Perioperative management of patients with spina bifida Flashcards
What is Spina Bifida
- Congenital neural tube defect resulting from incomplete spinal column closure during embryonic development
Incidence of Spina Bifida
6 in 10,000 (declined following folic acid supplementation)
Spina Bifida Occulta
Failure of fusion of the posterior vertebral body but the spinal cord is covered by skin or s/c fat. Can have a tethered spinal cord
Spina Bifida Aperta
Exposed spinal cord, can be meningocele (spinal cord not in exposed sac) or myelomeningocele (spinal cord in exposed sac)
RFx for development of Spina bifida
- Trisomy 13 and 18
- Folate deficiency
- Maternal diabetes
- Antiepileptic medications
- Hyperthermia
- Obesity
CFx of Spina Bifida
- Hydrocephalus secondary to Chiari 2 malformation- vomiting, irritability, increasing head circumference, coma
- Motor deficit dependent on level of lesion
- Sensory deficit dependent on level of lesion
- Central apnoeas, stridor and swallowing difficulties- Chiari 2
- Urinary incontinence or retention
- Constipation
- Spasticity and hip and foot deformities
- Scoliosis- restrictive lung disease
- Pressure ulcers
- Central OSA -> pulm HTN
Pre-Op Assessment of Spina Bifida
- Assess sensory and motor deficits
- VP shunt in situ?
- Seizures and compliance with anti-epileptics
- Airway assessment- kyphoscoliosis common, macrocephaly
- Resp- Restrictive lung disease, central apnoea
- CV- Rt heart function
- Renal- if bladder dysfunction check U&Es
Intra-op Management of Spina Bifida
- Latex-free environment (high risk of sensitisation
- Art line if CV involvement
- Difficult IV access
- Positioning
- Pressure sores
- Risk of endobronchial intubation as short tracheas
- Risk of aspiration- bulbar palsy
- Difficult ventilation- restrictive lung disease
- High-risk neuraxial blockade- low-lying conus, cysts etc.
Post-Op Considerations in Spina Bifida
- May have reduced analgesia requirements depending on the level of lesion
- NSAIDs may be contraindicated if renal dysfunction
- Careful opioid use if central apnoeas
- Prolonged O2 use and CPAP
Common surgical procedures for spina bifida
Closure of myelomeningocele
- prone
- risk of high ICP
Post fossa decompressive craniectomy
- Prone
- Avoid neck manipulation because you might be pressing on the brainstem
- High risk of blood loss
- Brainstem traction - asystole
Tethered cord release
- Spinal ischaemia MAP targets
- SSEP and MEPS monitored
Spinal surgery
- Generally scoliosis correction