Peritoneum and Upper Abdomen Viscera Flashcards
What is the foramen that allows the greater and lesser sac (omental bursa) to communicate?
Omental foramen
What makes up the portal triad?
The portal vein, bile duct, and hepatic artery proper
What two structures does the greater omentum attach to?
Greater curvature of the stomach and transverse colon
What two structures does the lesser omentum attach to?
The lesser curvature of the stomach and the duodenum
Which ligament contains the portal triad?
The hepatoduodenal ligament, which is part of the lesser omentum
Which structure overlays the omental foramen?
The hepatoduodenal ligament
Describe the path that the mesentery proper runs.
Diagonally from duodenaljejunal jxn to ileocecal jxn
Where do the SI’s go from retro to intraperitoneal?
At the duodenojejunal jxn
The entire vascular supply for the jejunoileal tract runs through what structure?
Mesentery proper
What helps anchor the duodenum at the duodenojejunal jxn?
Suspensory ligament of Treitz
What anchors the majority of the colon to the posterior abdominal wall and which part(s) of the colon does it attach to?
Transverse Mesocolon; attaches to the transverse colon
Which two subdivisions create the overall greater sac?
The supracolic and infracolic compartments/spaces
What is the embryological origin of the round ligament of the liver?
The obliterated umbilical v.
What are the reflections of peritoneum around the area of the liver with no visceral peritoneum (bare area)?
The anterior and posterior coronary ligaments
Which space is the potential site for the most common type of hernia (indirect inguinal) and where is this space located?
Lateral inguinal fossa; lateral to the lateral umbilical folds
What is the lowest point of the abdominopelvic cavity?
The hepatorenal pouch/recess
What is the lowest point of the pelvic cavity (name the different ones for males v. females)?
Rectovesical pouch for males, recto-uterine pouch for females
The hepatorenal pouch is bounded by which 4 organs?
Liver, R kidney, colon, and duodenum
In females, we have an additional pouch created by the uterus. What are the names of the two pouches created by the uterus and what is their directionality in relation to the uterus?
Recto-uterine pouch (posterior to uterus) and vesico-uterine pouch (anterior to uterus)
What is the name for the point where the common bile duct drains into the descending duodenum?
Major duodenal papilla
What does the major duodenal papilla indicate in terms of embryological origin?
The junction of the foregut and midgut
Is the pancreas anterior or posterior to the stomach and duodenum?
Where does the accessory pancreatic duct drain into the duodenum?
The minor duodenal papilla
The spleen contacts the diaphragm at the levels of what ribs?
Ribs 9-11
Which vessels supply the lesser curvature of the stomach?
Left gastric (from the celiac trunk) and R gastric (from the gastroduodenal a.)
What are the two terminal branches of the common hepatic artery?
proper hepatic and gastroduodenal
Where do the superior pancreaticoduodenal aa branch from?
The gastroduodenal
What vessel supplies the greater curvature of the stomach?
The RIGHT gastro-epiploic a (RIGHT gastro-omental)
Which vessels supply the greater curvature of the stomach?
The R and L Gastro-omentals (Gastroepiploic)
What 3 ligaments make up the greater omentum?
Gastrocolic ligament, gastrosplenic ligament and gastrophrenic ligament
Where does the cystic artery branch from?
The right hepatic a.
Flow of bile into the duodenum at the majoir duodenal papilla.
R & L hepatic duct -> Common hepatic duct -> joins with cystic duct ->bile duct ->joins with main pancreatic duct -> major duodenal pallilae
The gastrosplenic ligament contains which 2 vessels?
1.The short gastric 2.Gastro-omental
In which ligament do the splenic vessels travel?
The splenorenal ligament
Which vessel usually gives rise to the R gastric a?
Proper hepatic a
Usually, what are the two branches of the gastroduodenal a?
The superior pancreaticoduodenal aa. and R gastro-omental a (gastroepiploic a)
What are the two branches of the splenic artery and what do they supply?
Short gastric and L gastro-omental; the greater curvature of the stomach
Which ligament contains the short gastric a and the gastro-omental vessels?
The gastrosplenic ligament