Peripheral Nerve Disease and Spinal Cord Injury Flashcards
What is trigeminal neuralgia?
Relative uncommon cranial nerve disorder (CN V); sensory branches of the maxillary and mandibular branches are involved. Irritation leads to increased firing of the afferent or sensory fibers and causes excruciating pain in the lips, upper/lower gums, cheeks, forehead or side of the nose
- pain, twitching, grimacing, frequent blinking/tearing during attack; possible facial sensory loss
- Attacks last seconds to 2-3 minutes. Clustering can occur
- Attacks are triggered by light cutaneous stimulation at a trigger zone along the distribution of nerve branches (chewing, tooth brushing, hot/cold air on face, yawning, talking)
- Severity of pain can disrupt life, lead to phsyical/psychological dysfunction and suicide
- seizure meds and nerve blocks are used to treat trigeminal neuralgia
What are the TNIs for trigeminal neuralgia?
- Health promotion: goal is to reduce recurrent episodes in those who have trigeminal neuralgia
- Acute Intervention:
- pain relief through medication therapy
- caution with opioids due to risk of addiciton over time
- keep room at an even, moderate temp and free of drafts; private room
- nurse should avoid touching the patient’s face or jarring the bed
- Teach importance of hygiene, nutrition, and oral care
- lukewarm, soft washcloths with solutions that don’t require rinsing
- small, soft bristled toothbrush or warm mouthwash for oral care
- hygiene activities carried out when meds are at their peak action
- avoid extra conversation during acute period (alternative communication)
- food: high in protein and calories, easy to chew, lukewarm, offered frequently
- NG tube inserted on unaffected side for enteral feedings if poor po intake
- Ambulatory/Home
- plan regular follow up care
- teach re: dosage/side effects of medications
- teach to keep environmental stimuli to moderate level and to reduce stress
- teach re interventions (chew on unaffected side, avoid hot foods/drink)
- check oral cavity after meals to remove food particles, meticulous oral care
- regular dental visits, wear a protective eye shield
- protect face against temperature extremes, use an electric razor
What is Bell’s Palsy?
Disorder characterized by a disruption of the motor branches of the facial nerve (CN VII) on one side of the face in the absence of any other disease (ie stroke)
What are the signs and symptoms of Bell’s Palsy?
- acute peripheral facial paresis of unknown cause
- considered benign, with full recovery after six months in most patients, especially if treatment is started immediately
- looks like stroke but no other symptoms of stroke
- fever, tinnitus, hearing loss, loss of taste
What are the TNIs for Bell’s Palsy?
- Corticosteroids started immediately, especially before paralysis is complete, then tapered down
- mild analgesics may be used for pain relief, along with moist heat
- associated with HSV, so treatement with acyclovir may be recommended
- protect face from cold and drafts because trigeminal hyperesthesia (extreme sensitivity to pain or touch) may be present
- maintain good nutrition, good oral hygiene
- dark glasses, artificial tears to prevent drying of cornea, eye inspected for eye lashes
- taping eyelids closed at night may be necessary to provide protection; report ocular pain/drainage
- facial sling may be helpful to support affected muscles
- when function begins to return, active facial exercises are performed several times per day
- teach patients that most patients recover within about six weeks of the onset of symptoms
What is Guillian Barre Syndrome?
acute, progressive, ascending segmental demyelination with edema and inflammation in the peripheral nerves. Etiology is unknown, but it’s believed to be a cell-mediated immunologic reaction directed at the peripheral nerves. Demyelination occurs and transmission of nerve impulses is slowed or stopped.
The muscles innervated by the affected peripheral nerves become weak and atrophy. Parasthesias (numbness and tingling) also occur. In more severe cases, the autonomic nervous system is involved and clients can have orthostatic hypotension, hypertension, bradycardia, heart block and bowel/bladder dysfunction. The most serious complication is respiratory failure; other complications include autonomic dysfunction. Pain is also a common symptom of GBS.
Pathophysiology of GBS: autoimmune peripheral nerve demyelinization, usually triggered by a stressor of the immune system
What are the signs and symptoms of GBS?
- Ascending weakness
- Ascending parasthesia
- hypotonia
- pain
- GBS can be mild or severe with respiratory involvement
What are risk factors for GBS?
- flu/illness
- trauma
- surgery
- immunization
- childbirth
What are the diagnostic studies for GBS?
Nerve conduction exam; diagnosis based on clinical symptoms/history. Nursing care is aimed at managing symptoms and preventing complications. Outcomes for GBS patients:
- return to usual level of physical funcitoning
- be free from pain and discomfort
- maintain nutritional status
What are the priority TNIs for GBS patients?
- Assessment: how far up has it progressed? Is respiratory involved? Spirometry/FEV1 used to assess respiratory system. Listen to lung sounds and assess work of breathing
- plasmapheresis: dialysis catheter is used to remove blood, separate the “bad” component, and replace remaining blood
- safety: patient is at risk for injury and risk for aspiration (be prepared to intubate/trach)
- may require foley if no feeling in bladder (can’t tell if they have to urinate)
- may require months of years of rehab; can have some residual effects
What is reflex urinary incontinence?
Involuntary loss of urine at somewhat perdictable intervals when a specific bladder volume is reached. Involuntary loss of urine caused by a defect in the spinal cord between the nerve roots at or below the first cervical segment and those above the second sacral segement. Urine elimination occurs at unpredictable intervals; mictrition may be elicited by tactile stimuli (ie. stroking the inner thigh or perineum)
What are the TNIs for reflex urinary incontinence?
- assess neuro functioning and ability to perform bladder management tasks
- inspect perineal/perigential skin
- complete bladder log to determine pattern of urine elimination, incontinence episodes, current bladder management program
- determine a bladder management program in consultation with the client, family, and rehab team
- teach to consume adequate amounts of fluids daily (30mL/kg/day)
- advise that cranberry is fine but does NOT reduce the risk of UTI
- intermittent catheterization with modified clean/sterile technique (per hospital policy)
- teach client/family intermittent catheterization
- teach condom catheter application. must be removed daily to clean/inspect skin. new one each day
- teach signs and symptoms of UTI to report to MD
What is autonomic dysreflexia?
life-threatening uninhibited sympathetic response of the nervous system to a noxious stimuli after a spinal cord injury at T7 or above
What are the defining characteristics of autonomic dysreflexia?
- brady or tachy, HTN, diaphoresis, red patches ABOVE level of injury
- Facial flushing, pallor; no sweating BELOW the level of injury
- blurred vision, chest pain, HA, conjunctival congestion, metallic taste in the mouth, nasal congestion, chills, potential for intracerebral hemorrhage, seizures, intraocular hemorrhage due to increased HTN
What are the TNIs of autonomic dysreflexia?
- Monitor signs and symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia, esp with high level/extensive spinal cord injuries
- Collaborate with HCPs to ID cause of dysreflexias
- If dysreflexia: high fowlers, remove binders/TEDs, determine noxious stimuli
- If BP can’t be lowered within one minute, notify MD stat
- Determine source: bladder, bowel, or skin
- Initiate hypertensive meds as soon as ordered
- Be careful not to increase noxious stimuli - use numbing agent/spray
- Monitor VS q3-5 minutes during acute event; continue to monitor after the event
- Watch for complications ie cerebral hemorrhage, seizures, MI, intraocular hemorrhage
- Accruately document any incidences of dysreglexia esp note the precipiatating stimuli
- Ensure foley drains and bladder is not distended
- Ensure regular BMs and avoid fecal impactation; frequently change positions to relieve pressure and prevent pressure ulcers; wedgies/wrinkles on sheets, too
If ordered, anesthetic agent to wounds below level of injury before performing wound care. Treatment: BETA BLOCKERS IVP (is metroprolol, esmalol)