Perfusion Pharm Flashcards
Thiazide and Thiazide -like Diuretics
Anthihypertension and are a thiazide type drug
MOA of thiazide drugs
Chloride pump blocker
= keeps the chloride and sodium in distal tubule
Thiazide drugs act in which part of the renal system
distal TUBULE
Thiazide = tubes
Potassium sparing diuretics prototype
Benefit of spironolactone
spare the potassium so they can give to those in hypokalemia
where and what does potassium sparing dietetics work on
Works on aldosterone in the distal tubule and collecting ducts
Spironolactone adverse effects
Hyperkalemia, dysrhythmias, gynecomastia, impotence, and deminished
Why isn’t potassium-sparing diuretics used as a primary diuretic
It’s a weak diuretic and usually is added as a second
mild fluid retention would most likely get which diuretic
Severe edema would most likely get what diuretic
Potassium rich foods to avoid for a spironalactone
Avacado, bananas, broccoli
hypertension is the ____ common cardiovascular disease
HTN can cause
heart failure, MI are most common deaths related to hypertension
damage to
1. kidney
2. brain
3. your eyes (oh my!)
4. blood vessels
Dx of HTN
2 BP readings on 2 separate occasions
Categorizing BP (normal- stage 2 HTN
Normal: <120/80
Elevated: 120-129/<80
Stage 1: 130-139/80-89
Stage 2 >140/>90
Hypotension is considered
< 100/60 (unless provider specifies)
Is stage 1 HTN treated with drugs
only if there is cardiovascular risk
Is stage 2 HTN treated with drugs
oh yes.
First line drugs for non black people with HTN
Thiazides, Calcium channel blocker, Ace inhibitor, or Angiotension receptor blockers
Black people with HTN recommended to get treated with
Thiazides, Calcium CB before ACE or Angiotension receptor blockers
Medications for Kidney diseased people with HTN
Therapeutic lifestyle changes to people with HTN with no drugs
1. good weight
2. - alcohol
3. restrict sodium
4. exercise
4 first line medications for htn
ACE inhibitors
angiotensin receptor blockers
calcium channel blockers
what can we do keep patients adherence to meds on HTN
Educations on why its important
consider generic forms (cost)
report adverse effects to dose can be adjusted or changed
Thiazide diuretics used in
mild to moderate HTN used to reduce fluid reduction
Adverse effects Thiazide
Increase uric acid levels
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RASS) is important because
Is one of the primary homeostatic mechanisms to control BP and fluid balance
Renin is secreated by and does what
kidneys and changes angio-tensin 1 that floating around in the blood to angiotensinogen
Types of angiotensin
Angiotensinogen: no change
Angiotensin 1:
See cards***
Steps to the RAAS system
BP is low so the kidney produces renin which makes agiotensin 1 from angiotensinogen
2. ace coverts 1 to 2
3. A2 causes vasoconstriction and the release of aldosterone
ACE inhibitors do what
Blocks the enzyme that creates Angiotensin 2 from being created from A1
ARB blockers do what
A2 is still being made, but A2 receptor is blocked so A2 cannot be utilized
can you be on both ACE and ARB meds