Pelvis and Pelvic Floor Flashcards
Which rounded ridge separates the superior and inferior aspects of the ilium?
The arcuate line of the pelvis
What is an important attachment site in the pelvis for sheet-like muscles and deep fascia?
The iliac crest
Which structure marks the superior end of the greater sciatic notch?
The posterior inferior iliac spine
Which structure of the pelvis is responsible for the articulation with the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint?
The auricular surface of the ilium
Which pelvic structure separates the greater sciatic notch and the lesser sciatic notch?
The ischial spine
What is the most prominent feature of the ischium and where is it anatomically?
The ischial tuberosity; on the posterior inferior aspect of the ischium
Which structure is an important attachment site for lower limb muscles and for supporting the body when sitting?
The ischial tuberosity
What divides the false and true pelvic areas?
The pelvic brim
What makes up the pelvic inlet (3 things)?
Sacral promontory -> ala of sacrum -> linea terminalis
What 3 things make up the linea terminalis?
Arcuate line, pectin pubis, and pubic crest
Where in the pelvis can you see all 3 bones of the pelvis come together in the lateral view?
What is the difference in shape of the pelvic brim in males and females?
More round/pear-shaped in males; more oval in females
The sacrum is shorter and less curved in males or females?
Do females have a longer or shorter pubic symphisis?
The obturator foramen is more round in females or males?
Greater pubic angle in males or females?
Which broad ligament crosses the sacro-iliac joint?
The anterior sacro-iliac ligament
What closes off the obturator foramen and comprises the lower border of the obturator canal?
The obturator membrane
From an anterior view is the sacrotuberous ligament anterior or posterior to the sacrospinous?
Which ligament is deep to the posterior sacro-iliac ligament and in which joint is it?
Interosseous ligament; SI joint
Which pelvic ligament is the lower boundary of the lesser sciatic foramen?
The sacrotuberous ligament
Which pelvic ligament is the lower boundary for the greater sciatic foramen?
The sacrospinous ligament
Which muscle attaches at the sacrum and passes out of the pelvic cavity through the greater sciatic notch and attaches to the greater trochanter?
Piriformis m.
Which two muscles arise in the pelvis and act on the hip joint and what are their innervations?
Piriformis (S1,S2) and Obturator internus (L5,S1)
Which m. and ligament make up the lesser sciatic foramen?
The obturator internus m. and the sacrotuberous ligament
What is the major group of muscles that make up most of the pelvic diaphragm? What are the individual muscles that make up this group?
The levator ani muscles; iliococcygeus m., pubococcygeus m., and puborectalis m
Which muscles make up the pelvic diaphragm?
Levator ani and coccygeus m.
Which muscle is the broad, large portion of the pelvic floor?
Which is the U-shaped muscle of the pelvic diaphragm?
Pubococcygeus m.
Which is the thinnest and most medial muscle of the pelvic floor? What structure does it wrap around?
Puborectalis; the rectum
Which muscle helps form the anorectal flexure that maintains controls bowel movements?
What structure is very important for the attachment of levator ani mm, in particular the iliococcygeus?
The tendinous arch of the fascia associated with the obturator internus
The perineal membrane is traversed by what in the male?
The urethra
Which is the largest m. of the urogenital diaphragm? Where does it attach?
Deep transverse m., posteriorly to the perineal body
The deep transverse perineal mm. fill what space?
The deep perineal pouch
What wraps around the urethra in the deep perineal pouch?
The external urethral sphincter
Which additional muscles interdigitate with the deep transverse perineal m to help support now that we have another opening, the vagina, which weakens the perineum?
Compressor urethrae and sphincter urethrovaginalis
Which muscle in the female helps close the urethra?
Compressor urethrae
Which muscle extends around both vaginal and urethral openings?
Sphincter urethrovaginalis
The ureters enter the bladder in what directional position?
In females the ureters pass ____, and in males the ureters pass ___?
Uterine a.; ductus deferens
What is the smooth muscle contained within the bladder?
The detrusor urinae m.
Which structure offers major support for the inferior aspect of the bladder in males?
The prostate gland
Which is a protective structure associated with protection against acidic or alkalinic urine in females before it leaves the body?
Paraurethral gland (Skene’s gland)
What kind of epithelium lines the bladder?
Urothelium (transitional epithelium)
Describe the 4 different types of urethra in males?
1.Preprosthatic part (tiny portion leaving the bladder just before entering prostate) 2.Prosthatic part (goes through the prostate) 3.Membranous part (small portion going through the perineal membrane) and 4.Spongy part (long portion going through the penis)
Where do we have the combination of the urogenital tract happening?
In the prostatic urethra
What is the name of the flexure in the area of the rectum? Which muscle creates this flexure?
The anorectal flexure; puborectalis (puborectal sling)
What must be relaxed for defection?
The anorectal junction, which is created by the puborectalis
How many portions make up the external anal sphincter and what are their names?
3; subcutaneous, superficial, deep
Describe the flow of semen.
1.Seminiferous tubules 2.Straight tubules 3..Rete testes 4..Efferent ductules 5.Head of epididymis 6.Body of epididymis 7.Tail of epididymis 8.Ductus deferens 9.Ejaculatory ducts 10.Prostatic urethra 11.Membranous urethra 12.Spongy urethra 13.External urethral orifice
What is the name for the fascial sheath derived from the anterior abdominal wall that extends from the inguinal canal to the scrotum? What 3 things does this structure surround?
Spermatic cord; ductus deferens, testicular vessels, and nerves
What are the 3 male reproductive glands?
Seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethal (Cowper’s) gland
Which male reproductive gland(s) join the ductus deferens and form the ejaculatory ducts that empty into the prostatic urethra?
Seminal vesicles
What are the muscular tubes responsible for transport of ovum to the uterus?
The uterine (fallopian tubes)
Which portion of the fallopian tubes open into the uterus?
Which portion of the fallopian tubes enters the ampulla?
Which portion of the uterine cervix opens into the vagina?
The external os
What is the name for the circular gutter of the vagina that surrounds the cervix? Which one is deeper?
Fornixes (anterior and posterior); Posterior (due to anterior tilt of uterus
What are the 4 uterine ligaments?
Suspensory ligament, Broad ligament, ovarian ligament, and round ligament of uterus
Which uterine ligament is peritoneum covering ovarian vessels and nn?
Suspensory ligament
Which uterine ligament is peritoneum covering the uterus and adnexa (everything that goes with it)?
Broad ligament
Which uterine ligament anchors the ovary to the uterus?
Ovarian ligament
Which uterine ligament is a continuation of the ovaria ligament that passes thru the inguinal canal to fuse with labia majora?
Round ligament of uterus
What is the embryological origin of the ovarian ligament?
What is the embryological origin of the round ligament of the uterus?
The rest of the gubernaculum
What is the posterior extension of the broad ligament?
Mesovarium (starts at posterior ovary and goes to the perineal floor)