It is the habitual patterns and qualities of behavior. Expressed by physical and mental activities and attitudes. Distinctive individual qualities of a person. Total of the person’s internal and external patterns of adjustment to life.
What determines the Personality
Genetics and Experience
Are qualities of behavior that make a person unique. Person’s characteristics patterns of thought, feelings and behaviors.
Personality traits
Non-psychotic illness characterized by maladaptive behavior. Pervasive and inflexible pattern of behavior. Limit the individual’s ability to function in society
Personality Disorders
Is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving.
Personality Disorder
Trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people. Causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, work and school.
Person with Personality Disorders
Characteristics of P.D.
*Denies maladaptive behaviors they exhibit. Become a way of life
*Inflexible MB
*Minor stress is poorly tolerated
*In contact but has difficulty dealing w/ reality
*Anxiety and Depression are present
*Psychiatric help are rarely sought
Causes of P.D.
*Psychoanalytic and development theories.
*Socio-Cultural Theory
*Psychobiologic theory
*Behavioral theory
*Family Theory
Psychoanalytic and development theories
*unsuccessful mastery of tasks
*Failure to establish trust in infancy
*Negative ch experiences
Psychoanalytic and development theories for Borderline P.D.
Failure to work through the separation (toddlerhood)
*unable to separate from the mother (reward clinging behavior)
*Mother may be strongly nurturing at times and punishing at unpredictable times
Socio-Cultural Theory
Emotional, physical abuse and sexual abuse by caretakers or non ct
Psychobiologic theory
*genetic trans and neurologic deficits (APD)
*Poor regulation of sero&dopa levels (BPD)
Behavioral theory
*from parents, giving rewards when acting-out than setting limits (APD)
*Rewarded for clinging behavior (BPD)
Family Theory
*Parental deprivation, chaotic home, inconsistent & impulsive parents (APD)
*Unstable fam leads to unstable personality (BPD)
Risk Factors
*Fam history of disorders
*Abusive, unstable, or chaotic fam during ch
*dx with ch CD
*Variations in brain chem and structure
Odd, Eccentric thinking or behavior
Cluster A P.D.
Cluster A P.D.
Dramatic, Overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior
Cluster B P.D.
Cluster B P.D.
Antisocial PD
Borderline PD
Histrionic PD
Narcissistic PD
Anxious, Fearful thinking or behavior
Cluster C PD
Cluster C PD
Avoidant PD
Dependent PD
Obsessive-Compulsive PD
Treatment of choice for P.D. Short term psychotherapy focusing on solutions for specific life problems.
Appropriate if the client agrees to attend to sufficient number of sessions.
Group therapy
Medications for P.D.
Mood stabilizers
Useful if clients have a depressed mood, anger, impulsivity, irritability or hopelessness, which may be associated with personality disorders.
Can help even out mood swings or reduce irritability, impulsivity and aggression.
Mood stabilizers
Other name for antipsychotic
Helpful if clients’ symptoms include losing touch with reality (psychosis) or in some cases if clients have anxiety or anger problems.
For clients with anxiety, agitation or insomnia. But in some cases, they can increase impulsive behavior, so they’re avoided in certain types of personality disorders.
Interventions for Odd, eccentric P.D
*Adopt an objective, matter-of-fact manner
*Daily structure for ADL
*Focus on reality
*Help cl to identify feelings
*Identify sources of stress
*Involve in group situations
Interventions for the client with dramatic, emotional, erratic personality disorder
*prevent self harm (observe cl, no harm contract)
*Immediate feedback when confronting (examine conseq. of appro and inappro behavior)
*Act as role model
*Avoid rescuing or rejecting cl
*set limits
*positive fb
*explore feelings
*problem solving approach
Interventions for the client with anxious, fearful P.D.
*Caring, consistent therapeutic rs.
*expect cl to make decisions, be assertive
*Cl identifies positive self-attributes.
*use stress mgt and relaxation techniques
Interventions for famility of the client with P.D.
*maintain generational boundaries
*positive feedbacks
*define acceptable behavior for cl within the fam
*encourage parents to work their own relationship
*Use stress reduction measures