Personality 2 Flashcards
What did the Behaviorists believe personality to be?
They believed:
- Personality develops across the lifespan
- personality is not fixed
- personality is only shaped by the environment through learning principles of reinforcement/punishment
They believed that one has to interact with the stimulus and to directly experience the reinforcement, but THIS IS NOT A STRICT RULE
(Think about the dog who saw people buy stuff with money and brought a green leaf, or the children who mimicked the actions of adults who were rewarded and not punished)
how does “Reciprocal Determinism” reinforce personality characteristics?
- Our cognitions, behaviors, and environments all influence on another
- Our personalities lead us to certain situations and engage in certain behaviors, and these, in turn, reinforce our personality traits
What is the internal locus of control?
Someone who believes:
- they have the power over their life
- They make things happen
- THeir efforts and decisions determine their outcome
What is an external locus of control?
Someone who believes:
- that outcomes are beyond their control
- life happens to them
- luck and fate have more power over my outcomes than I do
What’s the difference between internal and external locus of control?
If 2 people with different locus of controls lose a snowboard competition:
Internal - has control and looks for solutions
- I didn’t practice hard enough
- I should have prepared more on this snow
External - doesn’t have control, looks to external factors
- It just wasn’t meant to be
- I wasn’t used to the snow
What have studies determined about different locus of control?
Internal locus of control will:
- be healthier
- study harder
- get better grades
- achieve more in career
External locus of control will:
- give more lenient punishments for crimes
What is social-cognitive prespective?
It states that:
- Our cognitions interact with behaviours and environments to each shape the other
Related to Reciprocal Detrminism
Who is Allport?
He believed in Trait Theory:
Cardinal traits, central traits, and secondary traits
He combed through a dictionary and took our all descriptive words, narrowed it down into a list
- people either had or didn’t have a trait
What are cardinal, central, and secondary traits?
Cardinal traits: A single trait that describes their whole personality
Central traits: The main ways in which we describe ourselves
Secondary traits: Not obvious and do not regularly appear (only in certain situations)
Who is Allport?
He believed in Trait Theory:
Cardinal traits, central traits, and secondary traits
- thorough description of personality
- people either had or didn’t have a trait
Who is Cattell? How did he advance trait theory?
He combed through a dictionary and took our all-descriptive words, narrowed it down into a list.
Ultimately, he narrowed all descriptive words into THE BIG 5 (5 big catagories)
Name the BIG 5 (catagories for personality traits)
What is openness?
People who are more creative, think more divergently
- correlation to trying new foods
- correlation to meeting new people
What is Conscientiousness?
People who are hard working, self disciplined, and self directed. Tendy to be tardy and disorganized
- Correlation to a messy room
- correlation to sticking to deadlines
What is Extroversion?
Someone who is outgoing warm, friendly, likes meeting people, makes friends easily, recharges by being around others, etc.
- correlation to closer firends
- correlation to happier
What is Agreeableness?
Easy going, polite, friendly, etc.
- correlation to closer friends
- correlation to working with other people
What is neuroticism?
People who t end to experience negative emotions easily. Tend to be more stressed out.
- Correlation to few friends, worse health, unhappier, stressed
What is the heratibilty estimate of personality?
The big 5 are around a 55% heritability estimate
If personlity is genetic, is personality stable?
Across 30 years, the r rating is between 0.6 and 0.8.
Personality tends to stay similar over time, but there are environmental events that can change our personlaity
Trunk of tree is still firmly into the ground (the core of our personality), but the tree can sway, just like how our personality can occasionally sway.