Philip Flashcards
Philip is born in Valladolid
Philip is made Duke of Milan
- Philip is made regent of Spain in Charles’ absence
- Philip receives Charles’ instructions on how to be king - states ‘Trust always in your maker’
- Philip marries Maria Manuela of Portugal whilst he is heir to the Spanish crown (Prince of Asturias) - his ‘double first cousin’-they shared all 4 grandparents
- Birth of Don Carlos, prince of Asturias
- Maria Manuel of Portugal dies due to childbirth complications
Philip is summoned to the Netherlands by Charles to be declared as his heir
Philip bans the exports of woven silks (economically weakens Moriscos)
- Corsairs under Turgut Reis sacked Vieste, beheaded 5,000 of its inhabitants, and abducted another 6,000.
- Philip returns to Spain and resumes regency
- Philip becomes King of Naples
- Philip becomes King of Sicily
- Philip travels to marry Mary I of England
- Philip calls his sister Juana to act as regent of Spain
- Philip marries Mary I of England
- Philip becomes governor of the Netherlands
- Philip begins his 4 year stay in the Netherlands
- Philip makes the Duke of Alba governor of Milan for 1 year
- A formal act was passed transferring the crown of Spain to Philip
- The viceroy of Aragon was accused in Saragossa of a contra-fuero (violation of a privilege)
- The Moriscos of Aragon agreed to pay an annual tax to the tribunal of Saragossa, on the condition that those brought to trial would suffer no confiscation of property
- Philip makes the Duke of Alba viceroy of Naples for 2 years
- Ruy Gómez was made Councilor of State and Contador Mayor
- Philip and Henry II of France sign the treaty of Vaucelles
- The Duke of Alba entered Rome and made peace with pope Paul IV
- Battle of Quentin
- Fernando de Valdes begins his mass burnings in honour of Philip
- Mary I of England dies, effectively making Philip no longer king of England
- Formal election of Ferdinand as Holy Roman Emperor
- Luis Ortiz presented a memorandum to Philip to ban the exports of bullion
- The Inquisition collected information and made a wave of arrests including the whole Cazalla family (April) and Constantino (August)
- The cortes petitioned that those already in city government be forbidden to trade.
- A new edict was issued by the regent Juana in collaboration with Valdés. For the first time, it stipulated the penalties of death and confiscation of goods for introducing books into the country without permission and for printing or circulating material, even in manuscript, without licence.
- Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England
- The rivalry between the Basque port and Burgos continued until a royal decree fixed their respective roles
- Many of the protestants that were expelled from England during Mary’s reign came back to England - creating a certain amount of sympathy for the situation in the Netherlands.
A series of auto de fe’s begins in Spain by Fernando Valdes – ‘spectacular burnings’
- Henry II dies at a jousting accident
- A new Council of Italy is set up to govern Naples, Sicily and Milan
- Phillip returned to Spain from the Netherlands after 7 years of absence, Fernando Valdes held a mass burning for his return
- Don Carlos is betrothed to Elizabeth Valois, but Philip marries her the same year for political reasons - begins Don Carlos’ hatred for his father
- Philip marries Elizabeth of Valois
- All Spaniards studying abroad were recalled back to Spain to minimise exposure to Lutheranism in Spain
- Philip returns to Spain and begins to increase taxation
- Bartolomé de Carranza’s arrest is engineered by theologian Melchor Cano and Inquisitor General Valdés
- Mary of Scots marries Francis II
- All non-Castilian members of the Council of State were removed
- The first native Index of the Spanish Inquisition is introduced
Granvelle is first minister in the Low Countries
- Philip has permanent troops in the Netherlands (only hundreds or thousands to begin)
- An expedition to recapture Tripoli was captured by Turkish forces (28 galleys were sunk and 10,000 troops were forced to surrender)
- In Peru a tenth of all Spaniards were artisans trained in Spain.
- A massive construction programme was started to rebuild the naval forces after the defeat at Djerba (ABOUT 300 GALLEYS BUILT UNTIL 1574)
- Don Carlos is recognized as heir apparent for the crown of Castile
- Philip declares state bankruptcy (1)
- Philip fights the Turks at Djerba and LOST, therefore needing to rebuild his entire naval fleet
In Barcelona the vicar general issued fifty-seven warnings to clergy of the diocese over their concubines
- Philip blocks the popes attempt to excommunicate Elizabeth (1)
- The Subsido was made a regular levy
- Cistercians in Spain were removed from obedience to the (French) abbot of Cîteaux; and similar rules were applied to the Trinitarians, Carmelites and other orders.
- The Council of Trent begins
- Madrid adopted as seat of royal administration
- Sir John Hawkins sailed from Plymouth with 3 ships to Guinea and violently kidnapped about 400 Africans - traded them in the West Indies
- Huguenot numbers in France reached a near 2 million - mainly southern and western areas
- Don Carlos falls down a flight of stairs, and when he recovers his behavior becomes very unpredictable
- Massacre at Vassy
- Cardinal Espinosa is made Councilor of the Royal Council of Castile
Hawkins and Drake made 3 voyages to Guinea and Sierra Leone - enslaving between 1,200 and 1,400 Africans (death of 3 X that number)
- The Council of Trent ends
- Decrees of Council of Trent
- An attempt is made in Valencia to disarm the Moriscos
- Building for the Escorial is begun in Madrid (costs 5 million ducats)
- Philip blocks the popes attempt to excommunicate Elizabeth (2)
- Don Carlos is recognized as heir apparent for the crown of Aragon
- Granvelle is removed from the Netherlands and moved to serve the crown with distinction to Italy
- The government decreed measures to regulate the Atlantic crossing. From now on, ships crossing to America could only do so as part of two organised annual convoys from the river at Seville.
- Philip commisioned a great expedition to Peñón de
Vélez with 93 galleys - Philip ordered in a decree of that provincial synods be held regularly – REFORM
- Mendoza begins reforms when he takes up residency in Burgos
- The pope ratified the decrees of the Council of Trent
- Philip II helped to finance a voyage to Asia from the Pacific
coast of New Spain, under the command of the Basque Miguel López de Legazpi
- The Turks attacked Malta
- Cardinal Espinosa is made President of the Royal Council of Castile
- The first expedition of the ‘Manila galleon’ - laden with goods, spices and textiles to the port of Acapulco in Mexico
- The clergy met in synod in Granada and advised the king that the old policy of patient evangelisation should be replaced by one of radical repression. Moriscos, they said, should in future be forbidden use of their language, their dress, their literature, their dances and their traditional rites. Their houses should be regularly inspected; judicial officers must be stricter; children should be brought up away from the influence of their parents.
- Erasso falls from grace and is found guilty of fraud and fined
- Synods are held in Toledo, Santiago, Tarragona, Valencia, Sarragosa and Granada (but the practice began to decay not long after (EXCEPT GRANADA))
- Seville was estimated to have 7.4 per cent of its population
as slaves, predominantly black - The decrees of Trent were accepted in Spain
- Espinosa is made Inquisitor General until his death
- Permission was given to foreign financiers to export silver from the peninsula
- Death of Suleiman the Magnificent
- The higher aristocracy went on strike by resigning their offices, and a group of the lower nobility (many of them Calvinist in sympathy, whom an official denounced as ‘beggars’) demanded religious freedom and the suppression of the Netherlands Inquisition (NETHERLANDS)
- The baron de Montigny was sent to Madrid to try and reach some agreement with Philip over toleration and over the part of the nobles in government.
- Death of Bartolomé de Las Casas
- Gonzalo Perez (Antonio Perez’s father), Secretary of State of Castile died
- Legazpi and his vessels make landfall in the Philippines
- Pius V becomes Pope
- A confessional to separate priest from penitent was introduced in Barcelona (REFORM)
- A royal edict pragmatic was produced prohibiting the practice of Moorish traditions within Granada, a ban on Arabic and the wearing of silk, the destruction of public and private baths (i.e. cultural annihilation)
- Alba enters Brussels and assumes control, with Margaret remaining as regent
- Margaret of Palma resigns as regent of the Netherlands
- Sir John Hawkins ship was intercepted at San Juan de Ulloa and his small fleet was destroyed by the Spaniards
- The Duke of Alba leaves Spain and heads to Brussels with 10,000 troops
- Espinosa is ordained as a priest
- The slave trade ends for Hawkins due to the loss he suffered in a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico - lost his fleet and about 325 men
- The royal decree about Morisco culture (after the talk in 1565)
- The papacy granted the excusado; a tax of the income from property in each parish
- There were 50 asientos negotiated
- Antonio Perez becomes Secretary of State of Castile
The Duke of Alba is governor of the Netherlands
12,302 people were arrested
9,000 had their goods confiscated
1,105 executed
- Espinosa is made a cardinal by pope Pius V
- Don Carlos dies, imprisoned by Philip (murder?)
-Elizabeth of Valois dies - Count Egmont is executed on the order of the Council of Treason (Alba)
- Horne was arrested and executed
- Ruy Gómez is made Duke of Estramadura and grandee of Spain
- Espinosa is made Bishop of Sigüenza until his death
- Zúñiga is made Philips ambassador to Rome until 1583
- Orange organized an invasion calling upon the Netherlanders to take up arms not as ‘rebels’ but as ‘liberators’.
- Elizabeth seized bullion that was headed for the Spanish forces in the Netherlands (docked in Plymouth due to bad weather) - Marked a serious pitfall for relations between England and Spain – NEAR BREAKING POINT OF ANGLO-SPANISH RELATIONS
- The abolition of variations in liturgy and the imposition of the Roman Missal and Breviary
- Juan de Ribera is made archbishop of Valencia
- English naval activity made the Channel unsafe, forcing Philip back onto the two land routes from Milan, making control of northern Italy an absolute essential of Spain’s foreign policy, and freedom of movement through the Rhineland and the Alpine passes crucial.
- Elizabeth has Mary of Scots imprisoned
- The Spanish retaliated to England seizing the bullion meant for Alba’s army by capturing some merchant ships that were docked in Antwerp.
The Granada revolt
- Philip declares a state bankruptcy (2)
- Philip issued a codification of the laws, originally done by his father
- Large quantities of bullion from the Indies were being shipped to Genoa, to pay above all for the wars in Granada, which depended heavily on weapons imported by the Genoese from Italy.
Francisco de Toledo is viceroy of Peru
- Philip assassinates Baron Montigny
- Philip marries Anne of Austria
- A factory system has become normalised
- The first Inquisition in America is settled
- Philip made a decree for the expulsion of Moriscos from Granada
- The expedition financed by Philip II and headed by
Dr Francisco Hernández, ‘to study the history of living things in the Indies, sketch the plants and describe the land’ - Turkish conquest of Cyprus
- The Flanders was a defence force of 13,000
- 80,000 Moriscos were deported from Granada and dispersed throughout Castile for the purpose of integration.
Granvelle was made viceroy of Naples
- Philip prohibits any further formal conquests of the Americas
- A Spanish base is made at the settlement of Manila (FORMATION OF THE PHILIPPINES)
- Philip is reading and annotating an average of forty memoranda a day
- The Holy League was born
- There is a large explosion in the Netherlands during riots
- Cardinal Espinosa dies - gives his secretary (de Leca) the opportunity to climb the political ladder
- 67,000 troops in the Netherlands
- Elizabeth would not permit the Sea Beggars access to her harbours as she wanted to mend the relationship between England and Spain
- Capture of Brill by the Sea beggars - they also captured Vlissingen shortly after
- Massacre of St Bartholomew
- Cardinal Espinosa fell out of favour with the king
- Philip employed Alba’s pay-ships to transport large quantities of bullion to the Netherlands
- Philip made a decree which inhibited the clergy’s right to exercise their right to appeal to Rome when they had a church dispute
- Burgos was made into an archbishopric
- Don Juan briefly inhabits Tunis
- Ruy Gómez dies and leaves Antonio Perez as effective leader of the Eboli faction
- Vázquez de Leca became Philips private secretary and royal confessor
- Moriscos were not allowed to enter the priesthood
- Ruy Gomez died - leaving Antonio Perez as the effective head of the Eboli faction
- Alba is recalled from the Netherlands to Spain by Philip
- Normal trading begins again with England after the issues with Hawkins
- Antonio Perez became the king’s private secretary
- Idiáquez is made ambassador to Genoa
- Zúñiga is governor of the Netherlands
Vázquez de Leca is involved with the council of Indies, Inquisition, Low Countries, resolution of the monumental financial problems Philip inherited from Charles, and dispensation of clerical offices
- Philip was given permission to sell Church towns to a value of 40,000 ducats a year
- Spain’s debts were calculated by the Council of Finance to be 74 million, with annual income at only 5.6 million ducats per annum
- Furió produced a group of proposals, called Remedies, which he presented both to William of Orange and to the king. He suggested that Spanish troops should be withdrawn completely, though with certain guarantees; that all religious persecution should cease; and that the laws of the Netherlands be confirmed.
- St Teresa of Ávila is enquired after by the Inquisition
- The Council of State attempted to do a census of Spain of the population and economy
- The cortes advised Philip to suspend payments of debts
- Philip declares a state bankruptcy (3)
- Philip tripled the encabeziamento
- Luis de Requesens y Zúñiga died
- Philips troops in the Netherlands sack Antwerp due to not being paid
- The Pacification of Ghent was signed - only reluctantly accepted by the Spanish a year later
- Bartolomé de Carranza died in Italy
- Perez tampers with post from Escabedo to Philip
- Idiáquez is made ambassador to Venice
- Don Juan (illegitimate brother to Philip) is governor of the Netherlands
- Don Juan signs the Perpetual Edict in response to the terms of the Pacification of Ghent.
- The Spanish troops departed the Netherlands for Italy
- Philip signed the medio general agreement which effectively reversed the decree made in September 1575 to stop repayments of debts and promised to pay back the Genoese partly by creating Juros and partly by selling jurisdictions
- There is a significant decrease in tax income
- There is a change in the official Spanish policy pertaining to the Netherlands; now focusing much more on the war against Calvinist heretics, and less on the legitimate grievances of the Netherlanders.
- Don Juan is forced to sign a Perpetual Edict and withdrew the Spanish army from the Netherlands
- Escobedo travels to Spain to make enquiries about why many of his master, Don Juan’s, plans were being blocked by Madrid and found wrongdoing by Perez and accuses him of such
- The assassination of Escabedo - Vázquez realizes this and begins to make accusations against Perez
- Don Juan dies of the plague
- King Sebastian of Portugal leads an expedition to expand his empire int Africa but does not return
- The municipality of Valladolid had to appoint two extra law officers to deal with the increase in theft and murder.
- Duke of Alba falls out of favor with Philip because he let his son make an unauthorized marriage
- Moura is appointed ambassador to Portugal
- Antonio Perez and his wife the Princess of Eboli are arrested
- Alba is put under house arrest for allowing his son to marry without Philips permission
- Philip is sent the papers of Don Juan that Perez hid
- Vázquez de Leca presents Philip with a dossier of evidence on the betrayals of Antonio Perez
- Zúñiga is made Viceroy of Naples until 1583
- Idiáquez is made Secretary of State for Italy (until 1585)
- Granvelle is first minister of Spain (until 1582)
- The Council of Indies becomes responsible for the ex-Portuguese territories
- Cardinal Henry (Philips main supporter in Portugal) died
- Duke of Alba comes back into favour to lead the Spanish forces into Portugal (47,000 troops)
- Philip becomes King of Portugal
- The launch of the Armada
- Duke of Alba becomes viceroy and constable of Portugal until his death
- William of Orange is made an outlaw by Philip
The Act of Abjuration is signed
- The Duke of Alba dies
- Philip begins to fund Catholics in France (a tactic) with 1-2 million ducats a year - MONEY HE DID NOT HAVE
- The Council of Portugal was formed
- Zúñiga leaves his positions to go to court where he headed the Spanish opposition to the Burgundian Granvelle
- Philip returns to court from Portugal, it is thought that Zúñiga’s influence had overtaken Granvelle’s at this point
- The second Index of forbidden books is introduced in Spain
- Perez is forced to undergo the judicial process of visita (an auditing of his service as secretary to the king) - this is where he is formally accused of corruption and of altering ciphered messages to the king.
- The building of Escorial is finished
- Perez jumps out of a window and seeks asylum in a nearby church, however the king’s officers find him and arrest him again.
- Perez is presented with the sentence of the visita
- Idiáquez and Moura are made Councilor of state and war
- The Junta de Noche was formed, comprising of Zúñiga (died 1586), Idiáquez, Moura, the Count of Chinchón, Vázquez
- Elizabeth signed the Treaty of Nonsuch which said that she would send 5,000 foot soldiers and 10,000 cavalry to the Netherlands (OFFICIAL COLLAPSE IN ANGLO-SPANISH RELATIONS)
Philip is forced to rebuild most of the Spanish Naval fleet for the second time when Francis Drake bombs it at the ports
- The Council of Flanders is formed
- Philip is forced to rebuild the Spanish Naval fleet for the THIRD TIME - this forced him to put in place the Millones tax (10 million ducats) - there were riots
Moura is made Commander of the Order of Alcantara
The first possibility of expulsion of Moriscos is raised by several councillors as a practical solution
- The yearly defense against pirates goes from 1 million to 3 ½ million ducats a year
- Philip attempted to raise the millones again, the cortes agreed but only if Philip would agree to 100 conditions EVIDENCE OF NON-AUTOCRATIC
Vázquez de Leca dies
The Junta de Noche has developed clear areas of responsibility; Moura oversaw financial matters and Portugal; Idiáquez directed foreign, military and naval affairs; Chinchón became an expert on Aragon and Italy, and Vázquez acted as general coordinator.
Philip declares a state bankruptcy (4)
Philip attempted to raise a new Millones, but this one was flat out refused
- Costs an estimated 10 million ducats a year to maintain troops - a 5X increase since the 60s
- Idiáquez is made President of the Council of Military Orders
- Moura is made Viceroy of Portugal until his death in 1613
- Philip dies