ethnicity and crime Flashcards
from 2018-2019 what was the arrest rates of ethnicity and crime
64% black per 1,000
10% white
from 2018-2019 what was the difference of stop and search rates between ethnicity
black- 100 per 1000
white- 4
crime statistics underrepresent crimes of white perpretrators
right realist explaination of ethnicity and crime
lack of father role model in black families leads to bad socialising and therfore turning to criminal subcultures
90% of single parent black families are headed by a women
left realist explaination
- relatie deprivator, subcultures and marginaisation of black people in society forces them into crime to
labelling on ehtnicity
tipifications. police are more likley to stop black men and overpolice them due to stereotypes
leading to over-representation in crime statistics
marxist view
splitting the wc between black and write makes them fight each other rather than fight capitalism
strain theory. Black families are more likely to be working class and only have one income stream leading to wanting goals by illegitimate means subcultural theories of cholard and ohlin. based on where black families live within deprived areas leads them to different types of crimes
philips and bwoling on policing
since the 1970s there have been many allegations of oppressive policing of ethnic communities including excessive surveillance, raids, deaths in custody and failure to deal with racist violence
how many more times likely is it for black people to be stopped and searched?
under the power of ‘reasonable suspicion gives police this power
what act allows for asians to be more likely to be stopped and searched
terrorism act 2000
in 2014 how many times higher was the arrest rate for black peopel comapred to white
3x higher
could be due to the fact that minority ethnic are more likely to defy offense and exercise their rights due to mistrust of the government
therefore they are less likely to be let off my caution
why are cases of ethnic minorities more likely to be dropped at prosecution
bowling and philps argue this is due to lack of evidence from the police
what happens if court cases do go ahead
ethnic minorities more likely to choose a crown court with a dury due to distrust of magistrates
However crown courts can impose harsher sentences if found guilty
what happens if court cases do go-ahead
ethnic minorities more likely to choose a crown court with a dury due to distrust of magistrates
However crown courts can impose harsher sentences if found guilty
what does the fact that balck and asians are less likely to be found guilt at sentencing tell us
that discrimination of police and the crown prosecuting services wastes a lot of time trial ethnic minorities for crimes they didn’t commit due to their internalised stereotypes of the group
what historic explanation is there as to why drugs were criminalized
- use of coke, heroin and opium was widely accepted in society, drug addiction was a public health issue but not a crime
- however, smoking opium was criminalised due to Chinese workers smoking it
- similarly, cocaine became criminalised due to the black community using it
what % of stop and searches of black people result in an arrest
left realist view on crime statistics
believe that the crime statisitics do reflect a difference between ethnicities
lea and young do beleive that crime of ethnic minoirties happens mroe due to racism leading to marginalisation and joining deliquant subcultures
they do recognise that the polic often act in a racist way and sometimes resutls in unjstified imporsonment of ethnic minsoroes, however they dont beelive that this can explain the gap
90% of crimes known to the police are reported by the public not found by racsit police
neo marxist view on official stasitics
- stats are socially constructed and is the process of racist labelling and over policng
gilroy believes that black criminality is a myth and africna carriabeans are no mroe likely to commit a crime but due to racist stereotypes held by the police high stats
seeing ethnic minority crime was policial and being against pervious generations stuggles due to imperalism
pervious generatins were taught how to fight opression under imperialism by rioting who when they found themsleves facing racism in britian they adopted the same idea
left realism criticism of neo marxism
- 1st generation of immigrants were very law-abiding do unlikely they passed down the tradition of anti-colonialism to their kids
- most crime is intra-ethnic so cant be seen as an anti-colonial struggle
blakc offenders have 3x higher imprisonment rate may be down to serviousness of offence of previous conviction
hood found that even when these 2 factors were equal between black and white black 5% more likely to get a custodical sentence
reasons for harsher sentencing
pre sented reports PRS are writeen by probation officers to help assist magistrates in deciding on snentece
hudson fround that PSRs allowed for written descimination. asian PSRs conainted how they were less co-ooerative and remorseful than white offenders
hall et al the policing crisis
study of the moral panic surrounding ‘black muggers’ in 1970s and found that there was no evidence to suggest higher rates of mugging were were taking place
balck muggers served as a scapregoat to disract from the cpaitlaism crisis of unemployment
beelives that the black mugger resembles social disintergration
divded the working class on racial means to make them fight rather than fighing against eachother
crticism of hall’s policing crisis
bownes. and rock argue that there are large inconstancies with this argument. claims that black street crime was not rising
but also was rising due to black unemploment
two more recent approaches to ethnic differences in crime cates
neighbourhood- fitzgerald examine facotrs such balck peole facing decsimination in the housing makret so ending up on poorer areas wehre theere are more interactions of street crimee
getting caught- sharp balkc offenders more liekly to be arrested becuse they are more likely to commit crimes such as robbery wehre the vicitm can easily idenitify them