Period 4: 1800 - 1848 Flashcards
Election of 1800
Federalists lost control of both executive and legislative branches and Jefferson becomes 1st Democratic-Republican president
Revolution of 1800
name for the election of 1800 bc first peaceful transfer of power between political parties; “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists”
Judiciary Act of 1801
passed right before John Adams left to create new judicial positions, filled by Midnight Appointments, so Federalists count maintain some power; attempt by Adams administration to put Federalist judges in place before leaving office
Marbury v. Madison
Jefferson ordered Sec. of State Madison not to give commissions to Adams’s Federalist midnight appointments and Marbury sued for his commission; decides that parts of the Judiciary Act of 1789 were unconstitutional and est. judicial review (Court has power to declare laws unconstitutional) and expands judicial power
Louisiana Purchase causes
Napoleon forces Spain to give New Orleans back to France, but then he loses interest in it bc he needed to concentrate on fighting England and a rebellion in France, Napoleon give Jefferson all of the Louisiana territory for $15 million bc he needs $ for all the fighting; although Constitution doesn’t say president could purchase land but in this case Jefferson goes against his principles and loosely interprets the Consitution
Louisiana Purchase effects
doubles size of U.S., supports Jefferson’s vision of an agrarian society of farmers, avoided potential threat (France) along nation’s borders, weakened Federalist party bc not industrial, Lewis and Clark!, begins U.S. claims to Oregon territory and Pacific coast
Barbary Pirates
Jefferson sends fleet to Tripoli to fight Johnny Depp and the pirates, shows Jefferson’s willingness to take some action
Violations of U.S. neutrality, Impressment, Chesapeake Leopard Act
War in England continued to cause problems for the U.S., there was impressment: forced enlistment of Americans into British navy,, France and Britain all wack then the showdown Chesapeake Leopard Affair (1807): English ship attacked American ship
Embargo Act of 1807
bc of the Chesapeake Leopard Affair, Jefferson banned U.S. trade w/ all foreign nation;
Impact: U.S. economy turns to shit, unintended-ly helped fuel industrial revolution in New England
Non-intercourse Act of 1809
After repeal of the bad Embargo Act of 1807 Madison passes this to say that Americans could trade w/ all nations except Britain and France
Macon’s Bill #2
U.S. would end embargo if the country respected U.S. neutrality and freedom of the sea
War Hawks
1811 Congress members like John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay, want war against Britain to stop British harassment, wipe out Native resistance on the frontier and to take Canada
Native resistance on the frontier
Shawnee brothers Tecumseh and “the Prophet” org. confederacy of tribes E. of the Mississippi but William Henry Harrison comes in and puts them in their place at the Battle of Tippecanoe
Reasons for the War of 1812
England arming of natives on the frontier, England’s continued violations of U.S. neutrality, Pressure from War Hawks in Congress (Desire for more land, protect American honor), Democratic-Republicans tended to favor France
War of 1812, Treaty of Ghent
War didn’t go so good for U.S. in the beginning bc the nation was divided and there was a failed invasion of Canada, then the Treaty of Ghent was signed that formally ended the war and was basically a stalemate w/ no gains for either side
Battle of New Orleans
Jackson defeats the British
Hartford Convention
Before the War of 1812 ended some Federalists met to discuss their concerns about war and of Jeffersonian leadership and some radicals encourage New England secession which didn’t go anywhere but est. a precedent later used by the S.; Federalist party basically gone from U.S. politics after bc seceding was seen as treason
War of 1812 legacy
U.S. gained respect from other nations bc survived wars w/ Britain, Federalist party died, nullification and secession talk set precedent that would be used later in the S., Indians surrendered land to Americans, war heroes like Jackson and William Henry Harrison would soon be next political leaders, nationalism grew
Era of Good Feelings
Period of only one political party, the Democratic-Republicans that followed War of 1812 w/ strong increase in nationalism and election of Monroe in 1816; not all good feelings bc growing sectionalism and debate over American system (tariffs, BUS), slavery, Panic of 1819
The American system
MA BOI Henry Clay’s idea for advancing the nation’s economic growth through protective tariffs, national bank, and internal approvements
Tariff of 1816
Part of Henry Clay’s American system; first protective tariff designed to help American industry/ manufacturing
2nd Bank of United States
Part of Henry Clay’s America system; provide national currency and financial stability and provide credit
Missouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820), Tallmadge Ammendment
Missouri petitions for statehood as a slave state which would have upset sectional balance between slave and free states and Tallmadge Amendment proposed (gradual emancipation of slaves in Missouri but defeated bc S. sees this as gradual step to total emancipation), Clay comes in w/ Compromise where Missouri enters as slave state and Maine enters as free state and 36 30 line est.
Panic of 1819
hurts Era of Good Feelings, hurts farmers, distrust of BUS, farm foreclosures
John Marshall
1st Supreme Court justice, Federalist, favored central gov. and rights of property so rulings gave more power to the gov.
Fletcher v. Peck (1810)
state could not pass legislation invalidating a contract
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
contract for a private corporation could not be altered by state
McCulloh v. Maryland
even though no clause in Constitution give the U.S. the right to create a national bank, Marshall gave the federal gov. the implied power to create one; Maryland tries to tax the BUS and rules that a state could not tax federal agency
Gibbons v. Ogden
only federal gov. coult control interstate commerce est.
Reasons for more W. movement
acquisition of American Indians’ land, economic pressures, improved transportation, immigrants
Anglo-American Convention of 1818
U.S. and England decide a joint occupation of the Oregon territory and set N. boundary of Louisiana Territory at 49th parallel
Adams-Onis Treaty
U.S. gets Florida from Spain and agrees to give up claims to Texas
Monroe Doctrine
U.S. feared Europe would try to recolonize territory in W. hemi. and wanted to keep England out so warned Europe to stay out of the Western Hemi. (political cartoon); not much immediate impact but later on did play a big role in Latin American affairs
Election of 1824
Ended the Era of Good feelings, Jackson gets popular vote but not electoral vote so election goes to the House -> corrupt bargain
Corrupt Bargain
Under the 12th Ammendment the House must chose among the top three candidates a president. House speaker Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams both supported American system and when Quincy Adams elected as Pres. and later Clay elected Sec. of State, Jackson claims political corruption
Lowell System
young farm women recruited to work and housed in company dormitories; worker exploitation, ex. of “wage slaves”
Early union goals and obstacles
Goals: reduce work hours
Obstacles: immigrant replacement workers, state laws outlawing unions, frequent economic depressions and unemployment
Politics of the common man
move to universal white male suffrage bc many states eliminated property requirements for voting so more regular ppl influencing politics, caucuses replaced by nominating conventions, two party system, rise of third parties, more elected offices, popular campaigning, spoils system defended by Jackson
Nullification crisis, Tariff of Abominations
Tariff of 1828 passed by Congress (Tariff of Abomination) which N. liked but S. hated; Calhoun writes “S. Carolina Exposition” where he outlined the theory of nullification: state had right to decide whether to obey federal law and when Tariff of 1832 passed to reduce some of the taxes S. Carolina is still pissed and approve nullification of the law and threaten secession. Although Jackson favors states rights, he gets Carolina to back down to preserve the Union. (foreshadowing)
Image of Jackson (Democrat like Jeffersonian Republican)
common self made man from which individual prosperity drew inspiration; frugal Jeffersonian, advised by “kitchen cabinet”
Indian Removal Act
5 civilized tribes forced to be removed from their land and go W. of the Mississippi River to make room for citizens; Results: Seminoles refused to leave Florida leading to Second Seminole War and Supreme Court actually protects Cherokees in Worcester v. Georgia
Worcester v. Georgia (1832)
Georgia law does not apply to Cherokees bc they are separate nation so the Cherokee can’t be forcefully removed under the Indian Removal Act, Jackson chooses to ignore the ruling though saying “John Marshall has made his decision, let him enforce it if he can”
Trail of Tears (1838)
U.S. army forced 15,000 Cherokee to leave Georgia through this trail of hardship
Jackson’s bank war
In 1816 Congress have a 20 yr. charter to the BUS but Clay, who opposed Jackson, wants to make it an issue now so has Congress approve a recharter in 1832 which Jackson vetoes (some accuse him of exercising too much power bc he vetoed so much); after he gets re-elected Jackson decides he’s going to destroy the BUS so takes out all federal $ from them and puts them in state “pet banks” and economy goes to shit
Specie Circular
bc of the pet bank thing ans over speculation in the W., the economy is bad. Jackson wants to stop inflation by requiring all purchases of federal lands be made in specie rather than paper -> paper lost its value and sales plummet -> Panic of 1837
Democrats (Age of Jackson)
supported: like Jacksonian Democrat-Republicans, local rule, limited gov., free trade
concerned w/: monopolies, national bank, high tariffs, high land prices
supporters: S. and W., urban workers
Whigs (Age of Jackson)
supported: like Federalists, American System (BUS, federal funds for internal improvements, protective tariff), reform movements
concerned w/: immigrant crime
supporters: New England, Protestants, Business
William Henry Harrison story
Old Tippecanoe wins w/ “Log Cabin Campaign” to appeal to masses and then dies, John Tyler takes his place and is a Whig fail as he is fake af and vetoes national bank bills and favors S. expansionist Democrats
Texas Independence (1836)
Mexico wins independence from Spain and gives a lot of land to Americans who start coming into Texas under the conditions that they become Catholic and follow Mexican law. This becomes a problem when Mexico outlaws slavery bc Americans bringing their slaves, and they declare independence. Santa Anna sends troops and we Remember the Alamo! and Houstin wins battle at San Jacinto. Jackson recognized republic of Texas as a nation but wants in on the Union but what about the balance of slave states??? tbd.
Regional specialization (Market Revolution)
sections develop distinct economies N: Industrial Revolution W: Agriculture S: Cash crops Regional political and economic loyalties overshadow national concerns
Market Revolution
regional specialization, tech and transpiration improvements, population increase, growth of cities and W./ expansion
Immigration (Market Revolution)
spike in immigration bc lots of land availability, jobs in factories so settling in N., American dream, Irish potato famine
Irish immigrants
settled in cities, did hard labor low wages, victims of prejudice bc stealing American jobs, anti-Catholic feelings, support Demorats
German immigrants
v diverse group bc Germany not a nation, mix of religions, variety of classes, settle in N.W., est. German communisites
Nativists (Market Revolution)
bc of all immigration anti-immigration movement formed bc immigrants taking jobs, would demoralize American culture bc were Roman Catholics
Know Nothing-Party
group of American nativists who advocated for restricted immigration
N. Manufacturing
Sam Slater as “father of factory system,” Eli Whitney w/ cotton gin and interchangeable parts system that allowed for mass production
Commonwealth v. Hunt
labor unions allowed by Mass. Supreme Court, so even though no major union movement until later, the N. would have economic advantage in Civil War bc all the manufacturing
Transportation revolution
Fulton invents steamboat which is cheap transport, building of turnpikes like Cumberland Road, CANALS like the Erie, Railroads
Impact: continental economy w/ extended markets
Issue: Who got the gas $?
Cotton gin
King Cotton!, makes cotton production way more profitable so created huge demand for slaves, N. factories buying the raw materials so linking the two economies (internal slave trade)
Industrial Revolution
in the N., labor unions, Commonwealth v. Hunt major gain, lots of ppl moving to cities, African Americans in N. “free”
How is the agricultural N.W. tied w/ the rest of the N.?
through military campaigns by federal troops that drove American Indians from the land and the building of canals and railroads that est. common markets
Gag Resolution (1836-1844)
ban on anti-slavery petitions being discussed in Congress, repealed by JQA
S. culture
slavery obviously, code of chivalry, lower class didn’t really see need for much schooling, religion
Inspiration for reform
Second Great Awakening, liberal social ideas from abroad like Enlightenment and belief in human perfectibility
Liberalism in religion
Deism: less revelation, more reliance on reason and science, God have humans capacity for moral behavior
Unitarianism: humans have free will and possibility of salvation by good works, God isn’t just the Creator but a loving father; contrast w/ hellish Calvinism bc reject predestination
Second Great Awakening
wave of revivals that spread across the country that sprung up bc of concern over lack of religious zeal and ideas of deism and unitarianism; inspires Age of Reform
Charles Finney
started revivals in NY that appealed to ppl’s emotions and fears of damnation and said that everyone could be saved if they worked for it
Churches formed during 2nd Great Awakening
Methodists and Baptists which stressed personal conversion so led to democratic control to church affairs and emotionalism in worship
Age of Reform
prison reform, temperance, women’s movement, anti-slavery
Women (2nd Great Awakening)
majority of new church members, women bringing family back to God, inspired in other reform efforts to show they could influence society
Joseph Smith and the Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and then he’s killed so Brigham Young takes all the Mormons to Utah where they est. a separate community that’s actually kind of prosperous but they’re polygamous which caused issues
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau argued for intuitive way of thinking as a means for discovering one’s inner self and discovery of God in nature, valued individualism and criticized materialism
Ralph Waldo Emerson
argued for self-reliance, independent thinking, and the spiritual matters over material ones
Henry David Thoreau
wrote Walden in the woods and everyone thought he was great; beat your own drum -> would inspire many nonviolent protest movements
Communal experiments
goal was to create ideal utopia for their beliefs
Shakers, Amana Colonies (Germans) , New Harmony, Oneida (the sex spoon ppl)
Dorothea Dix
worked for reform in mental health treatment which leads to professional treatment for the mentally ill
Education reform, Horace Mann
N. movement, wanted to make education more public to instill republican values and those of discipline and work, and wanted to Americanize immigrants
Horace Mann: longer school term, compulsory education, more schools
Cult of domesticity
like republucan motherhood, idealized view of women as moral leaders in the home where they belonged; women were like 2nd class citizens
Seneca Falls Convention
feminist convention that created the “Declaration of Sentiments” similar to Constitution that declared male and female equality, leaders like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony would then campaign for voting, legal and property rights for women
Temperance movement, American Temperance Society
drinking was v common but caused problems in efficient labor in factories, family life, and seen as immigrant issue; American Temperance Society, Protestants, urged members to stop drinking and got prohibition passed (18th ammendment)
American Colonization Society
antislavery group that wanted to free all the slaves and send the back to Africa, obviously didn’t work
American Antislavery Society
William Lloyd Garrison published his abolitionist newspaper and wanted immediate abolition of slavery w/out compensation to slave owners, was v unpopular but they formed the Liberty Party
black freed slaves like Frederick Douglass and violent riot starters like David Walker