Pharmacology and therapeutics 3 Flashcards
Describe the two main divisions pharmacology is split into
pg 1
Define what a drug is
pg 1
Describe what the four main drug targets are , and explain how different dugs act on them, give the details of the non-specific drug actions
Define the following: Agonist, antagonist, full agonist, partial agonist. Describe what is meant by the potency of a drug is.Describe what the selectivity of a drug is. Explain what happens if you administer a partial agonist with a full agonist.
pg 3
Describe what the structure-activity relationship is
pg 3
Describe and explain the use of a dose-response curve and a log dose-response curve and what they usually show
pg 4
Describe what the two types of antagonist are
pg 4
- Antagonists have efficacy but NO affinity(T/F)
- Antagonists have AFFINITY but NO EFFICACY(T/F)
Explain the advantage of a receptor reserve in drug action
pg 5
Explain and illustrate the effects of anatagonists on tissue response
pg 5
Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A: A partial agonist will always have a higher efficacy than a full agonist
B: Agonists have higher affinities than antagonists.
C: Full agonists that are selective for a given receptor will have the same efficacy
D: Antagonists possess better efficacy than their respective agonists
E: Competitive antagonists will preferentially occupy the relevant receptor in the presence of agonist
pg 5
A drug acting as an inhibitor at a particular drug target site prevents the removal of neurotransmitter from the synapse. Which type of drug target is this drug acting on?
A: Receptor
B: Voltage-sensitive ion channel
C: Receptor-linked ion channel
D: Transport protein
E: Non-proteinacious target
pg 5