Mental Health Flashcards
the ability of to successfully cope with and manage chnage, uncertainity and adversity
Social & EMotional wellbeing (SEW)
In relation to Aboriginal Torres Strait Islanders - a holistic framwork that explains physicalm emotional, social, spiritual and cultural mental wellbeing
A scale with distinct exstreams or opposite showing varying levels of mental health
Mental health problem
real experiences that interfere with functionong but a temporay and moderate
Mental disorder
A diagnosable psychological or behaioural condition that impacts daily functioning
A psychological or physiological responses a person experiences due to challenging or threatending situations
A state of emotion involving unpleasent and incomprehensive feeling something is wrong or something unpleasant will happne
A persistent, irrational and intense fear of a specific object, activity or situation
A way of explaining biological, psychological and social factors combine to influence individuas behaviours and mental processes
Internal factors
An influence on behvaiour or mental processes that originates within a person
External factors
An influence on behaviour and mental proceses that orginates from outside a person
Protective factors
Something that enhances and helps protect mental wellbeing and redices the likeghood that mental illness will occur (e.g diet, hydration, meditation)
Self determination
The human right to freely determine or control their own political status and purse any cultural, social and economical development