ATA 27 -Flight Controls Flashcards
Describe FLARE mode.
50 ft RA, the THS is frozen, attitude is memorized.
30 ft RA, the pitch attitude to -2 °nose down over a period of 8 s.
Flare mode is essentially a direct stick-to-elevator relationship (with some damping provided by the load factor and the pitch rate feedbacks).
If FAC 1 and 2 failed. Rudder is still controllable with rudder pedals. True or False ?
FAC 1 and 2 provides yaw damper (turn coordination), rudder travel limiter and trim.
Pedals are still connected mechanically to rudder
In the case of a failure that causes loss of the Rudder Travel limit system, what is the maximum rudder deflection possible ?
The limit stops at the last value in force.
Slats extension, full rudder authority is recovered.
Safety is ensured in all case, even OEI
If you are flying beyond Alpha prot, what happens when you release stick ?
Aircraft flies Alpha prot
How many modes are there on elevators and ailerons ? What are the nominal modes ?
Active, Damping, Centering
Normal operations: 1 active and 1 damping
When is THS not available ? (Hydraulic failures)
Green + Yellow hydraulic failure
Blue can still control pitch with elevators
Rudder control is electrical for RUDDER TRIM and RUDDER TRAVEL ?
Yes, 1 electrical motor (1 in stby) controls hydraulic actuators of the rudder
How many hydraulic motors on screw jack of stabilizer ?
Green + Yellow
Can you reset WTB in flight ?
No. Only on ground by maintenance.
Which computer controls normally elevators and THS ?
(ELAC 1, SEC 2 , SEC 1)
Speedbrakes = which spoilers ?
2, 3 ,4
Roll function concerns which spoilers ?
Which spoilers for ground spoilers function ?
All spoilers
When auto retraction CONF 1+F is used, when speed decreases again flaps extend again. True or False ?
Describe Alpha/speed lock function.
When the FLAPS lever is set to 0, the slats alpha/speed lock function activates and inhibits slats retraction, if:
- The AOA is above 8.5 °, or
- The speed is less than 148 kt.
Note : If the FLAPS lever is already set to 0, when either of the above conditions occurs, the function will not activate therefore the slats will continue to retract or will remain at 0.
Once the slats alpha/speed lock function is active, the slats retract to 0 when:
- The AOA is less than 7.6 ° and
- The speed is above 154 kt
/!\ Different values may exist for some MSN
If YELLOW SYSTEM is lost, the FLAPS are slow or lost ?
What happens when SFCC 1 fails ?
Slats and flaps operated at half speed
In normal law, the FLIGHT MODE changes to the FLARE MODE when passing which altitude/height ?
50 ft AGL
How many seconds do you have to press red pb on sidestick to disconnect the opposite sidestick ? How do you know that the sidestick is disconnected ?
40s. Sidestick priority red arrow is permanently displayed
When is THS automatically reset to 0° ?
During landing roll
How many electrical motors drive the two hydraulic motors of the screw jack of the THS ?
3 motors
1 active commanded by ELAC 2, 2 others in stand by controlled by the other computers
Which flight controls have a mechanical control ?
THS and rudder
Which computer controls ailerons ?
ELAC 1 , ELAC 2 in stand by
What is the ailerons droop function ?
Ailerons are 5° down when flaps extended to help for sustentation
Rudder control is electrical for yaw damper and turn coordination ?
1 green hydraulic motor (1 yellow in standby) controls the 3 hydraulic actuators of the rudder for yaw damper and turn coordination
Speedbrakes are inhibited if you set TOGA. True or False ?
If you reject take off below 72kt ground spoilers will not deploy. True or False ?
You select flaps 1 from clean configuration. What is the speed condition for deployment of CONF 1+F ?
IAS < 100kt
Otherwise CONF 1 only
What is the pitch protection in normal law ?
+30° (25° in conf FULL) / -5° at low speed
What is the bank angle protection in normal law ?
0° neutral 33° positive 67° max
0° neutral 33° positive 45° max AoA protection active
0° positive 40° max High speed protection active
Describe AoA protection in normal law
Direct relationship AoA-sidestick
Neutral = alpha prot
Full aft = alpha max
In between alpha floor —> TOGA (inhibited <100ft RA)
Describe High speed protection in normal law.
~ speed-sidestick relationship, nose down authority progressively reduced to reach 0.
Neutral =>VMO
Full fwd => VMO + 16kt / MMO+ 0.04 then nose down orders are deactivated.
Alarme at VMO+4kt / MMO+0,006
Double barre protection sur PFD at VMO+6kt
AP disconnection at VMO+15kt/ MMO+0,04
When do you transition from ground mode to flight mode ? Flight mode to flare mode ? Flare mode to ground mode ?
Ground to flight mode
Pitch: +8° and 5s Roll: +8° and 0,5s
Flight to flare
Pitch: 50ft RA and 1s
Flare to ground
Pitch: ground and 5s , +2,5° or below Roll: ground and 0,5s
Alternate law with protection ? What are they ?
Load factor protection (always available even if ALTN PROT LOST)
Low and high speed stability
If you are in alternate law, if you extend landing gear you will still be in alternate law. True or False ?
False. Direct law because no flare law in alternate
The last one to press priority pb has control. True or False ?
How do you know that there is dual input ?
Flash of green FO and CAPT lights on the sidestick priority display button