Personnel, Admin, Financial and Awards Flashcards
M1000.8, SWE, AET, M1500.10, M1000.2, M7100.3, M4600.18, CIM5312.11, CIM5300.2
During a mutual exchange, how many years of obligated service remaining the member should have upon reporting to the new unit?
1 year
pg. 1-49
If a Mutual Exchange is approved, each member will assume the others tour completion date for a minimum of _______ and a maximum of ______
1 year and 3 and half years
pg. 1-49
What’s the minimum time you can have in the current unit before executing a mutual?
6 months
pg. 1-50
For non-rated personnel, How long are HUMS authorized for?
6 months
pg. 1-52
For rated personnel, how long are HUMS authorized for?
6 months or 2 years if approved by CG PSC-EPM
pg. 1-52
What reimbursement are not allowed during a HUMS?
HHG, Transportation, DLA and Per Diem
pg. 1-57
If member received NJP, courts-martial or civil conviction after applying for a Class “A” school, how long must they wait to re apply?
6 months
Training Man. pg. 7-10
Students who are disenrolled from Class “A” school for misconduct, lack of effort or application to complete training, or disenrollment at member’s request are considered to be Fault disenrollments, when can they re-apply for “A” school?
After 12 months of disenrollment
Training Man. pg. 7-15
Members are obligated to serve _____ months for the first ____ weeks of instruction
24 months and 12 weeks
pg. 7-12
Military personnel assigned to advanced training of greater than two weeks and less than 20 weeks must have at least _____ years of service remaining.
Military personnel assigned to advanced training of 20 or more weeks in duration must have, as of the completion date of the class, at least ____ years of service remaining
pg. 8-2
How many days to submit an appeal for an employee review?
15 days after signing (30 for reserves)
pg. 5-26
How many major steps in CG budget process?
Budget formulation and Budget execution
pg. 1-1
DLA rates are determined by who?
Chapter 5 of Joint Federal Travel Regulations
pg. 1-26
What assignment priority for members serving at overseas restricted units?
Priority 1
pg. 1-43
What assignment priority for members serving at overseas afloat units
Priority 2
pg. 1-43
What assignment priority for member serving at INCONUS afloat units and special assingments?
Priority 3
pg. 1-43
What assignment priority for member serving at overseas ashore units?
Priority 4
pg. 1-43
What assignment priority for members serving at INCONUS ashore units?
Priority 5
pg. 1-43
How often are the entire sets of competencies within a Program Manager’s (PM) purview reviewed?
pg. 2-4
Temporary duty and temporary duty assignments for officers and enlisted members shall not exceed ______ months.
pg. 1-143
What is the maximum amount of proceed time to be authorized?
Four days
pg. 1-149
How do you compute travel orders effective date?
subtract the travel time used from the reporting date and add one day
pg. 1-165
What is the max amount of prenatal leave allowed without Commandants approval?
30 days
pg. 2-10
What is the max amount of postnatal leave allowed?
42 days
pg. 2-10
What is the max amount of advance leave allowed?
30 days
pg. 2-5
How many days of adoption leave is authorized for members adopting a child in a qualifying adoption?
21 days
pg. 2-3
How many days of paternity leave are authorized?
pg. 2-3
Recommendations for unit awards and personal decorations must be submitted within three years from the date of the act or service, what awards do not have such time limitations?
Medal of Honor, Purple Heart and Gold and Silver Lifesaving Medals.
pg. 1-4
Who will Plan, program and budget for the acquisition and/or replacement of capitalized aviation assets?
M7100.3D pg. 9-53
When does the President submits his budget?
First Monday in February
M7100.3D pg. 1-2
Travelers are required to submit travel claims for local administrative review at their unit within_______ days from termination of travel?
3 days
CIM4600.18 pg. 2
Admin reviewers shall take appropriate action within ______ days of receipt?
CIM4600.18 pg. 2
Who has overall program management responsibility for the Coast Guard IBA GTCC program?
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-1
What is considered misuse of the GTCC?
Use of the GTCC for an expense that is not directly associated with official government travel or non-payment of a GTCC bill by the statement due date.
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-1
When is the GTCC Statement Closing Date?
Typically the 12th or 13th of the month
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-1
When is the GTCC Statement Due Date?
Typically 25 days after closing date
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-1
When is the GTCC Past Due?
Undisputed account balance remains unpaid one day past due date.
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-1
When is the GTCC Delinquent?
Undisputed account balance remains unpaid 31 days after the due date
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-1
When is the GTCC Suspended?
Undisputed account balance remains unpaid 61 days after the due date
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-2
When is GTCC pre-cancelled?
Undisputed account balanced remains unpaid 91 days after due date
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-2
When is the GTCC account closed?
Undisputed account balance remains unpaid 121 days after due date
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-2
Who is responsible for the oversight of the GTCC program at the units within their hierarchy and serve as the day-to-day
point of contact for individual GTCC holder?
Travel Managers
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-2
When is Travel Card Training required?
Every 2 years
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-2
Who is required to obtain a GTCC?
Members that anticipate traveling two or more times a year.
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-2
Who will review, approve or reject requests for credit limits of 10,000 and greater?
GTCC Program Manager
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-6
Who will process applications for new GTCC accounts?
Program Manager
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-7
Who maintains the authority and responsibility to temporarily increase and decrease the credit limit of members that don’t travel more than 5 times a year?
Travel Manager
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-9
Who will process requests to increase credit limits above 9,999?
Travel Manager
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-10
Travel Manager will close account if there are more than _____ unauthorized charges or if the total unauthorized charges exceed _____?
3 and $100
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-12
Who will notify SECCEN by submitting a CG-5588 for a member who misuses or is delinquent more than 60 days?
CO or Supervisor
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-13
Member must notify immediately _________ and ________ of any unauthorized use or questionable charges.
GTCC Bank and Travel Manager
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-14
When will an GTCC account be classified as Charged off?
Account balance reaches 180 days past due
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-19
When does salary offset program begins?
When account reaches 91 days past due
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-20
Who can reduce the credit limit back to $2 upon completion of travel?
Travel Manager
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-21
What is the standard max GTCC limit?
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-21
Travel Managers are authorized to raise credit limits up to?
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-21
Individuals traveling less than 5 times a years will have their credit limit reduced to _____
$1, it will be increased when member has received official travel orders.
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-21
What is the cash withdrawal limit?
30% of the available credit limit
CIM4600.18 pg. 1-21
Aviation personnel at air stations are duty standers with ______ hours workweeks or day workers with ______ hours workweeks
68 hours and 40 hours
CIM5312.11A pg. 2-18
Preventive and corrective maintenance is primarily measured by work reported through what?
CIM5312.11 pg. 2-51
Work required to maintain GSE was adapted from ______ standards?
CIM5312.11 pg. 2-51
How many Pilots/Aircrew for each HH-65
CIM5312.11 pg. 2-59
How many Pilots/Aircrew for each HH-60?
CIM5312.11 pg. 2-59
How many Pilots/Aircrew for each HC-130?
CIM5312.11 pg. 2-59
How many Pilots/Aircrew for each HU-25
CIM5312.11 pg. 2-59
he enlistment of Coast Guard Reserve personnel who are serving on extended active duty and who have served on extended active duty of _______ months or more shall be considered a reenlistment.
CIM1000.2 pg. 1-1
All enlisted personnel are allowed to renlist for periods of?
3, 4, 5 or 6 years
CIM1000.2 pg. 1-1
Where are Reenlistments in the Coast Guard after 24 hours of discharge processed at?
Recruiting Office
CIM1000.2 pg. 1-2
Enlisted members are no longer authorized to enter into an indefinite reenlistment contract, since when?
01 December 2011
CIM1000.2 pg. 1-5
For members with less than 10 years of service, how many years can they extend?
For any number of years, not less than 1 nor more than 6.
CIM1000.2 pg. 1-13
The total of all extensions of an enlistment may not exceed?
6 years
CIM1000.2 pg. 1-14
How can Personnel be advanced to E-5 through E-9 without participation in SWE competition?
Special Authority of the Commandant
pg. 3-4
By signing the Personnel Data Extract, Form CG-_____, the member states all changes noted or information on the form are current
CIM1000.2 pg. 3-4
Who is the single point of contact for all SWE inquiries, corrections, and waivers; and is responsible for the preparation, printing, distribution, accountability, and scoring of the Service wide examinations?
Commanding Officer (CG PPC) CIM1000.2 pg. 3-7
For _______ months prior to the terminal eligibility date , and for the entire period from recommendation to advancement, personnel in pay grades E-4 and E-5 must have no unsatisfactory conduct mark, court-martial (CM) or civil convictions, or NJP punishments.
CIM1000.2 pg. 3-22
For how many years Personnel advancing to pay grade E-7, E-8, or E- 9 will be required to remain on active duty after their advancement to the new grade?
2 years
CIM1000.2 pg. 3-34
Who may reduce a chief petty officer in rate for incompetence?
Only the Commandant
CIM1000.2 pg. 3-47
Under what authority , the Commandant is allowed to frock Coast Guard enlisted personnel?
Section 632, Title 14
CIM1000.2 pg. 3-50
To clearly distinguish Unsatisfactory and Low Competency Marks entry from all others, start the entry in the conduct competency field with?
“This is an adverse supporting remarks entry for”
CIM1000.2 pg. 5-2
A first class petty officer can be the Marking Official if designated as what?
Executive Petty Officer
CIM1000.2 pg. 5-5
The Approving Official must be a?
Coast Guard Officer or Officer in Charge E-7 or above
CIM1000.2 pg. 5-5
What events require an Unscheduled Employee Review?
Advancement, Change in rate, discipline, probation, reduction, Reserve ADOS, SWE and transfer
CIM1000.2 pg. 5-5
Ensuring employee reviews are completed, including the signed counseling sheet, not later than _____ days after the end of the employee review period ending date
CIM1000.2 pg. 5-10
A list of significant achievements or aspects of performance midway during the marking period and not later than ____ days before the end of the marking period
CIM1000.2 pg. 5-12
The Supervisor Routes the completed employee review to the Marking Official no later than _____ days prior to the period ending date.
CIM1000.2 pg. 5-12
The Marking Official Routes the completed employee review to the Approving Official not later than _____ days after the employee review period ending date
CIM1000.2 pg. 5-12
The Approving Official ensures the completed EER is processed in sufficient time to permit them to be reviewed by the evaluee through DA not later than ______ days following the employee review period ending date
CIM1000.2 pg. 5-13
The member must submit the appeal within _____ calendar days after the date they signed the acknowledgment section
CIM1000.2 pg. 5-27
Members who request retirement or separation in lieu of orders must notify Commander PSC within ______ of orders issue date.
5 working
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-3
Pregnant members who have orders to any school should not fulfill them unless they can complete training before?
Third trimester.
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-16
The Service does not assign married couples together to the same cutter or a small shore unit of less than _____ members.
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-17
How many dislocaiton allowances are allowed per year?
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-24
Dislocation allowances rates can be found where?
Chapter 5 of the Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR)
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-24
Every attempt will be made to issue transfer orders at least _____ days before the reporting date to INCONUS units
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-40
What does “PAL” mean?
Personnel Allowance List
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-58
Members will have approximately _____ days to complete an updated E-Resume after the shopping list is published
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-60
Members must submit an E-Resume within ____ months of arriving at their new duty station.
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-62
What happens to Members who do NOT have a current E-Resume on file by the stated deadline?
They lose their assignment priority
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-62
How much time in grade an E-7 needs to become eligible to fill an E-8 position?
3 years
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-65
A member projected for advancement to E-7 must submit an E-Resume within ______ of his/her name appearing on the list
30 days
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-66
What is the Standard Travel Order for Military Personnel?
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-141
When the total official distance is 400 or fewer miles, how many travel days are allowed?
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-157
When the member travels by POC, allow one day of travel time for each _______ miles of the official distance?
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-157
To avoid hardships on members and preclude an administrative burden to overseas commands, the following is a guide in determining assignment to overseas duty, Max dependents for E-7 to E-9?
CIM1000.8 pg. 1-178
Members adopting a child in a qualifying adoption are authorized ____ days of non- chargeable leave
CIM1000.8 pg. 2-11
Hometown recruiting is allowed for a period of up to ______ days.
CIM1000.8 pg. 2-19
Retiring members and members separated involuntarily may be authorized up to _____ days to conduct pre-separation job search and house hunting/relocation
CIM1000.8 pg. 2-20
Lump sum leave payment is limited to a maximum career total of_____ days
CIM1000.8 pg. 2-31
What are the primary locations for recording and assessing individual and unit qualification and training?
TMT and Direct Access
CIM1500.10 pg. 2-3
Class “A” and “C” training is funded by?
pg. 2-5
In regards to Mandated Training who is responsible for funding the design, development, delivery, and any recurring support that shall be required by providing the courseware?
Program Manager
pg. 6-2
Who Develops Performance Qualification Guides and curricula based on the E-5 and above EPQs and EPME?
Training Centers
pg. 7-1
Who Manages the professional development of assigned personnel?
Shop Chief / Division Officer
pg. 7-2
What is the official repository of current EPQs and EPME requirements?
Learning Portal
pg. 7-3
Who can defer Competencies?
Nobody, they can’t be deferred
pg. 7-6
Commanding officers of air stations are authorized to administer re-tests to airman program students within twenty-one (21) calendar days but no less than ______ calendar days after the previous attempt
pg. 7-7
In regards to Advance Education, what is the service obligation after graduation or completion?
three months for each month of instruction for the first 12 months, and one month for each month thereafter.
pg. 10-4
To qualify for an ACE review, the military course must be _____ hours long comparing it to a traditional 3 semester hour course.
pg. 11-2
When should and enlisted member have any existing competencies reviewed?
If they receive a mark of 2 or less in Performance Factor
CIM5300.2 pg. 3-6
What form is used to Create, change or inactivate a competency?
CIM5300.2 encl. 2
What are the types of work activities at a Coast Guard unit?
Duty, Watchstanding and Day Work
CIM5312.11 pg. 1-27
What is the standard allowance for supervision work hours per hour of work?
CIM5312.11 pg. 2-57