Performance Directions Flashcards
Small type eighth note with a slash performed on or before the beat
Acciaccatura or grace note
a glissando which usually starts a 4th or 5th above a note of any note
variation of the classical turn or gruppetto. The effect occurs between a note and a lower note that follows it
flip or turn
Two notes that can be performed on or before the beat - usually one above, one below
Double grace note (disjunct)
Small type note that always occurs on the beat -receives 1/2 of time value if divisible by 2 - receives 2/3 of time value if divisible by 3
Scalewise series of two or more small notes usually performed before the beat
Multiple grace note (conjunct)
Where written
Indicate repeated beats within a measure
Cross stroke
used to change the timbre of a note. they are performed at a lower dynamic level than surrounding notes. parentheses around the notes are usually used to indicate the effect
swallowed notes
ascending glissando that begins on the second half of a note of any value
doit, doik, or doink
hand over bell
rapid, even alternation of the principal note with its upper neighbor which lasts for the entire duration of the principal note or continues to the end of the waved line
descending glissando that begins on the second half of a note of any value
drop or fall
glissando that usually starts a 4th or 5th below a note of any value
rip or flare
Three terms meaning slowing and decreasing in loudness
morendo, smorzando, calando
an effect produced by attacking the note in the normal manner, lowering the pitch by relaxing the embouchure and bringing that note back up
saxophone effect that consists of a soft, airy sound
an alternation of the principal note with its upper and lower neighbor, consisting of four notes
turn or gruppetto
Single or double alternation of the principal note with its lower neighbor or with its upper neighbor when inverted
Mordent, schneller when inverted
an effect produced by attacking the note below the normal pitch and bringing the note up to pitch
Used to divide the note into equal lesser values on the pitch or pitches given
Order these: vivace, moderato, lento, adagio, andante, presto, largo, allegro
largo - lento - adagio - andante - moderato - allegro - vivace - presto
lip trill from the note marked up to an overtone above
short glissando from below to a note of any value
full dance orchestra instrumentation
five saxes(2 alto, 2 tenor, 1 bari) each doubling on clarinet or other woodwind instruments, 6-8 trumpets/trombones, 4 man rhythm section(gtr, bass, piano, drums)
stock dance orchestra instrumentation
3-4 saxes, 3-4 brass, 4 man rhythm
small tenor band instrumentation
3 tenor saxes, 1 trumpet, rhythm minus guitar
dixieland band instrumentation
trumpet, trombone, tenor sax(optional), clarinet, rhythm section