pervwtion punhisment and victimology Flashcards
who said acturial justice
feeley and simon
who said symbolic survaillence
crticism of synopic surveillence
McHail aruges tha the hierahcy of surveillance has been completley brozen down
police under anti teorrism law can consifacte the phones of citizen journalists
criticsm of foucalt
goffman survillance isnt as wide spread
who said catergorical susposion
functionalist perspective on punishment
role is to restore social sobildiairy and reinformce value concneus by allowing the law abiding citizens to get their hatred out onto the law breaker
two types of punshiment
marxist perspective on punishment
function is to maintain social order and keep workers subordinate
form of punishment is heavily reliant on the economic base of the country
melosi and paravani
prisons emmulate capitlaism in tow was
- placing a cost on peoples time ‘paying for your time”
- hierahcial and opressive
chaning role of prison
prisons used to be for holding prisoners whilst they aiimted punishetn now prisons are the punoshment
populist punitivism. politicians are now winnign elections on their harsh stance on imporsment
era of mass incarneration
garland argues that prisons obviusly dont work with 2/3 of poel re-offending
with the prison population at 1.5 millionin the USA it leads himto beleive that the fuction of imporosnment is to remove whole social groups
for exmpale 30-40% of prison poulation are in povery, which makes capitlaism look good and like it is ‘fixing unemployement’ when in reality they are going to jail
alternative to prison
cohen argues that the alternatives to prison such as cerfews or cancle braclets have a simialr affect as foucalts view of surveilant prison isalnds, it spreads the net of cotnrol that the state has over society
positivist victimology
foucises of
trends of vciitmisation
how vicitms can contibute to own victimisation
henting found 13 caterogires that made you mroe likely ot be vicitm includng being poor and a woman
wongland gounf in study that 26% of vicitms contibuted to their won vciitmisation
critical victimology
focuses on the strucal ieqaulties that cuase vciitmisation such as being a women or being poor
and the power thatthe state has to de-label vcitims
for example tomb and whyte found that in cases of people falling victim to health and saftley ruels flouting at work are delabeled by the CJS as being clumsy and reducing the blame on the company
gender and vicitmisation
70% homocide vicitms are males
class and vicitmisation
study of 300 homeless people are 12x more likely to suffer from violent crimes
age and victimisation
childner under 1 most likely to be murdered
repeat victimisation
only 4% of the population have been victim to crimes but this accounts to 44% of crimes