Blair 1997-2007 Flashcards
Labour majority in 1997
Why Brown handed control of interest rates to Bank of England
Sending a message that the economy would be managed effectively and for the long term. there is no risk that the economy would be mismanaged for political reasons.
Strengths and weaknesses of Blair
- Young, used TV well, sympathised well with Princess Diana’s death, the ‘people’s prime minister’.
- Blair-brown partnership was very successful
- Lying about the Ecclestone affair
gossip over Blair-Brown relationship
critics argued that he didn’t stand for anything.
- Internal corruption and debate with Brown.
Why was Labour in favour of devolution?
Unpopularity of the conservatives in Scotland. Northern Ireland was devolved. SNP gained momentum
Labour’s reforms to parliament
House of lord act reduced hereditary peers to 92 (was unsatisfactory to many)
Jenkins commission
Recommendation on electoral reform. to replace first past the post with proportional representation.
Reform to citizens right
- Freedom of Information Act 2000. gave people the right to request information from public bodies. by 2006, over 100,000 requests were made every year.
- European Convention on Human Rights incorporated into British Law in the Human Rights Act. the act often created difficulties, however, if the House of Lords ruled things e.g. the detainment of non-nationals for terrorism to be incompatible with the act.
Labour’s change to education
- New deal programme to provide jobs/ training for 250,000 unemployed.
- Development of academy program and big investment in infrastructure.
- Funding per pupil increased from 48% to 55%
- 18% rise in teachers pay
- More investment in education.
- More accountability to parents
Labour’s change to health
- Sure start centres to improve health, education and welfare of children from low-income families
- Free part-time nursery places for three and four year olds
- Achieved the 1997 pledge to reduce waiting lists by 100,000
- By 2007, no now was waiting longer than 6 months for non-emergency treatment.
- Ban on tobacco advertising
Labour’s change to crime
- New deal programme to provide jobs/training for 250,000 youth were unemployed
- Antisocial behaviour order put lists on what the defendant could do/go
crime survey records a 41% reduction in crime between 1997-2010
Labour’s change to inequality and poverty
- Between 1997-2005, all benefits to children had risen by 72%
- 1998 national minimum wage introduced
- By 2004, the poorest pensioners were 1750 a year better off
- 3.7% overall growth in benefits from 2002-2005.
- Poorest 20% experienced a 12% rise in incomes.
- Brown introduced tax credits in 1999 provided benefits to those on low incomes (esp to parents and the disabled)
- Child poverty reduced by a quarter by 2005.
Appeal of section 28
2003, equal age of consent for homosexuals, civil partnerships in 2005. equality regulations in 2003 banned discrimination in the workplace.
Countryside alliance
In 2002, 500,000 attended a march to keep hunting with dogs.
Economic policy aims
Prevent the UK from joining the Euro, Keep public borrowing under control, use benefits of a growing economy to improve public services, show that labour was pro-business, keep inflation low.
Brown’s economic policies
- Make Britain’s membership of the Eurozone dependent on 5 economic tests.
- No increase in income tax for first 2 years
- Stick to Major’s spending limits during the first 2 years
Bank of England would settle interest rates - Bank of England would surrender regulatory powers over the City to a newly created financial services authority.
- 1998 announced £40 billion extra spending over the next 3 years.