Perceptual and Motor Development Flashcards
What are sensory and perceptual processes?
How we receive, select, modify, and organize the stimulation from the world
What are 3 ways to measure the senses of infants?
- Changes in heart rate
- Facial expressions
- Eye movements
When can a human start developing hearing?
In the prenatal stages, before birth
At what age can infants recognize their own name?
Around 4 months
About how many infants are born deaf or hard of hearing?
4/1000, or 1/250
What and when are 3 warning signs that an infant may be deaf or hard of hearing?
- Not startled by loud sounds at 6 months
- Doesn’t respond to own name by 9 months
- Doesn’t imitate speech sounds by 12 months
At what age do infants see with better vision and clearer colour?
At 12 months
What ability do newborns have with vision?
Quite poor, mostly black and white
When testing visual acuity in infants, what type of stimuli will they look longer at?
Patterned stimuli over plain stimuli
By what age do infants begin to see life in colour?
3 months
More recently, how is visual acuity tested in infants?
Eye-tracking technology
How is depth perception tested on infants and what else is it associated with?
Tested with a visual cliff, associated with motor development
Atypical facial recognition patterns may be a sign that a child may have what disorder?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
What 2 areas of motor development help to drive greater perceptual development?
- Locomotion
- Fine motor skills
At what age do infants learn how to sit alone?
6-7 months
At what age do infants learn how to crawl?
7-8 months
At what age do infants start to walk on their own?
12 months
What are 4 key skills for learning how to walk?
- Balance
- Stepping
- Taking cues from the environment
- Coordination skills
What is a dynamic systems theory?
A system of elements that change over time
At what age do infants tend to use their thumbs more often?
7-8 months
What differences were found of infants using iPad tablets compared to the control groups?
Infants who used iPads had lower visual memory, background, fine motor precision, and manual dexterity
When does the preference for right or left hand emerge for infants and when does it strengthen?
Emerge at about 1 year, strengthens throughout preschool
About how many children are involved in an organized sport?
True or false: parental and coach attitudes towards sports matter for physical fitness of children.
How are competitive sports and substance use related to each other in children?
They are negatively correlated; time in sports proactively acted against substance use
What are 4 positive elements of outdoor play and exploration?
- Freedom to explore one’s environment
- Interact with various objects
- Socializing with other children
- Testing limits/comfort with different things