Personality Disorders Flashcards
What are personality disorders?
Personality disorders are recognised by
persistent and enduring patterns of
behaviour that are often destructive and
nearly always characterised by maladaptive and inflexible ways of coping with stress. These are the hardest people to work with in mental health.
What is the difference between personality disorders and personality traits?
We all have personality traits, these are our unique personal characteristics that differentiate us from each other, we are for example helpful, kind, a bit obsessional, a bit paranoid etc. These traits manifest as ‘disorder’ when they are significantly harmful to our social and occupational well-being. (The behaviour is so extreme that it effects life).
Symptoms of personality disorder
tend to diminish at what age?
40 years of age
How many groups of personality disorders are there?
Three- group A, B and C
What is clustered into group A?
paranoid schizoid schizotypal personality disorders Individuals whose behaviour appears odd or eccentric. Border between psychosis and reality
What is clustered into group B?
antisocial, o borderline, o histrionic, o narcissistic personality disorder Behaviour appears dramatic, emotional or erratic
Describe paranoid personality disorder:
The person has expectations of being harmed
or exploited without sufficient reason
There is an unwillingness to confide in others
Perceive hidden, demeaning or threatening
messages in innocent remarks or comments
by others
There is a tendency to bear grudges
Perceive attacks upon their character or
reputation that are not apparent to others
Suspicion regarding the fidelity of their partner
Describe schizoid personality disorder:
The person neither enjoys nor desires close
There is a preference for solitary activities
There is little interest in sex
There is indifference to either praise or
Emotional frigidity is apparent
The person exhibits evidence that they are
experiencing ideas of reference
‘odd’ beliefs, thinking, speech
There is evidence of some paranoid ideation
There is social anxiety
They lack a social network/friends
Describe antisocial personality disorder:
The person is at least 18 years old Exhibit a disregard for the law and the rights of others Exhibit reckless, aggressive, deceitful and impulsive behaviour Do not show remorse There is an inability to sustain employment/study
Describe borderline personality disorder:
The person is terrified of abandonment and
actively attempts to avoid it
Experience intense and unstable moods
Form intense and unstable relationships
Experience disturbances of identity
Engage in impulsive self-destructive
Exhibit recurrent suicidal behaviour
Experience chronic feelings of emptiness and
transient paranoia
Describe Histrionic personality disorder:
The person craves being the centre of
attention and engages in selfdramatisation/physical
appearance to attain
Displays inappropriately sexually seductive
Speech used to impress others but lacks
Tendency to exaggerate the degree of
intimacy that they share with others
Tendency to be easily led by others
Describe narcissistic personality disorder:
The person brims with self-importance and grandiosity There is a preoccupation with fantasies of success, power, genius and/or beauty There is a profound belief that one is special Often display arrogance, need to be admired, lack empathy and tend to exploit others for their own benefit
Describe Cluster C personality disorders:
o avoidant o dependent o obsessive-compulsive personality disorder Individuals who appear anxious or fearful
Describe avoidant personality disorder:
The person fears disapproval, rejection and
ridicule and so avoids occupations and social
situations where this may occur
There is avoidance of intimate relationships
due to the same fears
There is preoccupation with fear of shame,
rejection and ridicule
Embarrassment and/or anxiety experienced
in social situations
Feelings of inferiority and reluctance to take
Describe dependant personality disorder:
The person is unable to make decisions or
initiate projects without considerable advice,
reassurance and direction
There is difficulty with expressing disapproval
The person experiences discomfort when
alone and fears isolation
Confidence is lacking
The person has an urgent need to establish a
new relationship for support and care when
an existing relationship ends
Describe Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder:
The person has a preoccupation with details,
rules, schedules and organisation
Perfectionism interferes with the completion of
Displays over-conscientiousness, inflexibility,
rigidity and stubbornness
Tends to hoard possessions and reluctant to
Tendency to prefer work rather than to
Describe schizotypal personality disorder:
The person exhibits evidence that they are
experiencing ideas of reference
‘odd’ beliefs, thinking, speech
There is evidence of some paranoid ideation
There is social anxiety
They lack a social network/friends
What group is most likely to self harm?
Group B
What can the nurse do to help with recovery?
Being non-judgemental, using a team response, empathy, using therapeutic therapies to enable recovery.