Personality and Abnormal Psychology Flashcards
social skills and the salient impression one leaves on otehrs
William Sheldon
characterized people by body type, endomorphy, mesomophy, ectomorphy
soft and spherical body type, sheldon
hard, muscular, and rectangular body type, Sheldon
Lightly muscled body type, sheldon
E. G. Boring
Zeitgeist, changing spirit of the times caused development of psychology
Edward Titchener’s method of introspection
formed Structuralism
James, Dewey - stream of conscoiusness, studies how mind functions to help epeople adapt to environment; attacked structuralism
Watson, Skinner, behavior is leanred as people interact with their environment John Dollard Neal Miller Ablbert Bandura, considers the symptoms to be the disorder not a manifestation of a disorder- psychology as objective study of behavior; attacked mentalism and the use of introspection; attacked structuralism and functionalism
Cognitive Psychology
Chomsky, behaviorism is not an adequate explanation for human behavior, humans think, believe, and are creative
Sigmund Freud, existence of unconsscious internal states that motivate the overt actions of individuals and determine personality
mid 20th centuryopposition to both psychoanlysis and behaviorism, believe in the notion of free wil and people should be considered as wholes rather than in terms of stimuli and responses (behaviorism) or instincts (psychoanalysis) Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers - Maslow, Rogers, looks at people as wholes; humans have free will; psychologists should study mentally healthy people, not just mentally ill/maladjusted ones
Sigmund Freud
first personality and abnormal personality theory
Philippe Pinel
1792, people with mental illness should be treated with consideration and kindness, beneficial effects
Dorothea Dix
1841-1881 US, advocate of treating hospitalized mentally ill in a humane way
General Paresis
delusions of grandeur, mental deterioration, eventual paralysis caused by pyphilis, idea that physiological factors could underlie mental disorders important andvance
Carletti and Bini
1938 electroshok, believed could cure schizophrenia (wrong)
Prefrontal Lobotomies
1935 and 1955 frontal lobes severed from brain , used to cure schizophrenia, did not, just made patient easier to handle
Antipsychotic drugs
1950s to treat schizophrenia major breakthrough
Emil Kraepelen
1883 classification as precursur to DSM
reservoir of all psychic energy and consists of everything psychological that’s present at birth Functions according to the pleasure principle, whose aim is to immediately discharge any energy build up
Primary process
id’s response to frustration operating under the dictum of “obtain satisfaction now, not later”
Wish fulfillment
mental image of the object that can alleviate the frustration bringing about the primary process of the id
functions by secondary process or reality principle taking into account objective reality as it guides or inhibits the activity of the id and the id’s pleasure principle
not directly in touch with reality and strives for the ideal rather than the real , represents moral branch of personality striving for perfection conscience and ego-ideal
whatever carefibers say is improper and the child is punshed for
whatever caregivers approve of and reward
psychological representation of a bodily excitation
Life instincts (hunger, etc)
Death instincts (wish for quiet)
form of energy by which the life instincts perform their work
Defense Mechanisms
ego’s recourse to releasing excessive pressures due to anxiety - 2 characteristics 1) deny, falsify, or distort reality 2) operate unconsciously - 8 main ones
defense mechanism, unconscious forgetting of anxeity-producing memories
defense mechanism, conscious form of forgetting
defense mechanism when a person attributes his forbdden urges to others, I hate my uncle -> my uncle hates me
Reaction Formation
defense mechanism, a repressed wish ins warded off by its diametrical opposite - a young boy who hates his brother is punshed for his hostile acts my turn his feelings into the exact opposite; he now showers his brother with affection
defense mechanism socially acceptable explanation for inappropriate behavior or thoughts
reverting to an earlier stage of development defense mechanism
defense mechanism transforming unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behaviors
pent up feelings are discharged on objects and people less dangerous than those causing the feelings defense mechanism
Carl Jung
phychoanalytic theory, libido as psychic energy in vernal, ego as the concious mind, uncoscious into two parts: personal and collective - personality is made up of the interaction of four psychological functions: thinking, feeling, sensing and intuiting, one is more dominant than the other
Collective Unconscious
Carl Jung, residue of the experiences of our early ancestors, archetypes
Carl Jung, thought or image that has an emotional element, part of the collective unconscious
mask that is adopted by a person in response to the demands of social convention, Carl Jung archetype
understand gender, the feminine behaviors in males, and the masculine behaviors in females, archetype, Carl Jung
archetype, Carl Jung, consists of animal instincts that humans inherited in their evolution from lower forms of life, responsible for socially reprehensible thoughts feelings and actions
person’s striving for unity, intersection between collective unconscious and the conscious, a mandala or magic circle, reconciler of oppositses and the promoter of harmony, Jung, archetype
an orientation toward external objective world, Jung
Jung, orientation toward inner, subjective world
Alfred Adler’s Theory
iturned attention to immediate social imperatives of family and society on their effects on uncincious factors, inferiority complex - striving towards supeiority drives the personality, striving is selfish and not socially oriented, becomes the root of personality disturbances - creative self and style of life, coined term “lifestyle”, fictional finalist
Creative Self
Alfred Adler, force by which each individual shapes his or her uniqueness and makes his or her own personality
Style of life
Albert Alfred, manifestation of the creative self and describes a person’s unique way of achieving superiority, Family envioronment is cruical in molding the person’s style of life
Fictional Finalism
an individual is motivated more by his or her expectations of the future than by past experiences, Albert Alfred, based on fictional values rather than objective ones from the past
Karen Horney
neurotic personality is governed by one of ten needs such as affection and approval, to exploit others, and self-sufficiency and independence - needs resemble healthy ones except for four respects: disproportionate in intensity, indiscriminate in application, partially disregard reality, have a tendency to provoke intense anxiety — to overcome anxiety children move toward people to obtain good will to privde security, moving against people, or fighting them to obtain the upper hand and moving away or withdrawing from people
Anna Freud
ego psychology
Erik Erickson
reworked Freud to cover entire lifespan, negative events or conflicts could have positive effects