Period 4 Ch 9 Flashcards
Depression of 1808
The trade was basically destroyed in America and it caused the US economy to fall into a deep depression
The Prophet
American Indian religious and cultural revival arose in West because The Prophet appeared in Indians displaced from homes by Treaty of Greenville, established community of Prophetstown where his followers settled and the Prophet at first preached nonviolence but later advocated resistance by Indians
Treaty of Greenville
aimed to end the hostilities that had engulfed the Great Lakes.
Battle of Tippecanoe
the Indians scattered, hotly pursued by the mounted troops. The village and crops were destroyed.
Election of 1812
It reflected the misgivings about the war since Madison won but barely and Republican strength in Congress declined and the Federalists supported DeWitt Clinton
Lake Erie
American scored victories on this lake
The Red Stick
War erupted in South with part of Creek Nation since The Red Stick faction, which joined Tecumseh’s confederation has scored victory in Fort Mins Massacre and Tennessee and Georgia forces inflicted severe losses on the Red Sticks in retaliation
Embargo of 1813
Its purpose was to end trade with Britain via neutral ships and the ban on all trade affected the economies of all states, particularly those in
the Northeast
The Treaty of Ghent
It ended the War of 1812 and restored diplomatic relations
War of 1812
the War of 1812 also proved to be a pivotal experience in the nation’s history since the conflict discredited Jefferson’s plan for agricultural nation that would rely on Europe for its manufactured goods, decreased Indian resistance allowed white settlers to move westward, Americans became convinced that they had to improve inland transportation, and there was also an end to political factionalism and the Federalists’ power declined.