Phobia Flashcards
Specific Phobia
anziety disorder of persistent fear about a specific object, activity ot situation
GABA dysfunction
failure to produce, release or recive the correct amount of GABA needed - to regukate neurotranmission in the brain
Long-term Pontentiation (LTP)
Long lasting strengthing of neural connnections at the synapse as a resukt of repeased stimulus (action)
PRE-CI-PI-TATION, development of a phobia through particular behaviour circumstance (CLASSICAL CONDITIONING)
PER-PE-TUA-TION, strengthing or maintaing a phobia through particular behaviour (E.g avoidance) OPERANT LEARNING)
Cognitive bias
mistaken way of thinking that eads to systematic errors of judgment and faulty decison making
Memory bias
type of cognitive bias - prejudice recall of previous experiences which influences present knowledge
Catastrophic thining
overexaggerating an event, activity or situation ad thiniong the worse possible
Specific environment
developing a specific phobia afetr a direct negative experience with an object or situation
Benzodiazepine are drugs that improves and helps receptors of a post neuron bine more and easier to GABA
Codnitive behavioral therapy
psychotherpy concept that the way people feel and behave is the result of the way they think
- aims to identidy faukty patterns of thinking affecting meta health
Breathing retraining
anxiety management technique that involkves teahcing correct breating habits
Systematic desenitization
behavuour therapy for treatmnet of specific phobia that aim to replace an anxiety response with a relation when individual is experiencing phobia
Psychotherapeutic is a treatment of mental health problems by talking to a pyschiatrist or psychologist