Performance Flashcards
The maximum altitude for speed brakes extension ?
No limitations
WING ANTI-ICING supplied by APU AIR BLEED is allowed. True or False ?
Is flex take off thrust allowed on contaminated runway ?
An AUTOLAND procedure can be conducted with one engine failure provided procedure is completed before 1000ft AGL and DH set to 50ft. True or False ?
When a VOR approach is performed in SELECTED MODE, with AP ON, the AP disconnects automatically when reaching MDA minus 50 ft. True or False ?
False, the aircraft continues to descent according to the selected rate of descent
In descent, with the FMA reading SPD / DES / NAV, if the HDG KNOB on FCU is pulled, the FMA will turn to which modes ?
Take off and landing performance calculation: what are the coefficient applied to wind parameters ?
Headwind: 50%
Tailwind: 150%
Do you take into account reverses in take off performance calculations on dry runways ?
Do you take into account reverses in take off performance calculations on wet runways ?
Yes but it should not improve TOW compared to a dry runway computation
Do you take into account reverses in take off performance calculations on contaminated runways ?
Yes, provided TOW is not increased compared to a dry runway computation
A fluid contamination is equivalent to wet, up to a maximum depth of 3 mm (1/8 in). True or False ?
Definition of LRC ?
99 % of max range
Definition of REC MAX ?
The lower of:
- Max certified altitude
- Maximum altitude at maximum cruise thrust in level flight
- Maximum altitude at maximum climb thrust with 300 ft/min vertical speed
- 1.3 g buffet limited altitude.
Definition of RLD ?
Required Landing Distance
At dispatch
- Maximum manual braking initiated immediately after main gear touchdown
- Prompt selection of max reverse thrust, maintained to 70 kt, and idle thrust to full stop (when reverse thrust is taken into account)
- Antiskid system and all ground spoilers operative
- The regulatory dispatch factor.
Definition of In flight Landing Distance (LD) and Factored Landing Distance (FLD)?
- An airborne phase of 7 s from threshold to touchdown
-In the case of manual braking: maximum manual braking initiated immediately after main gear touchdown
-In the case of autobrake: normal system delays in braking activation
-Antiskid system and all ground spoilers operative
-Prompt selection of max reverse thrust, maintained to 70 kt, and idle thrust to full stop (when reverse thrust is taken into account).
Factored is to take into account possible deviations of parameters and flying techniques.
Dispatch landing distance computation on dry runways takes into account reversers. True or False ?
Dispatch landing distance computation on wet runways takes into account reversers. True or False ?
False. Wet distance is dry distance x 1.15
Dispatch landing distance computation on contaminated runways takes into account reversers. True or False ?
True. But landing weight on contaminated cannot exceed the landing weight on wet runway
How is Vapp computed ?
Vapp = max ( VMCL+5kt, 1,23 VS1g + correction)
Correction, highest of :
- ATHR ON = 5 kt
- Wind = 1/3 headwind ( max 15kt)
- Icing : FULL= 5 kt, 3=10kt
When you should compute again inflight landing performance computation according to FCTM ? (Manex A request to compute at every approach preparation).
- Runway change (or diversion)
- Intended use of autoland or autobrake
- Intended use of reverse idle
- Degradation of runway conditions
- Inflight failure
How do you compute inflight landing performance if you plan to use reverse idle only on a wet runway ?
(Airbus recommends max reverse on wet or contaminated runways.)
Check unfactored LD < LDA with:
- no reverse
- RWYCC2 ( medium to poor)
What is the distance of 90° alignment on the runway taken into account by EFB for take off perf computations ?
~ 12 m (see FAQ on Ops Lib )
What do you have to check if you do not want to use autobrake MED but that FLD with autobrake LO > LDA ?
1/ RWYCC 6 or 5
2 / LD autobrake LO < LDA
3 / FLD manual < LDA
Why is there a margin between the CG operational envelope and the certified envelope ?
To take into account the real variations: pax weights, pax distribution, true loading location, gear and flaps retraction, crew movements…
How much thrust reduction represents Tmax flex ?
What is the recommended take off configuration in case of high altitude terrain or short runways ?
CONF 2 or 3, to reduce take off roll
What is the ratio between max cruise range and LRC ?
LRC = 99% max range
Definition of Vref ?
Vref = 1.23xVs1g conf full
What is the minimum go around gradient in Fly Smart?
2,1% = minimum GA gradient (CS25) (air)
(2,5% = minimum GA gradient Air-Ops (ground))
You may disregard FLD in emergency situations. True or False ?
True provided LD > LDA
What is the recommended take off configuration on high altitude airports ? On badly paved runways ?
CONF 2 or 3
What is the AEO take off climb gradient at CDG in standard conditions ?
10 %
What kind of GA gradient is to be inserted in Fly Smart parameters ? Air or ground ?
Air gradient. This is why you should convert LIDO ground GA gradient into an air gradient before insertion in Fly Smart. (Pilot tools or FCOM table).
What is the typical difference between air and ground GA gradient in case of tailwind ?
10kt Tw = -0,5% for standard gradients (2,5 - 4%)
TO PERF application takes into account RWY CC for xwind limitations. True or False ?
False. It takes into account RWY COND. Thus if RWY CC is lower than expected (vs RWY COND), refer to FCOM xwind limitations. (source: PilotLib Operation, Informations techniques, GRF)
How is the wind direction changing with altitude ?
Turning to the right. E.g 180° at TO, 230° during climb