Period 1 (1491–1607) Flashcards
Module 1-3
What was the Pueblo Revolt and why did it happen?
Auberon Schnyder
In 1680, Popé organized The Peublo Revolt to resist against the unfair conditions Native Americans endured under spanish rule.
Module 1-3
What was one of the biggest impacts of European contact in the New World?
Jacquelyn St.Clair
One of the most significant impacts of European contact was disease. Diseases such as smallpox, yellow fever, and malaria killed many Native Americans because the Native immune system wasn’t able to withstand Old World infections.
Module 1-4
Who was Bartomé de las Casas and what idea to he bring to Spains attention
Modupe Erinle
He was a missonary and advocated for the American Indians. Belived they had souls and needed to be saved instead of slaughtered. Therefore replace them with African laborers.
Module 1.4
What were the Spanish’s goals of colonization?
Katherine Xie
The Spanish had a more agressive approach when it came to colonization. Not only did they forcibly take the Native’s lands and force them to labor for them but also wanted to convert them into Christianity.
How did major American Indian civilizations adapt and use thier natural resourses in their environment before the spanish arrived?
Emilia Tohen
-The Aztecs created thier on Chinamps (artificial island) to create feritle land
-The Mayans created inovative irriation systems to help their agriculture
-The Incans lived in the Andes mountain valley which had its own natural fertile land which hey used for farming and other agruculture
Module 1-2
Who was the major figure in pursuing Portuguese exploration, and why did he pursue it?
Xaviera Vranka
Prince Henry the explorer. He pursued Portuguese exploration, with the help of new technology, in an attempt to find a water-based passage to the East Indies for trade
Module 1-1
Which group of people in the Northeast of North America had women that excercised considerable power within village life?
Anne Xuan
the Iroquois people
Who was Nathaniel Bacon?
Addison cates
He was a former indentured servant who earned his freedom. He created an alliance and started Bacons Rebellion
Who was George Whitefield?
Addison Cates
A religious preacher who made 7 trips to North American colonies to give outdoor sermons, which started the Great Awakening.
What were the different groups in the Spanish Casta system?
Addison Cates
Peninsulares - pure Spanish
Creoles - Spanish born in colonies
Mestizos - mixed
Mulattos - Africans
Module 1-4
What was the encomienda system?
Maya Giebitz
Encomenderos would receive land and unpaid labor from people on that land. Used to gain wealth from natural resources on that land.
Module 1-2
What was European motivation in the New World?
Sophia Serino
God (Spread of Christianity)
Gold (Enrich themselves)
Glory (Discover and conquer new lands)
What was the Renaissance? What was the cause and who did it affect most?
Grace Morneau
A period of cultural and intellectual growth in Italy during the 15th and 16th centuries, during which governments also pushed for the unifications of their states. Profits from agriculture, higher birth rates, and improved climate were the cause, and mostly the wealthy and elite were affected by a broader inventory of goods and luxuries to buy.
Module 1
What invention kicked off the beginning of Long Distance trade?
Brooklynn Dominguez
The caravel was crafted for exploring under King Henry’s Rule
What was the Aztec capital?
Lane Wagner
The Aztec capital was
Tenochtitlan, it was in the middle of a lake and is now known as Mexico City.
What did most Spanish conquistadors seek in the “New World”?
Bella Padilla
Most Spanish Conquistadors sought out Glory/ fame, Gold in order to become wealthy, and God trying to convert the many natives they encountered.
Module 1-3
What was one of the items brought to America from Columbian Exchange that helped Native Americans?
Kai Gehres
The Columbian Exchange brought new animals, such as horses to the Americas which impacted the Native Americans by allowing them to be more mobile and be more nomadic.
Module 1-2
What were the three main motivations for early European explorers’ exploration of the New World?
Sowmya Sankaran
The three main motivations were Gold, God, and Glory
Module 1-1
What were the main crops cultivated by Native Americans in the Americas?
Sowmya Sankaran
Maize, beans and squash were cultivated by Native Americans in the Americas.
What was the significance of Maize?
Callia Jesurun
Grown abundantly in Pre-Columbian Americas, supported trade and settlements by providing a steady source of nutrition for rapidly growing empires
What is horticulture and how did it impact early native cultures?
Chiara Padilla
An early form or agriculture that consisited of small plots for farming and simple tools/techniques. Impacted early native cultures due to the ability to be able to settle in place and create larger communities due to surpluses in food.
Module 2-6 and Module 1-4
What was the difference between French and Spanish colonizers?
Chloe Gentry
The French were much more peaceful and trade oriented then the Spanish, only interested in the Native Americans for helping with the fish and fur trade. The Spanish had a goal of significantly colonizing the area they were in and converting the Native Americans there to Christianity. Along with that, the Spnaish used the Native peoples for labor in the encomienda system.
Module 2-4
What were the main cash crops of the British West Indies?
Chloe Gentry
The main crops were sugar, cotton, and rice.
Module 1-2
What inventions did Prince Henry use to travel around the African coast?
Chloe Gentry
He used large ships called caravels and astrolabes.
Module 1-4
What’s the difference between a Spanish person born in Spain versus a Spanish person born in the Colonies?
Finn Brandt
A Spanish person born in Spain was called a Peninsulare and a Spanish person born in the colonies was called a Criollo.
Finn Brandt
What were the relationships with natives between all of the major colonizing powers?
Jude Luehring
French- More trade focused with natives, and would intermarry to strengthen trade relations. English- Lots of settlers coming to native lands which increased tensions and led to more violence between them. Spanish- Adopted the encomienda system, which used natives for free labor, and tried to convert natives by using force. This led to revolts like the Pueblo revolt
Jude Luehring
What were the French like in the Americas?
They were friendly, focusing on the fur trade and fish.