decided to tighten their belt
a green grocers was a business with no perpective
a green grocers was a falling market
the business started to bring money
the business started to run at a profit
sue’s father didn’t join the business but he invested some money into it
sue’s father became a sleeping partner
they nearly completed the deal with joe’s brother
they nearly closed the deal
john’s brothers was known for dyshonest action
john was known for his shop practices
sue and Joe earned a lot of money
sue and Joe made a lot of money
they had no money and cannot pay the debt
they went bankrupt
they didn’t have enough money
their finances were in a bad shape
they couldn’t avoid a change of ownership of the company
they couldn’t avoid a take over
Meg did an office job
Meg was a white color worker
She worked after the usual hours for extra pay
She worked overtime
She went abroad for the purpose of doing business
She went abroad on business
She agreed to be available at any time
She agreed to be on call
Some people had to dismissed from employment
Some people had to be fired
Her colleagues decided to stop working as a protest
Her colleagues decided to go on strike
She didn’t want to be a strike breaker
She didn’t want to be a black leg
Everybody was dismissed from work
Everybody got the sack
Meg didn’t want to receive money from the government
Meg didn’t want to go on the dole
she didn’t like working at night
she didn’t like being on a night shift
she started doing something
she got down to business
she was determine to do something and started writing a CV
she rolled her sleeves up and started writing a cv
Julie was reading the newspaper to make the time pass more quickly
Julie was reading the newspaper to kill the time
she like to stay up late at night
she was a night bird
she knew she was burst into tears very soon
she knew she was burst into tears at any moment
July was wearing old fashion clothes
July was wearing out of date clothes
she saw her parents occasionally
she saw her parents every now and then
she seldom went out with Susan
she went out with Susan once in a blue moon
she has to change her life without delay
it was high time to change something in her life
she performed all her duties punctually
she performed all her duties on time
she called her boss spontaneously
she called her boss on the spare of the moment
she asked her boss to spare her some time
she asked her boss to have a minute for her
M. Brown told her not to hurry
M. Brown told her to take her time
the train to Paris was 25 minutes late
the train to Paris was 25 minutes behind time
July bought the tickets at the latest possible time
July bought the tickets at the last moment
the headmaster was boring and too long
the headmaster speech was long-winded
the students knew he wouldn’t talk reasonably
the students knew he wouldn’t talk sens
he often says silly things
he often talk rubbish
the headmaster didn’t consider the student’s need
the headmaster didn’t take the student’s need into account
he should have state at the main facts in a short and clear way
he should have put it in a nutshell
everybody body started to talk about him secretively
everybody started to talk behind his back
Miss Thomas wanted to talk to Paul quickly
Miss Thomas wanted to have a word with Paul
Paul was honest about his opinion
Paul spoke his mind
he didn’t avoid saying what he was thinking about
he didn’t beat about the bush
the form teacher talk ro Paul angrily
the form teacher gave Paul a long talking to
the teacher misunderstood Paul’s intentions
the teacher got hold of the wrong end of the stick
they didn’t understand each other
they talk at cross purposes
the teacher didn’t consider Paul’s explanations
the teacher didn’t take his explanation into account
people often assume things
people often take things for granted
your remark is inappropriate
your remark is out of place
people often start a quarrel
people often start to cross swords
they try to persuade each other
they try to make each other change their minds
everybody wants to say what they consider important
everybody wants to make their point
people often assume things
people often take things for granted
your remark is inapropriate
your remark is out of place
people often start a quarrel
people often start to cross swords
they try to persuade each other
they try to make each other change their mind
everybody wants to say what they consider important
everybody wants to make their point
all of them want to say something no one else would beat
all of them want to have the last word
He doesn’t understand me
he fails to see my point
for one reason there is more interesting subject
for one thing there is more interesting subject
this is something you should remember
this is something you should bear in mind
everybody has the right to finish the discussion
everybody has a right to rip up the discussion
you should stop talking now
you should hold your tong
they must stop discussing this subject
they must drop the subject
Sum it up politics is a tricky subject
all in all politics is a tricky subject
John and Lucie were in a difficult situation
John and Lucy were in a fix
They prefer to hide their problems
They prefer to sweep their problems under the carpet
They didn’t want to discover the truth
They didn’t want to get to the bottom of things
Lucie tried to calm down the situation
Lucy tried to put oil on trouble water
Finally they understood their problem
Finally they got a grasp of their problem
They were at a crisis
They were at a crossroads
John thought about Lucie’s suggestion seriously
John took Lucie’s suggestion to heart
Suddenly he understood what he couldn’t see before
Suddenly he saw daylight
John found a perfect solution to his problem
John found a happy medium
He was risking a lot
He was skating on thin eyes
John said honestly what he thought
John laid is cards on the table
He could say something that couldn’t be reversed
He could burn his bridges
He started to believe that there was some hope
He saw the light at the end of the tunnel
He manage to look serious
He manage to keep a straight face