Peripheral Vascular Diseases - EXAM II Flashcards
arteries and ______ transport oxygenated blood from heart to body tissues
veins and _____ return unoxygenated blood back to the heart
permit rapid and efficient transport of nutrients to cells and removal of wastes from the cells
larger arteries such as the coronary, vertebral renal, iliac and femoral are most often affected by _______.
results from atherosclerosis that usually occurs in the arteries of the lower extremities and is characterized by inadequate flow of blood.
peripheral arterial disease
caused by a gradual thickening of the intima and media of the arteries, ultimately resulting in the progressive narrowing of the vessel lumen. Plaques can form on the walls of the arteries, making them rough and fragile.
- burning, cramping, pain in the legs during exercise (intermittent claudication)
- numbness or burning pain primarily in the feet when in bed
- pain that is relieved by placing legs at rest in a dependent position
- decreased capillary refill of toes
- decreased palpable pulse
- loss of hair on the lower calf, ankle and foot
- thick toenails
- cold and cyanotic extremity
- ulcers and possible grangrene of toes
expected findings of PAD
stage of chronic PAD that is asymptomatic.
- there is no claudication present
- bruit or aneurysm may be present
- pedal pulses are diminished
Stage 1
stage of chronic PAD that claudication begins to occur.
- muscle pain, cramping or burning w/ exercise relieved by rest
- symptoms that return w/exercise
Stage II
stage of chronic PAD that rest pain begins to occur.
- pain while resting (often awakes the patient at night)
- numbness, burning, or toothache like
- pain relieved by placing the extremity in a dependent position
Stage III
stage of chronic PAD that necrosis/gangrene occurs.
- ulcers and blackened tissue occur on the toes
- gangrenous odor
Stage IV
- position the patient w/extremities dependent and never above the heart.
- check water temperature before bathing
- keep legs and feet clean and dry, inspect daily and report problems to HCP
- encourage a warm environment, wear warm socks, well-fitting shoes
- do not cross legs, wear girdles, or swim in cold water
- encourage moderate regular exercise to promote the development of collateral circulation.
- avoid stress, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine which can increase vasoconstriction.
Nursing Intervention: patient education with PAD