perineum Flashcards
what is the perineal membrane?
a triangular fascia under the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm (levator ani and coccygeus)
what is on the above of the perineal membrane?
the deep perineal pouch/space
what is above the deep perineal pouch?
the urogenital hiatus of the puborectal muscle
what are the 4 muscles of the deep perineal pouch?
external ureteral sphincter, the deep transverse perineal muscle, the compressor urethrae muscle, the sphincter ureterovaginalis muscle
what is the origin of the EUS?
inferior ramus of the pubis
what is the insertion of the EUS?
around the membranous layer of the ureter
what is the innervation of the DPP muscles?
the pudendal nerves
what is the function of the EUS?
compresses and relaxes for micturition
what is the origin of the deep transverse perineal muscle?
medial ramus of ischium
what is the insertion of the deep transverse perineal muscle?
perineal body
what is the function of the DVP muscle?
stabilizing the perineal body
what is the origin of the compressor urethrae?
ischiopubic ramus
what is the insertion of the compressor urethrae?
each other at the anterior of vagina
what is the function of the compressor urethrae?
accessory urethral sphincter
what is the origin of the uretrovaginal sphincter?
the perineal body
what is the insertion of the uretrovaginal sphincter?
each other laterally at the anterior of vagina
what forms the roof of the perineum?
the levator ani
which bone compartmentalizes the perineum?
the imaginary line between ischial tuberosities divide the perineum into the anterior urogenital and posterior anal triangle
What is the central tendon called?
The perineal body
Where can the ischial tuberosities be palpated?
At the crease of the gluteal region.
Where can the symphysis pubis be palpated?
For males immediately superior to the penis, for females deep to the mons pubis
Where can the coccyx be palpated?
Posterior to the anal aperture.
What is the ischioanal fossa?
The levator ani joining the perineal membrane leaves a margin (fossa) that enables structures or infections to occur.
What makes up the lateral wall of the ischioanal fossa?
The obturator internus, the sacrotuberous ligament, and the ischium.
What is on the medial wall of the ischioanal fossa?
The levator ani.
What is on the superior of the ischioanal fossa?
The arcus tendon.