Period 6 (1865-1898) Flashcards
Module 6-6 and 6-7
What were the 3 main labor unions
Selena Broussard
The Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor (AFL), and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW, Wobblies)
Module 6-6
What is the Gospel of Wealth?
Jacquelyn St.Clair
- Written by Andrew Carnegie
- Argued wealthy had a moral obligation to spend thier money on the community and focus on the greater good of society
- Defended “captain of industry” title
- Intended to help close the widening gap between the rich and poor
Module 6-2
What was the Chinese Exclusion Act?
Jacquelyn St.Clair
- Temporarily restriced Chinese immigration into the U.S
- Denied citizenship
- Passed in response from union pressure
Module 6-1
What did the Dawes
Act do?
Bella p.
The Dawes Act distributed established portions of land to Native Americans on the Great Plains and ended federal recognition of tribal sovereignty.
Module 6-5
What was the
Homestead Strike and
why did it occur?
Bella p.
A strike committed by the steelworkers at Andrew Carnegie’s factory. It occurred due to rising tensions between the workers and the management.
Module 6-6
What is nativism?
Addison Cates
The belief that foreigners pose a serious danger to one’s native society and culture.
Module 6-9
What is the Gospel of Wealth?
Addison Cates
An essay written by Andrew Carnegie where he argued that the rich should use some of their wealth for philanthropic causes.
What was the Populist party?
Olivia Michael
-political party
-aimed to appeal to farmers/industrial workers
-tried to regulate railroads
Module 6-7
What was a political machine and what did it do?
Bella p.
A political machine was an urban political organization that aided the urban poor. It also endorsed crime, corruption, and inefficiency.
Who were the Grangers?
Olivia Michael
-an organization
-appealed to farmers/workers
-to improve farming practices
-including farmers into politics
What was the Farmer’s Alliance?
Olivia Michael
-economic movement for farmers
-advocates for political change
Module 6.5
Who were Breaker Boys?
Auberon Schnyder
Breaker boys were child labourers who broke coal into pieces to remove impurities. Many suffered from poor working conditions such as poor ventilation and long hours.
Module 6-1
What was the Dawes Act?
Selena Broussard
An act placed in 1887 that divided the reservation lands into individual plots for households, while giving the Native Americans citizenship. This act allowed the government to controll even more land then before.
Who were the “big four” and small five?
Corneilus Vandbilt(Railroad), Andrew Carnagie(Steel), J.P Morgan(Bank), John D. Rockefeller(Oil Company). George Pullman.
All of these people owned monoplies of their respective industry and were wealthy.
Module 6-9
What was Social Darwinism, and how is it Significant to the Guilded Age?
Selena Broussard
The idea that there is a superior race, or supirior races. It was used to justify racism and segregation.
In what ways did African American people continue facing opression?
Auberon Schnyder
The convict lease sytem (allowed the continuation of slavery on a less extreme scale), Jim Crow(segregation aimed at causing black people to have less rights then their white counterparts, especially in voting), Poll Tax(aimed at poor black and poor white people to prevent them for voting), Plessy V. Fergusson(Seperate but equal).
What did the Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railraoad Comapny trail establish?
Modupe Erinle
Considered corporations as a person under the 14th amendment.
what does laissez-faire mean?
Modupe Erinle
- french for “let things alone”
- allowed individuals to pursue their own self intrestest without goverment interfernce/restrictions
What was Frederick Turners Frontier thesis about?
Modupe Erinle
Closing the western frontier endargaed democracy and removed the “pioneer spirit”
What is vertical integration?
Emilia Tohen
A company controls all the parts of production
What is horizontal integration?
Emilia Tohen
A company merges with another company to reduce competition
What is the Homestead Act?
Emilia Tohen
A law that gives 160 acres to land settlers in the west
What contributed to growing conflict between white settlers and American Indians?
Maya Giebitz
- Treaty of Medicine Lodge
- Treaty of Fort Laramie
- Eradication of buffalo
- Battle of Little Big Horn
- Sand Creek Massacre
What was the Pullman Strike?
Maya Giebitz
A strike by workers against Pullman railcar company that was broken by the federal government.
What are tenements and what conditions did they usually face?
Maya Giebitz
Multifamily aparments to house a large amount of lower working class living in cities. Tenements were overcrowded leading to disease and unpleasent conditions.
What is the concept of laissez-faire?
Brooklynn Dominguez
A belief that marketplaces should regulate themselves
What was the Billion Dollar Congress known for?
Brooklynn Dominguez
An 1890 congress known for its political irresponsibility.
What did the Sherman Antitrust Act do?
Brooklynn Dominguez
An 1890 act outlawing Monopolies.
What was the homestead act of 1862?
It was the governments way of pushing western expansion by giving away 160 acres in the promise that the receivers would farm the land.
What did Plessy vs. Ferguson establish?
The supreme court case established “equal but separate” under the Jim Crow legislation, legalizing segregation.
What were the goals of labor unions
They wanted better wages and working conditions in factories.
Why is it called the Gilded age
It is called the gilded age because there was a lot of growth for the wealthy but the poor lived badly and politicians were corrupt.
What was the Dawes act
It tried to integrate Native Americans into American society but it stripped land and cultural practices from Native Americans
What were political machines?
Political machines were urban organizations that provided authority and services to the poor, but also fostered corruption and crime.
What business practice did John D. Rockefeller use?
He used horizontal integration, buying out competitors.
What was the Pullman strike of 1894?
A strike by workers against the Pullman railcar company that was broken by the U.S. government.
Module 6-10
Who were the Populists and what was their main focus?
Kai G.
- formal political party
- higher tax rates
- appeal to industrial workers and farmers
- promote policial and economic struggles of farmers
Module 6-7
Who was Jacob Riis and what did he advocate?
Kai G.
- writer, “How the other half lives”
- show poor lifestyles in tenements
Module 6-4
What was the difference between vertical and horizontal integration?
Kai G.
Vertical: inherit all the companies that make each product for your manufacturing (if make cake: buy flour, chicken, cow)-Carnegie
Horizontal: take over all the businesses within your prodcution-Rockefeller
Mod. 6-1
What happened at the Battle of Little Big Horn?
Chiara Padilla
1876 battle where the Lakota and Cheyenne Sioux succesfully defeated/killed Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer and his troops.
Mod. 6-9
What was the belief and results of laissez-fare?
Chiara Padilla
“Let alone”. Industrialists wanted a free market with minimum government intervention. Led to rapid industrialization and allowed for corporations to achieve copious amounts of wealth.
Mod. 6-3
How did many southern governments prevent African Americans from voting?
Chiara Padilla
Southern governments enacted a poll tax which required certain fee to be paid as well as a literacy test. Disenfranchised many African Americans as they typically had very low wages and often lacked education.
Mod 6-4
What was a major difference between robber barons and captains of industry?
Katherine Xie
Robber Barons (negative): industrialists that dominated large industries thru exploitation and monopolies
Captains of Industry (positive): industrialist that cultivates a successful company
Who were the Pinkertons?
Lane Wagner
The Pinkertons were rebellion investigators, they were a part of cases like the Homestead rebellion.
What was the difference between the AFL and the Knights of Labor?
Lane Wagner
The AFL:
More inclusive to black people and women
Excluded the Chinese
Wanted to get rid of child labor
Knights of Labor:
More selective to skilled laborers
Excluded non-white men
Module 6-1
What was the Treaty of Fort Laramie?
Sowmya Sankaran
The Treaty of Fort Laramie confined American Indian tribes to specific areas, or reservations, in the northern plains in an attempt to stop white settlers coming onto their land. However, settlers still encroached on their property and faced little government pushback.
Module 6-4
What was scientific management?
Sowmya Sankaran
Also known as Taylorism, scientific management was a style created by Frederick W. Taylor that improved the efficiency of workers by breaking down jobs into simple tasks, increasing productivity. Think of the McDonald’s video where they each have a station.
Module 6-10
What was the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)?
Sowmya Sankaran
The ICC was a commision that investigated interstate shipping, created in an attempt to regulate the unreasonable fares of shippers and force railroads to make their rates public. This was a victory for regulation against industrialists and big corporations.
module 6-2
What was the main cause of increased migration west in the early 1800s?
Grace Morneau
The transcontinental railroad
-more accessible transportation
-quicker mode of transportation
Module 6-1
What was the wounded Knee Massacre?
Grace Morneau
A masacre between American Indians and white soldiers that took place in response to the American Indian Ghost Dancers.
Mod 6-1
How was the Ghost Dance significant to both American Indians and white people?
Katherine Xie
A.I.: dance A.I. performed in hopes that white people would dissappear from their land
White people: viewed their traditions and culture as “wild” and “crazy”
Module 6-10
Who was Coxey’s Army?
Grace Morneau
A movement in which populist reformer Jacob Coxey and 500 supporters marched from Ohio to Washington, D.C. to protest the governemtns lack of response to unemployment in the Depression of 1893.
Mod 6-7
What were some effects of rapid urbanization?
Katherine Xie
- Negative:
- overcrowded slums/not enough housing
- poor sanitation –> disease
- wage gap btwn wealthy and poor
- Positive:
- more ethnic gathering places (i.g. Chinatown)
- taller and stronger infrastructures
What was the purpose of the Ghost Dance?
Finn Brandt
The Ghost Dance was meant to ward of white people from American Indian lands so they could regain control.
Define “Cowboy” in simple terms
Finn Brandt
- worked for larger cattle companies
- wages were often low (especially once large companies took over)
- Made the 1,500mi “Long Drive”
What was the idea of Social Gospel?
Finn Brandt
Social Gospel was application of Christian ideology to economic affairs, inspiring many reformers.
Who was John D Rockefeller?
Xaviera Vranka
Rockefeller was the owner of Standard Oil Company who used horizontal integration to rid of competition and grow his company.
What was the Ghost Dance?
Xaviera Vranka
The Ghost Dance was an American Indian dance created by Wovoka which he believed would rid of the white men. It ended up being part of the reason for the Wounded Knee Massacre.
Module 6-1
Who are African American cavalrymen who fought in the West against American Indians in the 1870s?
Anne Xuan
buffalo soldiers
Module 6-1
Which group of people was massacred in the Sand Creek massacre?
Anne Xuan
Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians. this also led to continuation of Arapacho-Cheyenne war
Module 6-2
Who are the followers of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young that migrated to Utah to escape religious persecution?
Anne Xuan
the Mormons
Module 6-1
Who were the Ghost Dancers?
Chloe Gentry
The Ghost Dancers were a group of American Indians who believed that if they danced, the powere of the white man would fall and the land would be theirs again.
Module 6-3
What did Plessy v. Ferguson establish?
Chloe Gentry
A legal way for segregation, using the term seperate but equal, while under Jim Crown laws.
Module 6- 4
What was a robber baron?
Chloe Gentry
A business owner that used unethical ways of making money, using bribery and coercion to make money.
What method did Rockefeller use to become a monopoly?
Horizontal integration, buying out all competing companies
What did Plessy vs Ferguson do?
It determined “separate but equal”, allowing new ways for segregation
Who were the main “robber barons” or “captains of industry” in transportation, oil, and steel?
What was the Exodusters movement?
Sophia Serino
Migration of Southern African Americans to the West due to poor treatment.
What was the Homestead Act?
Sophia Serino
Gave migrants land in the West to farm and settle on.
What is the Gospel of Wealth
Sophia Serino
Carnegie’s idea that the wealthy have to give back to society.
What is horizontal integration?
Jude Luehring
Horizontal integration is where a company buys out its competitors to have a monopoly.
Which union accepted everybody regardless of race or gender?
Jude Luehring
The Knights of Labor
What contributed to the consolidation of industries?
Sophia N
Drought and a lack of resources made it so only the wealthy could afford to maintain farms, ranches, and mines, leading to an eventual consolidation of land and industry.
What was the significance of United States v. E.C. Knight Company?
Sophia N
It dismantled the Sherman Anti Trust Act, establishing loopholes within the policies and allowing monopolies to pass by regulation
What were settlement houses?
Homes built within poor communities, especially those dominated by immigrant groups, that served to provide them with social services and improve conditions
What was the main reason for Indian removal from their native land?
Madeleine Dixon
- Gold rushes
-Idea that Native Americans weren’t fully human
What political party worked closely with labor unions?
Madeleine Dixon
Populist Party
What was generally more inclusive: The Grangers, or The Farmer’s Alliance
Madeleine Dixon
The Farmer’s Alliance
What was the difference between the AFL and the Knights of Labor?
AFL- mainly white, skilled workers, only cared about economic improvements (less hours, higher wages)
Knights of Labor- included women, poc, and unskilled workers, wanted broader societal change.
Who was Jacob Riis?
-Journalist/ photographer
-“How the other half lives”
-exposed bad conditions in factories, tenement houses, slums, etc