Personality Disorders Flashcards
DSM 5 defines personality disorders as an _______ pattern of inner ________ and behaviour that _____ from the expectations of an individuals _______. Typically has an onset in _________ and is ______ over time, leading to impairment.
enduring pattern of inner experiences and behaviour
deviating from cultural expectations
onset in adolescence and stable over time
leads to impairment
DSM 5 argues that patterns of inner experience have to be manifested by 2 out of what 4 things?
interpersonal functioning
impulse control
What is the P I M S of personality disorders?
P = Persistent
I = Inflexible
M = Maladaptive
S = Significant impairment
What are the 3 key assumptions of the categorical approach to PDs?
Absolute = Either have it or don’t have it
Distinct = PDs are distinct from each other and from normal personality
No assumptions about underlying structure
What are the 3 key assumptions of the dimensional approach to PDs?
Continuous = Personality manifests on continuous dimensions of traits
Distinct = PDs distinct from normal personality
Extremity = PDs manifest as extreme/maladaptive levels of normal traits
What is Cluster A of the categorical approach - what PDs are in this cluster?
Cluster A = eccentric/odd
containing: paranoia
What is Cluster B of the categorical approach - what PDs are in this cluster?
Cluster B = erratic/emotional
containing: antisocial
What is Cluster C of the categorical approach - what PDs are in this cluster?
Cluster C = fearful/anxious
Containing: Avoidant
Apart from cluster A, B or C what are the 2 other categories of personality disorder?
Personality change due to medical condition/physiological change (Phineas gage)
Unspecified PD - individual meets general diagnostic criteria for PDs but doesnt match full criteria for any of the 10 PDs
Cluster A
Paranoid PD refers to ______ and ______ of others across contexts and without ________. List four symptoms.
distrust and suspicion of others across contexts with no basis
such as:
reluctant to confide and doubting trust in friends
suspects others of harming, plotting or deceiving
bears grudges
seeks hidden meanings
Cluster A
Schizoid PD refers to _________ from relationships and __________ emotional expression.
List 4 symptoms
detachment from relationships and restricted emotional expression
such as:
lacks close confidants
does to seek, enjoy or have interest in relationships
prefers solitary activities
emotionally blunt
indifference to praise/criticism
Cluster A
Schizotypal PD refers to _________ with relationships, _________ behavior and ________ perceptions and cognition.
List four symptoms:
detachment with relationships
eccentric behavior
distorted perceptions and cognition
such as: odd beliefs, speech, perceptions of reality
peculiar behaviour
lack of confidants
social anxiety
What similar features do PDs in cluster A all share?
lacking close confidants
Cluster B
Antisocial PD is the pervasive __________ of the ______ of others from at least age ___.
List 4 symptoms
disregard of the rights of others since or before age 15
nonconformity to social norms
recklessness for safety and irresponsibility
Cluster B
Borderline PD is the pervasive ________ of inter-personal ______________, self-________ and affect.
List 4 characteristics:
Borderline PD = pervasive instability of inter-personal relationships, self image and affect
such as :
Impulsivity in pleasures
extreme idealization/devaluation of relationships
recurrent self harm/suicidal gestures
frantic efforts to avoid abandonment