Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) Flashcards
What does PVD affect?
Both Arteries and Veins
What is Arteriosclerosis?
The thickening, loss of elasticity and calcification of arterial walls
It is the most chronic arterial disorder
PAD is caused by arteriosclerosis
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) include:
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) &
Peripheral Venous Disorders.
PAD affects…?
Peripheral Venous Disease affects…?
Arterials - Vessels carrying blood Away from heart (to the periphery.)
Veins - Vessels carrying blood to the heart
What is Atherosclerosis?
Gradual thickening of the intima & media of the arteries, ultimately narrowing the vessel lumen. Plaques form on the wall.
Progressive arteriosclerosis (stiffening) & progressive atherosclerosis (narrowing) causes what?
Decreased blood supply to the peripheral tissues & increased resistance to blood flow
Where does tissue damage usually occur?
Below the arterial obstruction
What are some Risk Factors for PAD?
HTN Hyperlipidemia DM Cigarette Smoking Obesity Sedentary Lifestyle Familial Predisposition Age
What are some main Chief Complaints from a pt. with PAD?
Burning, Cramping Pain in the Legs During Exercise (KNOWN AS INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION)
Numbness or Burning Pain When Elevated
How is pain relieved in patients with PAD?
Legs should be placed in a dependent position
What are some normal objective findings in patients with PAD?
- Bruit over femoral & aortic arteries
- Capillary refill >3 seconds
- Decreased or Nonpalpable Pulses
- Hairless, dry, scaly, shiny skin.
- Elevated Pallor or Dependent Rubor (RED)
- Muscle Atrophy
- Ulcers & gangrene toes
What are some diagnostic tests that can be performed for pt. with PAD?
Arteriography - Injection of Contrast X-ray
Stress Test - Used to Evaluate Intermittent Claudication
What are some nursing actions r/t Arteriography?
Monitor for bleeding & hemorrhage
Take vital signs
Palpate pedal pulses to ID possible occlusions
What are some Nursing Interventions to help a pt. with PAD?
- Encourage pt. to exercise - supports collateral circulation.Exercise gradually & slowly. Walk until claudication, stop & rest, then walk more.
- Positioning - Avoid crossing legs, No belts, Elevate Legs But Not Above Heart.
- Promote Vasodilation - Warm environment, socks, avoid cold.
What kind of medications should be administered to a pt. with PAD?
- Antiplatelets - ASA, Plavix:
Reduces blood viscosity, Increases blood flow
Monitor for bleeding - Abd pain, coffee ground emesis, black stools. - Statins - Simvastatin & Atorvastatin:
Relieves S/S of PAD claudication