Perfectum and Imperfectum Form Flashcards
When to use Perfectum form
when talking about a specific moment in the past - a factual way of speaking with people
Perfectum Form
A form of Hebben (not specific) or Zijn (more specific - a change in circumstances) with a participle
Wij zijn afgelopen weekend naar Amsterdam geweest
We went to Amsterdam last weekend
When to use the Imperfectum Form
When talking about a moment that is still continuing - it is lasting to the present - and is used in a more storytelling form of speaking
Imperfectum Form
Singular stem from a verb and “te” if it is from “soft ketchup x” or “de” if not
Irregular Imperfectum letters
Stems that end in “z” like reiz change to “s” / Stems that end in “v”change to an “f”
hij werkte van 2001 to 2006 in Utrecht
werkte - he worked in Utrecht from 2001 to 2006
Vroeger fietste ik elke dag naar mijn werk, nu neem ik de auto
fietste - I used to cycle to work every day, now I take the car
Na drie taalcursussen praatte hij nog steeds slecht Nederlands.
Pratte - After three language courses, he still spoke Dutch poorly.
Vroeger luisterde ik vaak naar de radio
Luisterde - I used to listen to the radio often
Mila woonde tot vier jaar geleden in Peru
Woonde - Mila lived in Peru until four years ago
Imperfectum Pluralis Form
Singular verb stem with “ten” if the last letter is in “soft ketchup x” and “den” if not
We wachtten gisteren lang op de vertraagde trein
wachtten - We waited a long time for the delayed train yesterday
Toen we jong waren, mailden we nog niet
Mailden - When we were young, we didn’t email yet
Imperfectum Irregular form Rules
You don’t add an “e” to the end of these singular forms like the rest of the imperfectum singularis
Vorig jaar ging ik bijna elk weekend naar Maastricht
Gaan- (last year, I went to Maastricht almost every weekend)
Toen we op vakantie waren, deden we niks
Zijn - (When we were on vacation we did nothing)
Toen we op vakantie waren, deden we niks.
doen - When we were on vacation, we didn’t do anything.
De man gaf zijn vrouw een mooi cadeau voor haar verjaardag
(The man gave his wife a nice present for her birthday)
Vorig jaar kwamen er meer toeristen naar ons land dan dit jaar
(Last year, more tourists came to our country than this year)
When to use imperfectum separable form
Use this if they do it every day and continue to do it
Ik deed thuis mijn schoenen uit
I take my shoes off at home
Hij nam het medicijn dagelijks in
He takes his medicine every day