Period 4 (1800-1848) Flashcards
Module 4-1
Why did the French offer the US the land for the Loiusiana Purchase?
Modupe Erinle
The French had lost Haiti as a colony due to the Haitian Revolution. That made it harder for the French to access the land.
Module 4-2
What is the Missouri Compromise
Modupe Erinle
- Accepted Missouri as a slave state, only if Maine was made a free state.
- Made Missouri the boundry between free/slave states.
Module 4-3
What was the Market Revolution
Modupe Erinle
innovations in agriculture, industry, and transportation that linked norhtern industy w/ southern and western farms
What political party was againts the War of 1812
Selena B
The Federalists
What was the Temperance Movement?
Selena B
The temperance movement was a social movement that promoted abstinence from or moderation in the consumption of alcohol. It began in the early 19th century in the United States
Which president created the Indian Removal Act
Selena B
Andrew Jackson (1830)
Module 4-7
Who was the main figure in the Second Great Awakening?
Kai G.
Charles Finney
Module 4-5
What was the Ordinance of Nullification and where was it? What was established because of it?
Kai G.
In South Carolina, threatened to succeed from the union. The Force Bill, stating that military could be sent to enforce laws.
Module 4-2
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
Kai G.
It stated that the western hemisphere was in the U.S. sphere of influence.
Who created the American system?
Jacquelyn St.Clair
Henry Clay
What did Clay wish to accomplish with his “American system”?
Jacquelyn St.Clair
- Federally fund internal improvments
- Implement protective tariffs
- Reestablish Bank of U.S
This showed an overreach of federal power!
What was Nat Turner’s Rebellion? When, where and why?
Jacquelyn St.Clair
1831; in Virginia; Nat Turner, an enslaved man believed he was called upon by God to lead a slave uprising
Jacquelyn St.Clair
Anti-immigrant Americans who launched campaigns; worried imiigrants would take jobs / oppurtunities
Seneca Falls Convention
Olivia Michael
Convention that created the Declaration of Sentiments which was for women’s right to vote
What was the Panic of 1837?
Olivia Michael
A financial crisis under the authority of President Andrew Jackson
What was the Trail of Tears?
Olivia Michael
A forced migration as a result of the Indian Removal Act
Mod 4-6
How did the Market Revolution affect the South and the North?
Katherine Xie
The Market Revolution caused the South to produce more cotton and further ingraved slavery while in the North, it became more urbanized and industrialized creating more factories and a middle class.
Mod 4-7
What did the Second Great Awakening do?
Katherine Xie
The Second Great Awakening was a movement that increased religious independence and social reform movements.
Mod 4-6
What were ways that enslaved people rebelled that weren’t outright?
Katherine Xie
They would break tools, fake illness, purposefully not complete a task well, band together to have secret meetings, and maintained their cultural practices.
What is the American System?
Emilia Tohen
promote economic growth through protective tariffs, a national bank, and internal improvements.
what was Marbury v. Madison?
Emilia Tohen
Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review.
What is the Temperance Movement?
Emilia Tohen
A social movement against the consumption of alcoholic beverages
Which battle led to the end of the federalist party?
Mackenzie Hines
The American Battle of New Orleans that took place after the war of 1812 had ended made the federalists look foolish for their attempts to end the war, leading to the eventual destruction of the federalist party.
How did the emergence of a new middle class affect women?
Mackenzie Hines
Due to the emergence of a new middle class, the “cult of domesticity” appeared that restricted women to their homes, encouraging the idea of “separate spheres.”
What were some effects of Nat Turner’s Rebellion?
Mackenzie Hines
This uprising led to panic among white southerners and harsher slave codes.
What did the Adams-Onis Treaty establish?
Maya Giebitz
Spain gave its lands east of Missisipi to the U.S, including Florida. It encouraged people to further limit European Influence in the Western Hemisphere.
What was the Amnistad mutiny?
Maya Giebitz
On the slave ship named Amnistad a mutiny broke out in which enslaved Africans seized control of the ship.
What was the Treaty of New Echota?
Maya Giebitz
During the Indian Removal act, a group of Cherokee men were convinced into signing away land for less land in the Indian Teritory.
What did the underground railroads do?
Brooklynn Dominguez
Routes from plantations in the south to the free states in the north.
What did the Declaration of Sentiments call for?
Brooklynn Dominguez
Women’s rights in marriage, family, religion, and politics
What did the Liberty Party do?
Brooklynn Dominguez
It forced abolitionism onto the political agenda.
What was the Panic of 1837?
It was a financial crisis that was triggered by issues in the banking system formed by President Andrew Jackson
-Bella p.
What was the force bill and when did it occur?
The force bill was a law passed by the U.S. congress in 1833 that gave the president the power to use the military to force collection of import duties -Bella p.
What was the nullification crisis and what did it do?
The Nullification crisis was a political dispute between the federal government and government of South Carolina over Tariffs. -Bella p.
What was significant about the McCulloh v. Maryland case?
Chiara Padilla
Defined congress’s power and relationship between states. The case addressed if Congress could charter a National Bank and if states could tax the bank.
What was the Transcendtalism movement?
Chiara Padilla
A spiritual movement founded in 1830’s that emphasized nature and the belief of human goodness.
What was the Cotton Gin?
Addison Cates
A machine made by Eli Whitney to deseed short staple cotton
What was the American Anti-Slavery Society?
Addison Cates
An abolitionist society founded by William Lloyd Garrison
What was the Tarrif of Abominations?
Chiara Padilla
Tariff passed in 1828 that taxed foreign imports to encourage manufacturing in US. Southerners were not in favor for this tariff as they relied on many manufactured goods from foreign countries.
What was the Corrupt Bargain?
Callia Jesurun
When Henry Clay dropped out of the 1824 election, encouraging his voters to support Adams in exchange for a position in his cabinet(Sec. State)
Who was Denmark Vesey?
Auberon Schnyder
Denmark Vesey was a formerly enslaved black man who was accused of planning an uprising. He along with 34 others were hanged with no concrete evidence.
Module 4-2
Who was the War of 1812 between, why was it fought, and how did it end?
Sowmya Sankaran
The War of 1812 was a war between the US and Great Britain, and it was fought because of high tensions between the two that resulted from British interference in American Indian tribes’ attacks and in US trade. It ended with the Treaty of Ghent.
What was the Trail of Tears?
Auberon Schnyder
The Trail of Tears was a forced migration of many Native American groups, namely the Cherokee, from Georgia to the Mississippi River. Thousands of whom died on the journey.
What led southern planters to start pushing westward
Jude Luehring
The over production of cotton in the south led to farmers going west for more and cheaper land.
What did Andrew Jackson refer to the 2nd National Bank as?
Jude Luehring
He called it a monster which was too powerful and was taking out smaller state-wide banks.
What was the Declaration of Sentiments?
Auberon Schnyder
The rewrite of the constitution to include women.
Module 4-5
What was the Whig Party?
Sowmya Sankaran
The Whig Party was a political party that challnged the Democratic party. It challenged Van Buren with moral reform.
Module 4-13
What was the growing culture of the south in the early 1800s?
Grace Morneau
The culture of the south focused mostly on cotton production, plantations, and slaves and slave owners.
Who was William Lloyd Garrison?
Grace Morneau
The owner of an anti-slavery advocating paper, the Liberator.
What was the appeal of expanding westward past the Appalachian mountains?
Grace Morneau
Land for growth of plantations and developments of family farms to grow crops to ship to New England along canals for profit.
Who was Frederick Douglas?
Lane Wagner
A free black anti-slavery writer, also supported womens rights movements.
What is a boomtown?
Lane Wagner
A western expansion, rapid development from railroad/mining
Module 4.7
What was the temperance movement?
Chloe Gentry
The temperance movement was a movement that was trying to promote sobriety and resistance towards alcohol in general, specifically targeted towards husbands.
Module 4.3
What was one of the major causes of deskilling?
Chloe Gentry
The American system of maufacturing.
Module 4.1
What case brought along the process of judiciary review?
Chloe Gentry
Marbury vs. Madison
How did a distinct African American culture spread?
Xaviera Vranka
The hybrid culture spread through cotton markets, on plantations, and through generational ties.
What was Andrew Jackson known for against the Native Americans?
Xaviera Vranka
He was known for the Trail of Tears and the Indian Removal Act
Who was Frederick Douglass?
Xaviera Vranka
Frederick Douglass was a slave who escaped his master, learned how to read and write, and wrote about his experience as a slave and spoke at the Seneca Falls Convention
Who’s rebellion plot was inspired by the Haitian Revolution?
Finn Brandt
Gabriel’s Rebellion, “Death or Liberty”
What were Boardinghouses and why were they so popular?
Finn Brandt
Boardinghouses were all female working areas (mills) that provied a place to live and were an alternative to early marriage.
What were Utopian Societies?
Finn Brandt
Utopian Societies experimented with different social constructs for their societies, such as racial equality, communal work and gender equality.
Module 4-8
What is the abolitionist society founded by William Lloyd Garrison in 1833 that became the most important northern abolitionist organization of the period?
Anne Xuan
American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS)
Module 4-8
What is the protest movement whse members would frequently abstain from political office, activity, or voting to protest the government and other organizations’ complicity in slavery?
Anne Xuan
“come outer” movement
Module 4-8
What were the two antislavery political parties formed in the 1840s?
Anne Xuan
Liberty Party and Free-Soil Party
What was the Treaty of Ghent
The treaty the Federalists signed to end the war of 1812 which caused them to be humiliated and destroyed as Andrew Jackson won the Battle of New Orleans after it was signed.
What is deskilling
The reduction of required skill(s) to get a job
Who was Gabriel Prosser
He was an African American blacksmith in Virginia who started Gabriel’s rebellion which was an enslaved peoples rebellion in Virginia to try and fight for more equality. It was stopped before it could begin
Module 4-6
What was Nat Turners Rebellion?
Sophia Serino
A slave rebellion that led to harsher slave codes.
Module 4-8
What was the Seneca Falls Convention?
Sophia Serino
First Womens Rights convention
Module 4-2
Who won the election of 1816?
Sophia Serino
What was the Declaration of Sentiments?
A document calling for womens’ equality in education, employment, legal rights, and voting.
What led to the South falling behind in urban development?
The low number of cities meant fewer investments in systems of transportation, and the dependence on slave labor prevented slaveholders from purschasing new technologies in fear of their slaves rebelling and sabotaging the machinery
What was the main reason for the dissinigration of the Federalist Party
Madeleine Dixon
The win of the war of 1812.
When did Nat Turner’s rebellion take place?
Madeleine Dixon
It was in 1831and lead by Nat Turner
Who was William Lloyd Garrison?
Madeleine Dixon
He was a white mann who ran a newspaper that incoraged white people to take an absolute stance.