globasliation, state and green crime facts to remember Flashcards
rothe and freidrichs
argue that globsliation has led to. more crimes
because international organisations are imposing pro capitlaist economic reigmes on third world countries that then mean that countries get into debt and leds to crime
ex. workld bank imposed on. rwanda led to unemplpyedmnt due to the loans being paid back to world back povided the economics bases for the rawandan genocide
crticism of taylor
who identieid the two types of green crimes
water polloution
it is estimated that 1/2 billion poeple dont have accsess to clean water
and 25 million have died from driniking infected water
this cna be seen by fly tipping into streams ext
air pollution
estimated that due to birning fossil. fuels airpollution has had 6 million more tons of carbon emmited into the air
walters argues that 2x more poel are dying of air poluation than 20 years ago
who said zemiology
who said international law
rothe and mullins
who said labelling and sociaetal reaction
who said human rights
green and ward on crimes of obedience
argue that people who carry out crimes of obedeicnce such as genocides are expoed to images about the ‘emey’ traini ghappens on a daily time scale and in a.barraks,makes poele feel as though their jobs is a. 9 to 5 and lets them seperate it out fromr eal life desentivisting them
crticism that genocides are crimes of obedience
rwadnan genomice was carried out by orndiany unsensitivised humans
techniches of neutralisation