Intestinal And Rectal Disorders Flashcards
Ineffective and sometimes painful straining and urge to eliminate feces
fewer than 3 BM weekly or bowel movements that are hard dry small or difficult to pass
Normal or abnormal fold, grove or crack in body tissue
Conservative treatment for anal fissure
Fiber supplements, stools softener, bulk agents, increase water intake, and sitz baths
What are bulk agents
Bulking agents are various natural polysaccharides (usually of plant origin) that are poorly broken down in digestive process
How does bulk agents help with diarrhea and constipation
Indigestible and Hydrophilic so water absorbs into them while in colon. Creates a gel like mass-> this extends colony and triggers parastatals and you poop
Adverse effects of bulk forming laxatives
-Bloating and toots (bacterial colonization from sitting in colon)
-obstruction in immobile patients
Toxic Megacolon
Inflammation extend into the muscularis - inhibits ability to contract and results in colon distention
Symptoms of toxic megacolon
Fever, abdominal pain, distention, vomiting and fatigue
Rumbling and gurgling noise in belly made by digestion
Vomiting results in which acid base imbalance?
Metabolic alkalosis
- loss of H ion chloride (HCl) and potassium from stomach leading to reduction of chloride and potassium in blood leading to metabolic alkalosis
Labs for appendicitis
WBC: usually > 10,500 in appendicitis
C reactive protein: elevated within 12 hrs of symptoms maybe normal after 24 hours
Paralytic ileus occurs in appendicitis when
After rupture - then you see abdominal distention
Peritonitis manifestations
Tenderness, more pain upon movement, distended and muscles become rigid (maybe rebound tenderness.
N/V, anorexia, and the peristalsis is diminished then paralyzed (paralytic ileus)
IBD diet to reduce inflammation and why
Low residue, high calorie, high protein diet (with supplemental vitamins and iron replacement to meet nutritional needs)
Reduce size and number of stools
Food to avoid for IBD in attempt to reduce inflammation
Yogurt (high residue), fruit (high residue), salami (high fat), peanut butter (high residue)
Residue is
Undigested food that creates stool
Actual measurement of “regular BM)
Stool consistency and client comfort
Intussusception of the bowel is
One part of the intestine telescopes into another portion of intestine
Shortens, cuts off blood supply- more common in babies than adults
Volvulus is
Bowel that twists and turns onto itself and occludes blood supply
Result of volvulus
Intestinal lumen becomes obstructed. Gas and fluid accumulate in trapped bowel
Intestinal obstruction (most common in SI) where loops of intestine adhere to an area that is healing slowly after surgery
Fibers that adhere during the healing can kink the healthy tissue that need to move during digestion
Anorecral abscess
Infection in the area near the anus or rectum - follows path of least resistance
Who is most likely to get anorectal abscess?
Crowns and AIDS patients basically shine who is severely immunosuppressed
Cause of anorectal abscess
Obstruction of anal gland with dried debris causing a retrograde infection.
Anorectal abscess can lead to