EPME Flashcards
SWE, EPME's for All
Who commands the Atlantic Area and the Pacific Area?
Vice Admirals
pg. E5-2
Coast Guard is organized into how many regions?
2, Atlantic and Pacific
pg. E5-2
Districts are commanded by?
Rear Admirals
pg. E5-3
Larger cutters (over 180 feet in length) are under control of who?
Area Commanders
pg. E5-4
A “cutter” is basically any CG vessel ____ feet in length or greater
pg. E5-4
Cutters at or under 180 feet in length come under control of?
District Commaders
pg. E5-4
How many units report directly to Headquarters?
pg. E5-5
Traditionally, our role in wartime has been to?
Augment the Navy with cutters and manpower
pg. E5-6
When did Congress authorized the capture of armed French vessels?
May 28, 1798
pg. E5-7
Cutters captured ____ prizes unaided during Quasi War
During the Quasi War which cutter captured 10 prizes, one of which carried 44 guns and 200 men, three times her own force?
pg. E5-8
Which cutter recaptured the American vessels Nancy and Mehitable in a memorable fight in 1799?
pg. E5-8
What was The Coast Guard’s role during the War of 1812?
augmenting the Navy with shallow-draft craft
pg. E5-8
What cutter capture the first prize of the war of 1812?
pg. E5-8
When did Congress declared war with Mexico?
May 13, 1846.
pg. E5-9
Which cutter is credited with firing the first naval shots of the Civil War?
Harriet Lane
pg. E5-10
During the Civil War, our cutters in the Navy’s service performed what kind of duty along the Atlantic coast?
Blockade Duty
pg. E5-10
When did Spain declared war against the U.S?
April 24, 1898
pg. E5-11
What cutter served as the escort and dispatch boat with Commodore George Dewey’s Asiatic Squadron?
The McCulloch
pg. E5-11
In what war did the the entire Coast Guard manpower, vessels, and units…was transferred to the Navy?
WWI April 2, 1917
pg. E5-12
What were some of the Coast Guard duties during WWI?
escort and patrol duties in the Mediterranean
pg. E5-12
When was the cutter Tampa torpedoed?
Sept. 26, 1918
pg. E5-12
With concern over the possibility of sabotage and accidents was profound during WWI, what did the Treasury Departement established?
Coast Guard Captain of the Port offices
pg. E5-12
Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, when did port security mission began?
June 22, 1940
pg. E5-13
What Act gave the Coast Guard jurisdiction over ships carrying explosives and dangerous cargoes?
Dangerous Cargo Act
pg. E5-13
When did the Coast Guard seized 28 Italian, 2 German, and 35 Danish merchant ships?
WWII March 1941
pg. E5-13
When was the Coast Guard given responsibility for cold- weather operations in Greenland?
April 9, 1941
pg. E5-13
During WWII Coast Guard-manned ships sank ____ enemy submarines
pg. E5-13
During WWII Coast Guard cutters and aircraft were credited with sinking how many German U boats?
pg. E5-13
During WWII Coast Guard craft rescued more than ________ survivors of torpedo attacks off the U.S. coast
pg. E5-14
In what war was the Coast Guard’s role was marginal, primarily one of support?
Korean War
pg. E5-15
In what war were Shallow-draft warships and operating expertise in coastal waters were needed for the interdiction of trawlers?
Vietnam War.
pg. E5-16
How many Coast guardsmen served in Vietnam?
8000 and 56 cutters
pg. E5-16
During the Vietnam War, To block infiltration, Coast Guard units boarded almost ________ junks and sampans.
pg. E5-16
For Operation Desert Shield a total of ______ Coast Reservists where called.
pg. E5-17
What war, was the first time in the Coast Guard Reserve’s 50-year history that involuntary overseas mobilization occurred?
Operation Desert Shield
pg. E5-17
Federal lifesaving service began to take shape in?
pg. E5-21
The purchase of _______ in 1867 greatly expanded the Coast Guard’s environmental responsibilities
pg. E5-23
The Fishery Conservation and Management Act of _____ created a ______ mile offshore fishing zone to be controlled by the U.S.
1976 and 200
pg. E5-23
What did the Coast Guard create in 1973 to combat oil spills?
National Strike Force
pg. E5-24
When was the first narcotics seizure recorded?
pg. E5-26
What was the driving force for establishing the International Ice Patrol?
The sinking of the Titanic
pg. E5-27
When was the RCS was tasked with maintaining the International Ice Patrol?
Feb 7, 1914
pg. E5-27
The only Coast Guard-manned light station in the U.S. today is?
Boston Harbor
pg. E5-28
Who served 39 years at the Lime Rock Lighthouse, saving 18 lives?
Ida Lewis
pg. E5-29
Who was awarded both the Medal of Honor and the Gold Lifesaving Medal?
Marcus Hanna
pg. E5-29
What U.S. Code cites that the Coast Guard is a military service?
Title 14
pg. E5-30
The Coast Guard Reserve is a part-time force, composed of approximately _______ specially trained people
pg. E5-31
When was the Coast Guard Reserve established?
Feb 19, 1941
pg. E5-31
What law enacted on November 23, 1942, established the Women’s Reserve as a branch of the Coast Guard?
Public Law 773
pg. E5-31
Where was the first organized Coast Guard Reserve unit was formed?
Boston October 1950
pg. E5-32
When was the Coast Guard Auxiliary created?
June 23, 1939
pg. E5-33
What are the four Coast Guard Auxiliary units?
Flotilla, Divisions, District Regions, National
pg. E-5-36
A flotilla consists of how many qualified memembers?
15 or more
pg. E5-37
A Division is usually composed of how many flotillas?
5 or more
pg. E5-37
When was the U.S Coast Guard officially transfered to DHS?
March 1, 2003
pg. E5-38
What are the Coast Guard’s homeland security roles?
Safeguard, Maintain, Ensure, Protect and Coordinate
pg. E5-38
What year did the first 5 African American women entered the SPAR?
pg. E5-40
Who were the first 5 African American women that entered the SPAR?
Hooker, Byrd, Mosely, Cooke and Cumberbatch
pg. E5-40
Who was the first E-9 in the Coast Guard?
Master Chief Kerwin. Nov 1, 1958
pg. E5-40
Who was the first Master Chief of the Coast Guard?
BMCM Calhoun 1969
pg. E5-41
When were all officer career fields and enlisted ratings are open to women?
pg. E5-41
When did the revenue Cutter Service and the U.S. Life Saving Service merged?
January 28, 1915
pg. E5-42
Who was a two-time winner of the Gold Lifesaving Medal?
Frederick Hatch
pg. E5-43
Who was credited with saving more than 600 lives, he earned two gold medals, three silver?
Joshua James
pg. E5-43
Who single-handedly rescued ten people from the grounded ship, Priscilla, on August 18, 1899?
Rasmus S. Midgett
pg. E5-43
Who provided a shield and covering fire, and helped evacuate 500 besieged Marines from a beach at Point Cruz?
Duglas Munro
pg. E5-45
Who are the Coast Guard Navy Cross Medal winners?
Best, Russell and Evans
pg. E5-45
For CWO Applicants minimum eligibility requirements for appointment to warrant grade must be completed by?
Jan 1st.
pg. E5-50
A CWO applicant must be a member of the Coast Guard or Coast Guard Reserve
with at least _______ years total active service in the U.S. Armed Forces…the last _____years with the Coast Guard
8 and 4
pg. E5-51
OCS age?
21-26. Recruiting SOP is 21-30
pg. E5-52
PPEP age?
pg. E5-53
Coast Guard Academy age?
pg. E5-53
Aviation services are provided by how many aviators?
pg. E5-55
aircrews fly various types of the Coast Guard’s inventory of approximately how many aircrafts?
200 plus
pg. E5-55
When is a list of significant achievements or aspects of performance due to supervisors?
No later than 14 days before then end of marking period.
pg. E5-59
When are the completed employee review due to the Marking official?
9 days prior the end of marking period
pg. E5-59
When should supervisors counsel the evaluee on the employee review after the Approving Official has completed his or her actions?
not later than 21 days after the end of marking period.
pg. E5-59
Approving Official’s decision on advancement recommendation is _______ and _____________
final and can’t be appealed.
pg. E5-62
Regular Employee Reviews Schedule for E1-E2?
January and July
pg. E5-64
Regular Employee Reviews Schedule for E-3?
February and August
pg. E5-64
Regular Employee Reviews Schedule for E4?
March and September
pg. E5-64
Regular Employee Reviews Schedule for E5?
April and October
pg. E5-64
Regular Employee Reviews Schedule for E6?
May and November
pg. E5-64
Regular Employee Reviews Schedule for E7?
pg. E5-64
What are the two types of reviews for enlisted personnel?
Regular and Special
pg. E5-64 and 65
What kind of Employee Review is required for Advancement to E7 or above?
pg. E5-66
What kind of Employee Review is required if Awarded non-judicial punishment?
pg. E5-66
Detachment of an Approving Official who directly supervises an evaluee, requires what kind of Employee Review?
pg. E5-66
What are the important aspects of effective counseling?
developing goals and objectives for improvement.
pg. E5-70
Tuition Assistance will pay tuition up front for courses less than?
18 weeks long
pg. E5-81
The Coast Guard Foundation Enlisted Education Grant program is for active duty personnel in pay grades E-3 to E-9 with how many years of service?
2 years or more.
pg. E5-81
The Coast Guard Foundation Enlisted Education Grant program grants up to $_______?
350 per year
pg. E5-81
Approximately ________ of colleges and universities in the United States give credit for successful completion of CLEP exams.
pg. E5-84
When are Reports of Surveys are required?
when an item on the Property Report becomes lost, damaged, or destroyed.
pg. E5-88
When is a Report of Survery not required?
value is less than $500.
pg. E5-88
What is the Report of Survey form
pg. E5-88
On your DD-214 where can you find a list of all your military training?
Block 14
pg. E5-91
Where can you access all your training records?
Direct Access
pg. E5-91
What is the Short Term Training Request form?
pg. E5-97
A micro purchase for the acquisiotn of supplies shall not exceed _________ dollars
A micro purchase for the acquisiotn of services shall not exceed _________ dollars
pg. E5-101
If the total amount of purchase exceeds the micro purchase threshold, how many quotes are required?
pg. E5-101
PRs for construction requests are limited to how much?
pg. E5-101
What do Most of the problems relative to the PDE involve?
Sea Duty points, Missing Data and Missing Award Points.
pg. E5-104
What are the most common finding upon initial testing of a confined space?
Low oxygen, explosive vapors, and toxic fumes
pg. E5-110
How many types of directives?
pg. E5-139
What kind of directive gets reviewed and validated every 4 years?
pg. E5-139
What directive Remain in effect until replaced or canceled by the originator or
higher authority?
pg. E5-139
What directive contains 25 or more pages?
pg. E5-139
What directive Are reviewed annually by originators and canceled when no longer
pg. E5-139
What directive is a Permanet type of instruction?
pg. E5-139
What directive is Automatically cancelled after 12 months if earlier cancellation
date not specified?
pg. E5-140
What directive has no defined format?
pg. E5-140
CGMS potential Speed Of Service Objective (SOSO) codes are?
Flash (Z) as fast as possible within 10 mins Immediate (O) within 30 mins Priority (P) within 3 hours Routine (R) within 6 hours pg. E5-151
What are the 2 types of CGMS messages?
Unclassified and Classified
pg. E5-155
What are the categories of Classified messages?
Top Secret, Secret and Confidential
pg. E5-156
How often are paygrade specific surveys?
6 years
M1510.2 pg. 2-3
Who is the principal advocate for enlisted personnel and a key stakeholder in the E-PME system?
Master Chief of the Coast Guard
M1510.2 pg. 2-4
This was the first time ever that steamboats were used in a war?
Mexican-American War
pg. E5-9
How many leadership competencies in the Coast Guard?
pg. E6-1
What is not to be used as judicial punishment or NJP?
pg. E6-8
How long must EMI last per day?
Less than 2 hours
pg. E6-9
EMI does not deprive the enlisted person of what?
Normal Liberty
pg. E6-9
EMI must not be assiged on what day?
Enlisted member sabbath day
pg. E6-9
in order to perform probable cause searches, a petty officer must be performing the following duties?
Shore Patrol, Military Police, Investigative and Guard
pg. E6-10
Under court martial rule 315 who must grant the search authorization?
CO or judge
pg. E6-10
How many different “types” of Administrative Remarks that may be entered on a CG-3307?
pg. E6-12
What is the Administrative Remarks Sheet?
pg. E6-12
How many Performance and Discipline entries are there on the CG-3307?
pg. E6-12
Where can you find all the information and requirements concerning the enlisted advancement?
COMDTINST M1000.2 (series), Chapter 3, Section A
pg. E6-16
How many years in present pay grade is required to be advanced each step from E-6 through E-9?
2 years
pg. E6-17
E-8 advancement requires ______ years minimum active service?
E-9 advancement requires _____ years minimum active service?
E-4 and E-5 advancements require _____ consecutive months of satisfactory conduct
pg. E6-19
E-6 and above advancements require ______ consecutive months of satisfactory conduct
What gives the Commandant authority to frock Coast Guard enlisted personnel?
Section 632, Title 14
pg. E6-19
Who did the Commandant designated as the sole authority for frocking of enlisted personnel?
pg. E6-19
What is the award recommendation form?
pg. E6-21
How many steps in the award recommendation process?
- Gather performance data
- Develop a performance bullet
- Decide on the level of award
- Draft the citation
- Edit the citation
- Complete CG1650.pdf
- Submit the award package
pg. E6-21
When deciding on the level of award, what is required for a Meritorious Service Medal?
one-page summary of action
pg. E6-22
Romantic Relationships between members are unacceptable when, Members are assigned to the same small shore unit with how many assigned members?
Less than 60
pg. E6-40
A Human Relations Council is required when the unit has ______ or more full time personnel?
pg. E6-44
How often is Human Relations Awareness Training conducted?
pg. E6-46
How often is Sexual Harrassment Training conducted?
pg. E6-38
How many Reserver Component Catergories are there?
Ready Reserves, Standby Rerserves and Retired Reserves
pg. E6-48
Who is considered Ready Reserves?
SELRES (Selected Reserves) and IRR (Individual Ready Reserves)
pg. E6-48
What type of training are SELRES members authorized?
IDT (Inactive Duty Training) and ADT (Active Duty Training)
pg. E6-48
How many days of IDT and ADT are SELRES members authorized per year?
48 IDT and 12 ADT per year
pg. E6-48
Who may voluntarily participate in Reserve training programs (i.e., IDT or ADT) for retirement points only, without pay?
Members in the IRR
pg. E6-49
Where can you find a listing of publications in use by the Coast Guard?
Directives, Publications and Reports Index (DPRI), COMDTNOTE 5600.
pg. E6-53
How many steps in ORM?
- Define Mission Task
- Identify Hazards
- Assess Risk
- Identify Options
- Evaluate Risk vs Gain
- Execute Decision
- Monitor Situation
pg. E6-58
During the ORM process, To ensure effective hazard identification, you need to consider these basic categories?
Equipment, Personnel and Environment.
pg. E6-59
During ORM process, what methods are used to Assess the Risks?
SPE= Severity, Probability and Exposure
GAR= Green, Amber and Red
pg. E6-59
When did the Coast Guard begin using battle streamers?
How many major Headquarters report to the Commandant?
pg. E7-6
The nautical origin of the Chief Petty Officer goes back to when?
April 1, 1893
pg. E7-11
Earlier use of the title “Chief” can be traced back to when?
Civil war era 1865
pg. E7-11
When did Congress officially approved and established the Coast Guard’s Chief Petty Officer grade?
May 18, 1920
pg. E7-11
What enacted the pay grades of E8 and E9?
Public Law 85-422, May 1958
pg. E7-12
The first Coast Guard chiefs were the former station keepers from what service?
Life Saving Service
pg. E7-12
When did the he 55th U.S. Congress officially approved and established the Coast Guard’s Chief Petty Officer grade?
May 18, 1920
pg. E7-11
The nautical origin of the Chief Petty Officer goes back to when?
April 1, 1893
pg. E7-11
Earlier use of the title “Chief” can be traced back to when?
1865, civil war era
pg. E7-11
What is the single most important variable in the Coast Guard’s Enlisted Career Development Program?
Senior and Master Chiefs set the example to the entire fleet.
pg. E7-13
A chief walks a fine line between ________, _________ and _________
Leader, Mentor and Technical Expert
pg. E7-15
What are the dimmensions allowable earings?
4-6mm ( 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch in diameter)
pg. E7-18
What colors are allowed for briefcases?
black, navy blue and dark brown
pg. E7-19
If assigned as a Mast Representative what are your duties?
You may question witnesses, submit questions to be asked to witnesses, present evidence, make a plea for lineancy and make statements geard to the CO.
pg. E7-26
If assigned as a Preliminary Inquiry Officer what are your duties?
Ensure 4910 is properly completed, Review suspected offenses, Questions witnesses, Collect Evidence
pg. E7-26
As a Preliminary Inquiry Officer what recommendations can you make?
Captains Mast, Dismissal, Trial by court martial or Negative page 7
pg. E7-28
What kind of budget the Coast Guard uses?
Zero Based Budgeting
pg. E7-43
What does S.T.A.A.R mean? when talking about ORM
Spread Out, Transfer, Avoid, Accept and Reduce
pg. E7-49
What UCMJ article provides the right of the accused to remain silent throughout the process and to not answer questions or make any statement?
What UCMJ article gives the authority to Commanding Officers to impose non-judicial punishment (NJP) at captain’s mast?
Members who receive NJP may appeal within how many days of the punishment being imposed?
General Courts Martial members?
military judge and at least five members
Special Courts-Martial members?
Military judge and at least 3 members
Summary Courts-Martial members
One member LDCR or above
What were the CG first 10 cutters?
- South Carolina 6. Argus
- Massachusetts 7. Active
- Virginia 8. Scammel
- Vigilant 9. Diligence
- General Green 10. Eagle
The performance evaluation factors are grouped into how many categories and what are they?
Performance, Leadership. Military, Professional Qualities and Conduct
What are the competency factors under Performance for E7 and above?
- Professional/Specialty Knowledge
- Professional Development
- Admin Ability
- Organization
- Using Resources
- Monitoring Work
- Safety and Occupational Health
- Stamina
- Communicating
pg. E7-31
What are the competency factors under Leadership for E7 and above?
- Working with others
- Responsabilities
- Motivation towards advancement
- Setting the example
- Evaluations
- Developing Subordinates
- Work life sensitivity
What are the competency factors under Military?
- Uniform
- Grooming
- Customs and Courtesy
What are the competeny factors under Professional Qualities?
- Health and Well Being
- Integrity
- Loyalty
- Respecting Others
- Human Relations
- Adaptability
What are the current commandant’s 4 principles?
- Ready the Service
- Honor our Profession
- Stregthen our Partnerships
- Respect our Shipmates
What are the roles of the Coast Guard?
- Maritime Safety
- Maritime Security
- Maritime Stewardship
What are the primary missions under Maritime Safety?
- Marine Safety
2. Search and Rescue
What are the primary missions unders Maritime Security?
- Illegal Drug Interdiction
- Undocumented migrants interdiction
- Defense Readiness
- Port, Waterways and Coastal Security
What are the primary missions under Maritime Stewardship?
- Living Marine Resources
- Environmental Protection
- Fisheries
- Aids to Navigation
- Ice Operations
How many vertical strips on the Coast Guard Ensign and what do they mean?
16 and they represent the number of states forming the Union at that time.
What tag prohibits operation of equipment that could jeopardize safety of personnel or endanger equipment, systems, or components?
Danger Tag (red)
What tag is used to provide temporary special instructions or indicate that unusual caution must be exercised to operate a particular piece of equipment?
Caution Tag (yellow)
What tag is used to identify instruments that will not correctly indicate parameters, because the instruments are either defective or isolated from the system?
Out of Commission (red)
What tag is used to identify instruments that are out of calibration and will not accurately indicate parameters?
Out of Calibration (orange)
What are some common places where a “Right to Know Station” or MSDS can be found?
paint lockers, engine rooms, auxiliary machinery spaces, and cleaning gear lockers.
When did the navy acquired their first rate insignia?
What step in the ORM process do you use the STAAR model?
Identify Options