Aviation Fuel Handling Process Guide Flashcards
85-00-170-A, SWE, AET, Replaced 13001.1
What is JP-5 NATO code?
F-44, flashpoint of 140F
pg. 2-1
How far shall all ignition sources be kept from designated servicing areas and tank farms?
pg. 2-1
What is JP8, JET A NATO code?
F-34, Flash point of 100F
pg. 2-1
No other fuel grades can be used without prior approval from who?
pg. 2-1
JP4, JET A and JET B
pg. 2-1
What is the only aviation fuel authorized for use aboard cutters?
pg. 2-2
What are the 4 major classification of contaminants?
Particulates, Water, Microbes and Surfactants
pg. 2-2
Contamination removal from _______ is more difficult because of its higher viscosity and density.
pg. 2-2
What fuel can be used as a replacement when JP-5 is not readily available?
pg. 2-2
What is the maximum acceptable level of particulate contamination?
- 0ml
pg. 2-3
What are particulates?
Solid contaminants that will not dissolve in fuel
pg. 2-3
What are the most common particulates?
iron, rust, scale, sand and dirt
pg. 2-3
What is the limit of water in aircraft turbine fuel?
pg. 2-3
What is considered Dissolved Water?
Is essentially humidity in fuel
pg. 2-3
What is Entrained Water?
Water suspended in tiny droplets in the fuel
pg. 2-3
Large slugs of free water can cause?
engine flameout
pg. 2-3
What are Microbes?
Microscopic growths
pg. 2-4
A simple and effective method to prevent or retard microbe growth is to do what?
Eliminate water
pg. 2-4
What are Surfactants?
Soap or detergent like materiels that occur naturally in fuel
pg. 2-4
At a minimum, airstation fuel farms should store how much fuel?
enough for a 7 day period
pg. 3-1
When shall fuel samples be taken for Truck Tanks?
pg. 3-4
To ensure proper testing, allow the fuel carrier tanker truck to sit stationary at the unloading point for how long?
5 minutes to allow water and particulate to settle
pg. 3-6
To ensure proper testing, allow tanker rail cars to sit stationary at the unloading point for how long?
30 minutes to allow water and particulate to settle
pg. 3-6
If the product is not procured via Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) or Defense Energy Support Contract (DESC) and delivered via over the road tank vehicles, what should be done?
Flashpoint testing to ensure the correct fuel has been delivered.
pg. 3-6
Who will retain fuel delivery documentation and for how long they will be kept?
QA and kept for 1 year
pg. 3-6
What type of tire should a Refueler truck have?
non-FOD type with wide lug
pg. 4-2
The exhaust of all engines shall be equipped with what?
Suitable spark arrestor
pg. 4-2
What is the fueling pressure for MH-65?
pg. 4-6
What is the fueling pressuer for MH-60?
pg. 4-6
What is the fueling pressure for HU-25?
pg. 4-6
What is the fueling pressure for HC-130?
pg. 4-6
What is the fueling pressure for HC-144?
pg. 4-6
Who should periodically check all aircraft fueling equipment, including fueling cabinets?
The qualified Fuel King
pg. 5-1
In climates where the ground air temperature can fall below _____°F, all equipment which can be adversely affected by freezing temperatures shall be inspected for proper winterization measures in early autumn
32 degrees
pg. 5-1
Daily checks shall be completed on all aircraft fuel delivery equipment in continuous use once every_____
24 hours
pg. 5-2
Before a clear and bright test can be conducted, ________ of fuel will be drained from all low point drains
2 quarts
pg. 5-2
any equipment being returned to service after _______ or more of downtime for maintenance shall also be given a complete weekly check.
72 hours
pg. 5-2
Aviation fuel surveillance program should maintain paper documentation for a minimum of daily, weekly and monthly testing. For how long should these records be kept?
12 months
pg. 6-1
Fuel sample bottles shall be filled to within _____ of the cap line?
1/2 inches
pg. 6-1
There shall be no smoking, open flames, spark, or flames producing items, or radio transmission items within ________ of a sampling operation?
pg. 6-1
What type of containers shall not be used for collecting fuel samples?
Plastic, Polyethylene, steel and aluminum
pg. 6-2
Daily clear and bright sample are required for?
All Ready Issue Fuel and Bravo aircrafts
pg. 6-2
How many types of fuel samples are taken at Coast Guard Airstation?
pg. 6-2
Tank truks and barges fuel sample shall be taken from where?
Manifold or fuel nozzle
pg. 6-2
Refueler samples shall be taken from where?
Fuel nozzle
pg. 6-2
What is the limit of water contamination in turbine fuels?
pg. 6-4
How many types of aviation basic fuel tests are there?
3, Clear and Bright Test, Flash Point Test and Detector Kit Tests
How often are Lab samples required?
Once a month
pg. 6-4
How much fuel should be drained before sampling?
2 quarts
pg. 6-5
How long must you wait to collect a fuel sample after refueling or moving the aircraft?
30 mins
pg. 6-5
Ordinarily, a cloud or haze in fuel indicates the presence of what?
pg. 6-5
Who should be notified if Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (FSII) levels drop below .07%?
pg. 6-7
What is the minimum FSII level allowed for safe operation of Coast Guard aircrafts?
pg. 6-7
Commercial grade fuels should not be stored for longer than?
3 months
pg. 7-1
What is FSll?
A mutagen in the undiluted state
pg. 7-2
What is the normal level of FSll in fuel?
pg. 7-2
What is the currently authorized Icing Inhibitor (FSII)?
pg. 7-2
Anytime FSll is introduced into an aicraft by means of aerosol can, what must be done after?
Entry into the EAL
pg. 7-3
When shall refueling plans be reviewed and by who?
Annually and by the CO
pg. 8-1
Do not start cold refueling operations when an electrical storm is within?
5 miles
pg. 8-1
Cold refueling an aircraft requires a minimum of?
2 people
pg. 8-2
There shall be no smoking, open flames, spark or flame producing items, or radio transmission items within _______ of cold refueling operations?
pg. 8-3
Equip all internal combustion engines operating within 50ft of cold refueling operations with?
Spark arresting muffler
pg. 8-3
How many people are required for hot refueling?
pg. 8-7
When should you notify the local fire department of hot refueling operations?
at least 15 mins before
pg. 8-7
During hot refueling operations, the aircraft may not be taxied or positioned within________, ________ and _________
200 ft from an inhabited or uninhabited bldg, 100ft from parked aircraft and 50ft from a taxiing aircraft.
pg. 8-8
Refuelers shall never be driven closer than ______ from any point of the aircraft or be left less than ______ from a fueling port or vent?
10ft and 25ft
pg. 8-14
What can increase the equilibrium charge for a given pipe and fuel?
Velocity of the fuel
pg. 8-19
What is the max ramp speed for servicing vehicles?
pg. 8-21
No trucks shall be parked closer than _____ from any inhabited building
pg. 8-22
No trucks shall be parked closer than _____ from any uninhabited building
pg. 8-22
How much clear space between parked trucks?
pg. 8-22
Repeated or prolonged exposure to _______, even at relatively low concentrations, has been associated with various blood disorders ranging from anemia to leukemia.
pg. 9-3
Fueling operations should not be conducted in sustained winds over?
50 knots
pg. 9-3
All personnel shall avoid grounding or bonding themselves within _______ feet of the aircraft fuel vents
pg. 9-4
What type of spill covers an area up to 18 inches in any dimension is considered?
Small spill
What type of spill ramp personnel shall stand by until the aircraft is dispatched is considered?
Small spill
pg 10-2
What type of spill covers up to 10ft in dimension but not over 50 square feet?
pg. 10-2
What type of spill shall have a fire guard posted upwind equipped with at least once 125/150lb PKP fire extinguisher?
pg. 10-2
What type of spill covers over 50 square feet in area?
Large Spill
pg. 10-2
What type of spill requires handling bye the “Spill Response Team”?
Large Spill
pg. 10-2
What is the minimum size for a waste oil tank?
1000 gallons
pg. 10-3
Used filters and test equipment shall be disposed IAW?
- 1 Hazardous Wast Management Manual
pg. 10-3
What detector kit test is for use in the filed or laboratory to determine the free water content of aircraft fuels?
pg. 6-6
What detector kit test is for use in the filed or laboratory to determine solid contamination in aircraft fuels?
AEL MK lll
pg. 6-6