⭐• Phonological Terminology Flashcards
What is this image?
The phonological/ phonemic alphabet (contains all graphemes used)
What is phonology?
The study of the patterns of sounds in a language and vocal aspects to language
What is a grapheme?
A written symbol, such as a letter or a group of letters, that represents a single sound, or phoneme (the phonological alphabet/ phonemic alphabet)
What is a phoneme?
any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one letter/ word from another
What is a monopthong?
When only 1 vowel makes up the phoneme/ sound
What is a diphthong?
When 2 vowel sounds make up the phoneme/ sound
What is a plosive?
Phonemes produced stopping the airflow using the lips, teeth, or palate, followed by a sudden release of air
What is a frickative?
Phonemes produced by air escaping through a small passage in the mouth - described as a ‘hissing’ sound
How many plosive consonants are in the english language?
What are all 6 plosive consonants?
What plosives are bilabial (+ definiton of bilable)?
/P/ AND /B/ are Bilabial
* Bilabial plosives produced by lips being pressed together
What plosives are alveolar (+ definiton of alveolar)?
/T/ AND /D/ are Alveolar
* Alveolar plosives produced when tounge is pressed against alveolar ridge (area above teeth)
What plosives are velar (+ definiton of velar)?
/K/ AND /G/ are Velar
* Velar plosives produced when back of tounge pressed against area between hard palate (bottom of mouth) and soft palate (back of mouth)
What does it mean when a Phoneme/ sound is voiced?
When your vocal chords vibrate (feel neck to feel vibrations)
What does it mean when a Phoneme/ sound is unvoiuced?
When your vocal chords do not vibrate (feel neck to feel vibrations)