Personality disorders Flashcards
3 ps of behavior
persistent (over time)
pervasive (over people and situations)
pathological (clearly abnormal)
Cluster A
people who are perceived as odd or eccentric ie. paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal
Cluster B
“drama queens” - people whose behavior is overly dramatic, emotional, or erratic ie. antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic
Cluster C
Anxious or fearful individuals ie avoidant,
Paranoid personality disorder
-suspects others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him/her
-preoccupied w/ unjustified doubts about loyalty
-reluctant to confide in others
-reads hidden mdemaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events
-persistently bears grudges
-perceives attacks on character
–> not exclusively during schizophrenia, bipolar or depressive dx w/ psychotic features, or another psychotic disorder
Individuals w PPD may develop…
MDD, agoraphobia, OCD, substance-use disorders
Schizoid personality disorder
Pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships
-begins by early adulthood
-no desire or joy in close relationships
-almost ALWAYS chooses solitary activities (not disturbed by this)
-little to no interest in sexual experiences w another person
Schizoid personality disorder Commorbidity
may appear as premorbid antecedent of delusional disorder or schizophrenia
- may develop MDD
- co-occurs most often w schizotypal, paranoid, and avoidant personality disorders
Schizoid personality disorder prevalence
uncommon in clinical settings
Schizoid Personality Disorder differential dx
- other mental disorders w psychotic symptoms
- autism spectrum disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
-pervasive pattern of social dn interpersonal deficits
-acute DISCOMFORT W and reduced capacity for close relationships
-ideas of reference (excluding delusions of reference)
-odd beliefs or magical thinking
-unusual perceptual experiences, including bodily illusions (misinterpretation of something, just short of hallucination)
-odd thinking and speech
-suspicioussness or paranoid ideation
-inappropriate or constricted affect
-behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar
-lacks close friends or confidants
-excessive social anxiety
schizotypal personality disorder comorbidity
Antisocial personality disorder
-pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others
-at least 18 yo
-there is evidence of conduct disorder w onset before age 15 years
-not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
(often in lay terms referred as ‘psychopath’ or ‘sociopath’)
Antisocial personality disorder reqs
- failure to conform to social norms re lawful bus
- deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying
- impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
- irritability and aggressiveness
- reckless disregard for safety of self or others
- consistent irresponsibility
- lack of remorse
Antisocial personality disorder associated features
risk of developing this dx as an adult is increased if hx …
Genetic Risk
Risk to biological relatives of females with dx tends to be higher than to biological
Borderlien Personality Disorder
- tend to undermine themselves at the moment a goal is about to be realized
- pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects
- marked impulsivity
- beginning by early adulthood
- present in a variety of contexts
- higher risk of suicidality
Borderline Personality Disorder reqs
- frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
- pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating bw extremes of idealization and devaluation
- identity disturbance (unstable self-image)
- 2+ areas of impulsivity
- recurrent suicidal bx, gestures, threats, or SIBs/SABs
- labile affect
- chronic feelings of emptiness
- inappropriate, intense anger
- transient stress-related paranoia or severe dissociative sxs
Borderline Personality Disorder comorbidity
common ie depressive and bipolar disorders, substance use disorders, eating disorders, ptsd, add
- freq occurs w other personality dxs
- physical/sexual abuse, neglect, hostile conflict, and early parental loss common in the childhood histories of those w borderline personality dx
borderline personality disorder prevalence
6% in primary care settings
10% in outpatient mental health clinics
Borderline personality disorder genetic risk
5x more common among 1st degree biological relatives of those w the disorder
Histrionic Personality Disorder
- excessive emotionality and attention seeking
- beginning early adulthood
- present in variety of contexts
Histrionic Personality Disorder reqs
- uncomfortable in situations where not center of attention
- often inappropriately sexually seductive or provocative
- rapidly shifting and shallow emotional expressions
- uses physical appearance to draw attention to self
- speech style is excessively impressionistic and lacks detail
- dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated emotions
- is suggestible (easily influenced)
- considers relationships to be more intimate than in reality
Histrionic person. disorder comorbidity
- associated w higher rates of somatic symptom disorder, conversion disorder, and MDD
- borderline, narcissistic, antisocial, and dependent personality disorders often co-occur